Ch253-The Dog

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A/N: You probably noticed the photo at the top of the page. That is my face reveal, yeah that's the best it's gonna her. Well at least I finally did a face reveal right? XD


Aphmau's P.O.V.





I don't care how happy I am that Yun and Asher are gone. I still hate Monday's. Well who likes Monday's? I have this conversation with myself every Monday. It's like the cola of conversations, you always come back to it. Yeah that was a metaphor. Well it's Monday I have an excuse.

I wish someone would text me. I want a cute message to wake up to every day. It would be so nice. But I don't think anyone will. Nahh I'm fine, I'll go to school and tell everyone that I want a hug and I'll get a bunch of free hugs. This just keeps escalating. I should probably get ready before I end up on a topic like "cheese flaps".

I get out of bed and I go to the bathroom. I take a shower and I use my lemon pie body wash. I get out of the shower and I dry off. I get dressed in a pair of blue and black pants, a purple top and a pair of purple high tops.

I brush my hair and I pull it into a high ponytail. I have a braid that goes from my forehead to around the hair tie. I apply mascara, eyeliner and lycee flavoured lipgloss. I brush my teeth and spray in perfume.

I go to the kitchen and I make some breakfast. I feed Celestia and Shadow and have some food myself. I wash up the dishes and I pack my bag for school. I say goodbye to my dogs and start walking to school.

While I'm walking to school I notice how refreshed the air is, it's like since Yun and Asher where locked up everything is so much happier. Im much happier. I swear if anything messes this up I'll let Kawaii-Chan give them sardine ice cream.

I arrive at school and I see a dog sitting at the entrance. It's a really big scary dog, no one has entered the school because it's in the entrance. I walk over to Ross and Max who are talking about what to do.

"Hey guys" I say to the,

"Hey Aphmau" Max says

"Hey Aph, Have you noticed that the dog looks really angry like Max?" Ross says

I look over at the dog and then at Max. Max is mad about the joke so I can compare them.

"Haha yeah it does" I say laughing

"Whatever" Max says rolling his eyes

We laugh for a little bit and then decide that maybe we could go up to the dog. I tell them that I will go and Ross hugs me. He says that if I die he'll take care of my dogs. Well now I feel really confident.

I slowly walk up to the dog and hold out my hand so it can smell it. I heard once that when approaching new dogs you can do this so it gets used to your scent. I think it's real but honestly I have no idea.

The dog smells my hand and barks happily. Haha I think I have a natural charm with dogs. I pet the dog and I notice that there is a collar. It doesn't have the name of the owner or address but the dogs name is sunny. Well that's one name to call him.

Max walks up to the dog and holds his hand out. Sunny bites him. Not very deep but it could get infected. Before I laugh I need to treat this. I slowly walk away from Sunny. Ross, Max and I go to the nurses office.

Again there is no nurse, I wonder if she left? I walk over to where the anti-bacterial wipes are and I get a few. I put them on the bite and Max is squirming a lot.

"You know it would be over quicker if you stopped moving" I say giggling

"Easy for you to say!" Max yells

I laugh a little and get an idea. He needs to have his mind on something else. Ohh I have an idea.

"Hey Max, I ship you and Ross" I say calmly

He freezes and turns very pale. I quickly finish cleaning the bite and but a band-aid over it. I step back and I notice how red Max looks. Uh-oh.

Ross' P.O.V.

I know Aphmau just said that to stop Max moving but it was really funny. I know she doesn't actually ship us. I wish she shipped her and I. Aphmau runs away before Max had the chance to kill her. Laughing the whole way.

*Time Skip To After School*

Aphmau's P.O.V.

Sunny has followed me around the whole day. I need to find his owner. Hmm I need to think about this. Ok so Sunny is obviously very scary. Maybe his name means something else.

Like what if it somehow matches the owners name. Sky? Like sun and sky? No Sky doesn't have a dog. OH WAIT CLOUD!

Cloud wasn't at school today which also makes me think it's his dog. I call Sunny and we go to Clouds house. I have never been to his house so I'm a little nervous.

I let Sunny lead me to the house and eventually we find it. I knock of the door and Cloud answers it. He looks so Kawaii. His blond hair is all messed up and is clothes are really messy.

"Umm Cloud, what happened?" I ask

"I lost my dog, I'm panicking becau-" He starts "SUNNY!"

Cloud hugs Sunny and Sunny is barking happily. I laugh a little and Cloud stands up. He kisses me on the cheek.

"Thank you Aphmau, want to come inside?" He asks

"O-of course " I say and I head in

I'm still really confused as to why Cloud has a dog like Sunny. But Sunny is a good dog so it's fine.

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