Ch232- Jin Finds Out

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Aphmau's P.O.V.






It always takes so many minutes to turn of my alarm clock on a Monday morning. I mean can you blame me? Who likes Monday's? They are so close far from the weekend and yet so close to Sunday. It's like it's teasing you saying "Haha so close yet so far"

The things I think about on a Monday morning. Well at least I'm thinking about this rather that Asher and Yun. MOTHER OF IRENE NOW IM THINKING ABOUT YUN AND ASHER. Ugh this is not how I want to start a Monday, or any day.

I gate out of bed and I take a long hot shower and I wash my hair with shampoo and conditioner. I use some strawberry body wash and then I get out of the shower. Today I'm wearing a pair of light pink shorts, a white top, a pink and white cardigan and a pair of pink ballet flats.

I brush my hair and I braid it over my shoulder. Of course I put a flower crown on and a few fake flowers in my hair. I apply mascara, eyeliner and candy apple lipgloss. I spray on some watermelon perfume and I brush my teeth.

I head to the kitchen and I make some breakfast for myself and my dogs. I clean up the dishes and then pack my school bag. If I go to school today then I'll see Asher and I really don't want to do that. I guess I have to though.

Oh I just remembered that I have a dance class at school today and part of our physical education curriculum. I pack my dance clothes in my school bag as well so I have something to dance in. These clothes I'm wearing are cute but they aren't dance clothes.

I say goodbye to my dogs and I head off to school. I walk to school with Sky, Ross, Jin, Barney, Dylan, Max and Red. Sky is talking about how we should have a name for our group and he suggests the Sky army.

"Ross and the Rossomes!" Ross yells

"GOAT'S MILK!" Barney shouts

"Sky army it is" Jin says laughing

I join him in laughter and Ross and Barney look a little disappointed. It's so Kawaii how they really wanted the name that they chose. Maybe we can have more than one name. Although I really do like the Sky army.

We get to school and we go to our lockers. I grab my dance stuff and I go to the bathrooms to get changed. In the girl's bathroom there are already some girls getting changed so I wait my turn. Eventually a cubical opens and I go in and get changed.

When I have put on my dance clothes I put a jumper over the top so I don't get to cold. I put my things in my locker and I go to my dance class. I sit down next to Lucinda and Katelyn and we talk while we are waiting for the other girls.

Asher's P.O.V.

I'm in Aphmau's Physical education class and I have to admit she looks amazing in a dance leotard and shorts. Good thing she will be mine, now to get all these other boys to stop looking at her. They are so rude.

Sky and my old group, with three extra people come and sit down a little away from me. I walk up to them to see if I can get any information about Aphmau from them. They glare at me and turn around.

"Hey! What gives?" I ask

"We know what you have done to Aphmau, leave us alone you greasy butter stick" Sky says

"You're not very Rossome" Ross says

To Ross saying that someone isn't Rossome is the highest level of insult so I'm a little offended.

"I'll punch you in da throat" Barney says

I back away from them and the teacher walks in. She tells us to get into groups of six. I have no one to go with so I hide in the back in hopes that nominee notices me and I don't have to dance. Although I wish I was in Aphmau's group.

The teacher gives every group twenty minutes to come up with a dance and the groups get to work. Aphmau's group get to work immediately and I think I forgot how good Aphmau is at dancing, from watching her practise I can already see that she is amazing.

Aphmau's P.O.V.

When the twenty minutes are over we come back as a big group and share our dances. Missy, Ivy and their group chose the song G.U.Y. (The music video SkyDoesMinecraft is in) by Lady Gaga. It's a very provocative song and they get about ten seconds into the dance before they get detention.

Next up is my group and I'm really nervous. I have won so may competitions and performed but it is always scary. What if I mess up? No I can't think like this. The song we chose is Faster Car by Anders Lystell. (The My Street season 2 opening song)

(I had to write these lyrics myself because there are no other lyrics on the Internet. The words aren't 100% correct but I really tried)

Xx Song Start xX

I've been feeling so small

Watch the clock ticking off the wall

But tonight I'm letting it go

Spend my coin for show

I'm gonna be myself

Or I'm gonna be someone else

No ones stopping me now

I'm gonna skip my breaks

I'm gonna make mistakes

I just wanna feel it now

It's just what I do when I'm out so

Try not to hold me down

Feel the light when I'm in his town

Look at the beautiful stars

I wanna drive a faster car

Nothing can break me

No no nothing can break me

Try not to hold me down

Feel the light when I'm in his town

Look at the beautiful stars

I wanna take a trip to Mars 

Nothing can break me

No no nothing can break me

Look at the beautiful stars

I wanna drive a faster car

Lay my troubles in bed

Blow the smoke through my cigarette 

City lights looking fine

And you know that this is my time now 

I'm gonna be myself

Or I'm gonna be someone else

No ones stopping me now

I'm gonna skip my breaks

I'm gonna make mistakes

I just wanna feel it now

It's just what I do when I'm out so

Try not to hold me down

Feel the light when I'm in his town

Look at the beautiful stars

I wanna drive a faster car

Nothing can break me

No no nothing can break me

Try not to hold me down

Feel the light when I'm in his town

Look at the beautiful stars

I wanna take a trip to Mars

Nothing can break me

No no nothing can break me

Look at the beautiful stars

I wanna drive a faster car

I'm gonna be myself

I'm gonna be someone else

I'm gonna be my self

I'm gonna be someone else

Im gonna skip my breaks 

I'm gonna make mistakes 

Im gonna skip my breaks

I'm gonna make mistakes 

I'm gonna be myself

I'm gonna be someone else

I'm gonna be myself

I'm gonna be someone else

Im gonna skip my breaks

I'm gonna make mistakes

Im gonna skip my breaks

I'm gonna make mistakes 

Try not to hold me down

Feel the light when I'm in his town

Look at the beautiful stars

I wanna drive a faster car

Nothing can break me

No no nothing can break me

Try not to hold me down

Feel the light when I'm in his town

Look at the beautiful stars

I wanna take a trip to Mars

Nothing can break me

No no nothing can break me

Xx Song End xX

Aphmau's P.O.V.

When we finish dancing we bow and everyone claps. I go over to the "Sky Army" and they all complement me. Sh tells me that Asher was talking to them and they told him to leave. He tried to get information ugh the nerve of him.

*Time Skip To After School*

Jin's P.O.V.

Aphmau already left for home and I'm about to leave with my friends when I suddenly hear talking. It's Yun and Asher's voice. I freeze and I listen in on their conversation. From what I can here they have been blackmailing Aphmau.

They have been trying to scare her into doing what they want. No wonder she has been so distant. I tell the Sky Army that I am going up ahead and they say that it's fine. I run to Aphmau's house and I knock on her door.

She answers it and smiles. I am invited in for some afternoon tea and I sit down at the table. I ask her about what she has been doing lately and she says that it's basically dance, taking care of her dogs and school work.

"Aphmau, why didn't you tell me About Asher and Yun" I ask her

Her eyes widen and she nearly drops her teacup.

"I-I don't know what you are talking about" she says trying to lie

"Aph I know when you are lying" I say

I see tears in the brims of her eyes and she is shaking. In the next second she runs to me and hugs me while crying. She tells me everything that they did to her. I feel so much anger and I want to go kill them. But that would make me like them.

All I can do for now is comfort Aphmau and make sure rant she is going to be ok. I understand why she didn't tell anyone but I wish she told at least one person so they could help. Well I guess it's up to me to help her.

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