Ch244-A Fake Wedding?

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Aphmau's P.O.V.

I wake up and I feel someone holding me. I look up and I see Aaron. Ahh he is so warm and soft. Even though his abs look like they are carves out of straight up rock. Like damn they look so good.

I feel Aaron walking up and smile at him. He asks me if I had any nightmares and I say I didn't. I'm super happy that I didn't. I guess I only have nightmares when I'm all alone. If I'm all alone then I don't know if the nightmare is real or not.

We both get up and have some breakfast. Aaron's phone starts ringing and it his mum. He says that he needs to go be a use his mum needs him to go bra shopping with her. I nearly kill myself laughing with the thought of Aaron going into Victoria's Secret.

I say goodbye to Aaron and then I wash up the dishes. I finish cleaning up and my phone starts ringing. It's Shelby. I wonder what she could need on a Saturday morning?

Xx Phone Call Start xX

(A-Aphmau, S-Shelby)

S-Hey Aphmau

A-Hey Shelby, what's up?

S-Well we got an assignment in my drama class and we need to fake a wedding and film it, I was wondering...


S-Aphmau do you want to come to my fake wedding?

A-Of course I do

S-Also I know this is so old fashioned but you need a date, at the wedding venue, the city hall, just choose someone there, I'll see you soon

A-Ok, I'll see you soon

S-Oh one more thing, it's formal attire, thank you so much Aphmau

A-No problem, bye


Xx Phone Call End xX

Aphmau's P.O.V.

I quickly run up to my bathroom and I take a shower. I use my lemon pie body wash and then I get out of the shower. I brush my hair and I tie it up in a very neat bun with some flowers around the hair tie line.

I get dressed in a purple dress that fades into a darker purple at the bottom. It has no sleeves and is a love heart line. The top is like thick fabric and then The bottom is many layers of thinner fabric. But you can't see my legs or anything else.. I slip on purple high-heals with a strap around my ankle. I apply mascara, eyeliner and lavender lipgloss. I brush my teeth and spray on my perfume.

I go out if the bathroom and I say goodbye to my dogs. I start driving to the city hall and I get out of my car. Jeffory is standing out the front talking with Dante. He smiles when he sees me and walks up to me.

"Hey Aphmau, you're looking pretty" he says smiling

"Thank you, you don't look to bad yourself" I say laughing

"Hey do you want to be my fake date to the fake wedding?" He asks

"Sure, why not?" I reply

We walk I tot he city hall and we help Shelby and Red set up everything. Sky and Ross set up the cameras because they are the only ones who know how to operate these kinds of cameras. I help with the decorations.

By the time we are done the whole place looks like a real wedding, it's absolutely beautiful. She,by is in a fake wedding dress which is really just a white dress Cadenza stitched together in twenty minutes. It is still absolutely beautiful though.

Shelby explains that she had a drama presentation that she forgot about and she needed help. She called up Red to be the groom, of course, and she called up everyone else to come and help. She needs to get an A on this because if she doesn't she will fail.

Yeah fake wedding starts and Ross and Sky are moving around with the cameras filming. T
Shelby and Red say their fake vows and then Zane, as the priest, says that they are married. They kiss and we all cheer.

Next we go to the reception room for a fake after party. Shelby and Red cut the cake which Kawaii-Chan just happened to have. I'm calling that she was prepared someone to get married. I kinda want to know who she was expecting to get married. I hope it's not me.

Shelby throws the bouquet and I catch it. I look around and I awkwardly laugh. I know that when someone catches ten bouquet if means that they are getting married next. I don't think it has ever actually happened but it makes people think about you getting married.

The music starts and I dance with Jeffory. Suddenly his phone rings and his mum says that she needs to go shopping. Jeffory needs to go home and take care of Abby so he leaves. I say goodbye and it was really fun dancing with him. Although I saw the looks Jeffory was getting form Garroth.

Garroth's P.O.V.

When Jeffory leaves I wait about ten minutes and then I ask Aphmau to dance. She smiles and agrees. She looks so beautiful. Everything looks so perfect. She caught the bouquet which means that she will get married next. Maybe I'll be the groom.

Eventually we dance ourselves out and we go sit down. We talk with some of our friends and then Aphmau is tapped on the shoulder. Laurance asks Aphmau to dance, I feel a stab of jealousy as I watch them dance in the floor. They look like a royal couple.

I know gang Aphmau and I looked that way to. I can only hope that I can be good enough for her. Like a prince. I'll need to work hard but I can do it. For Aphmau I'll do absolutely anything, well maybe not kill because that's a bit to far.

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