Ch230-Shopping With Cadenza

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Aphmau's P.O.V.

I wake up and stretch. A long goodnight sleep is something I don't really get when I'm stressed and I managed to sleep well tonight. I need to do something about the whole Yun and Asher issue. If I can tell anyone then I will need to do something about this myself.

Maybe I should try really hard to gain their trust and then I'll knock them out, tie them up, tell everyone what happened and then turn them into the police. Yeah that sounds like a good hand. Although I think they might be stronger than me.

I go downstairs and I make some breakfast. I feed Celestia and Shadow and then my phone dings with a Text from Cadenza. Hmm I wonder what she could want? It's a Saturday so there is probably something on.

Xx Text Call Start xX

(A-Aphmau, C-Cadenza)

C-Hey Aphmau

A-Hello Cadenza, how are you?

C-Aphmau, I'm guessing you already know why I called?

A-Not really, but maybe there is something on today?

C-Haha correct, there is a market today and I need new fabric, want to come with me and Laurance?

A-Ya sure, what time

C-How is an hour from now?

A-Yeah that's fine, see you soon Baiiii


Xx Text End xX

Aphmau's P.O.V.

I wonder what Cadenza could need this fabric for. Hmm maybe I can get her to make me a dress at some point. I mean I'm not bad at sewing and I can make my own clothes and things but there is just something about the way Cadenza makes clothes that is just perfect.

I get up from the kitchen table and I go to the bathroom. I go to the shower and I use some strawberry body wash. I get out of the shower and I wrap myself in my purple towel. I wear a black top with a collar and no sleeves, a red plaid skirt and a pair of black ankle boots.

I brush my hair and I pull it into a half-up-half-down. I apply mascara, winged eyeliner and peach-orange lipgloss. I spray on some perfume and I brush my teeth. I make sure everything looks perfect and then I go out to the living room. I'm going to bring along Celestia and Shadow.

I get their leads and I clip them on, I grab my money and phone and then I walk to the address Cadenza sent me. Celestia and Shadow are smelling around and growling. I feel like I'm being watched and followed but I can't feel any presences. Hmm weird.

I get to the markets and I walk up to Cadenza and Laurance. We all say hello to each other and we go into the markers. We look through the fabrics and Cadenza tells me about the clothes she wants to make. She wants to find a fabric that looks like water for a sea themed dress.

I looks behind me and I see Asher and Yun. What are they doing here?! Wow why can't they leave me alone? They are so annoying, take a hint, I don't like you and I want you to leave me alone.

They are picking fights with people, they act like such immature children. From what I can hear someone walked into Asher and made him drop his ice cream. Yun and Asher are teaming up on the poor guy. I want to go over there and help him but I don't know what I can do.

"What are they doing?" Laurance whispers to me

"I have no idea" I whisper back

Yun's P.O.V.

While we are fighting this looser I can see that Aphmau has noticed us. She is whispering with Laurance about something. I want to go over there and reach him a lesson about touching my things.

I know if Aphmau could here that she would argue that she isn't an object but she is mine anyway. I will not give up on her, even if she falls in love with someone I'll just have to kill them and continue killing people until she falls in love with me.

After a while Asher and I leave the guy alone and we go to a secret place to discuss our secret plan to get Aphmau. I can't help but feel that we are being followed. I can't sense presences like Aphmau but I know someone else is here.

Laurance's P.O.V.

I saw Asher and Yun walk away and I told Cadenza and Aphmau that I was going to the bathroom. I snuck off and I listen to their conversation. They are talking about how they are going to kidnap Aphmau and then decide what to do.

I come around from the corner and I glare at them. They both turn pale and look a little intimidated.

"Leave Aphmau alone" I say bitterly

"No way" Asher says

"I don't know why you want to keep hurting Aphmau but just leave her, she hates you anyway" I say and I walk off

I join back up with Aphmau and Cadenza and I hold Aphmau's hand. I keep a close eye out for Asher and Yun. I wonder if Aphmau knows that they are after her. I'll need to help h in any way I can with them.

Aphmau's P.O.V.

Eventually it is time to go home and I head to my house with my dogs. We get to the front door and I unlock it. Celestia and Shadow are acting very strange. I go into my house and I almost scream at the sight before me.

Asher and Yun are standing there just watching. Celestia and Shadow attack them and I laugh a little. They glare at me and I call off Shadow and Celestia.

"What are you doing in my house?" I ask

No more than a second later they disappear. They were definitely there I think. Maybe I'm just imagining things. I think it's time I go to sleep.

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