Ch250- Childhood

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A/N:WOOOO 250 chapters. Thank you so much for following my story this far :), I love you all. BAIII.


Aphmau's P.O.V.




Yay Friday! Who doesn't love Friday? I have said this every Friday but I feel that Friday is special enough to be noticed every day. Friday is my senpai and Friday is my new boyfriend. Wait what? The things I come up with in the morning,

I scare myself, like who thinks that Friday is their senpai, it's obviously Saturday. Haaa I love myself. Maybe I should get up and stop being weird about the day of the week. I think I need therapy. Nahh I'm s lost cause, nothing will be able to help me.

I get out of bed and I go to the bathroom. I take a shower and I use my lemon pie body wash. I use some strawberry shampoo and conditioner and I brush it through my hair, I wash it out and I step out of the shower.

I get dressed in a pair of red shorts, a white t-shirt, a red plaid flannelette top wrapped around my waist and a pair of red high tops. I dry my hair and brush it. I pull my hair into a high ponytail. I apply mascara, eyeliner and pineapple and orange lipgloss. I brush my teeth and spray in my perfume.

I go to the kitchen and make French toast for myself. I feed Celestia and Shadow and I pack my bag for school. I clean up the dishes and I play with Celestia and Shadow until I have to leave.

Eventually I have to go so I grab my bag, say goodbye to my dogs and lock up the house. I walk to school. As I'm walking I remember that I need to tell Lucinda about the presences I felt yesterday, she must have felt them to.

I get to school and I go to my locker. The first lesson I have is this one word lesson where we share a bunch of different things. It's kind of weird but it honestly helps a lot of people. One week we could talk about body image and the next week our favourite T.V. shows.

I grab my things and I walk over to my group. I ask to speak to Lucinda and she follows me just outside the school building.

"Did you feel Yun and Asher's presences yesterday?" I ask her

"Yeah I did, they where in the other side of town" Lucinda replies

"I knew it, they did feel really far away to" I say

"Yeah, I don't think as of now, they are on any threat to us but they could be in the future" Lucinda replies

"Yeah you're right, we should keep an eye out for them" I agree

We go back to our friends and we join in there group again. We listen to what they are talking about and I'm really interested on Ross' talk about why chickens are more superior then humans. Didn't Castor give us this talk a while back?

The bell for class goes and we all head off. I sit down at my desk and the teacher walks in. He says that today we are going to be talking about our child hood. The teachers know that this is a bad topic of discussion for me because if my parents death so I am allowed to leave.

I exit the classroom and out my things away in my locker. I'm supposed to go to the library and study but I really don't want to so I'm just going to watch some YouTube on my iPad. This I exactly how I wanted to spend my first and second lesson.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn around and see Vincent. Wait a second he was in the same class I was, why is he out here? Did he ditch again?

"Hey Aphmau, what are you doing here?" He asks

"Oh hey Vincent, I'm just out here because I was allowed to leave, why are you here?" I reply

"Oh I was allowed to leave to, I have a bad childhood" he says

"Oh really? Want to tell?" I ask

"For you anything" he says flirtatiously

He sits done really close next to me and I move away a little, he just moves closer.

"When I was born my mother died" Vincent says "My father took care of me. He was killed when I was very young so I went and stayed at an orphanage. I was taught how to survive on the street, and how to flirt-"

"Yah I know" I say

"Oh you love me" he says playfully rolling his eyes "Anyway, eventually I was old enough to take care of myself and I moved to Phoenix Drop"

I hug him. He has such a sad past. I feel so sorry for him. Suddenly He is ripped away from me and someone stands in between us. I look up and see Vylad glaring at Vincent.

"Vincent, I said stay away from her" Vylad says

"Ugh whatever" Vincent says and walks of

"Vylad, what the nether?" I say a big angrily

"Aphmau I'm just trying to help you" he says

"I don't need your help!" I say without thinking

I look up and I see Vyald looking really upset. I immediately regret what I said and I hug him. I can feel him clinging to me.

"I'm sorry Aph, I was just scared of loosing you, you're to special to loose" he says

"And I'm sorry to, I'm really grateful for your help. I just wanted to talk to Vincent though" I reply

"Yeah and I shouldn't have tried to stop you" he says pulling away and planting a small kiss on my forehead and he walks off

*Time Skip To After School*

Aphmau's P.O.V.

The final bell for school rung so I go to my locker and grab out my things, I quickly head home. I have a mountain of homework and I need to do it all tonight so I don't have weekend homework. I get home and I start my homework.

I hear a knock at the door and I answer it. I see Vincent standing there.

"Hey, I heard your conversation with Vylad, thanks for saying you wanted to talk to me" he says smiling

"Well no problem, your a really good friend" I reply

"We could be more" he says moving closer to me

"Umm no thanks I'm good" I say laughing nervously

"Well I need to go, bye Aphmau" He says and he winks

I roll my eyes and he walks away. He is such a flirt. I go back inside and do my homework. I wonder what Vylad would say if he heard about Vincent coming to my house?

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