Ch260- Pokémon Go

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Aphmau's P.O.V.




Hahhhhh Monday, I want to kill myself. No pint in arguing with myself to get up. I know I will in the end but come on, it's Monday. I want to find someone who enjoys Monday. And then kill them. NAHHH I'm kidding.

But if they start a rant on how good Monday is I won't hesitate to slap them back into sanity. Wow I think Missy might have rubbed off on me, I'm really mean. But I would never actually hurt someone. Maybe. Well it's a topic is up for discussion.

I get out of my bed and I go to the shower. I wash my hair with apple shampoo and conditioner. I use my lemon pie body wash. I get out of the shower and I get dressed in a pair of blue shorts, a purple jumper and a pair of purple high tops.

I blow dry my hair and I pull it into a loose low side ponytail. I apply mascara, eyeliner and Lemon and pineapple lipgloss. I brush my teeth and spray on my perfume. I look at myself in the mirror and I pose like Mettaton from Undertale.

I don't understand why people think that he is a girl. Like sure he likes pink, posing, singing and LEGS but that's not specifically female stuff. And he is also referred to as "He". This isn't a mistake because the main character is referred to as "they" which is gender neutral.

I go to the kitchen and make breakfast. I eat breakfast and I feed Celestia and Shadow. I pack my bag for school and I wash up all the dishes. I say goodbye to my dogs and I head off to school. I walk to school and luckily the weather isn't TI shot so I'm not overheat ion in my jumper.

I get to school, and I see everyone on their phones and iPads. This is strange. At my school, people don't generally use them at school because we don't have anything to really do on them. All our friends are here so we don't need to text.


I scream a tiny bit because I wasn't expecting Max to be right behind me. I turn around and see him holding his phone up to my face, I satire at him configured and he smiles. I think this is going to be like what happens with Undertale.

"I see you look confused" he says "Everyone is playing Pokémon Go, it's a game were you hold up your camera and look around with it, you can see Pokemon in real life and collect them"

"Really? Can I see?" I ask

He shows me his phone and how it has a map on it. A very basic map. It's kind of just blocks. I can vaguely make out where our school is and where the roads are. We look around where we are and we find a few Pokémon. It's actually really fun.

I go to my locker and put away my things. I grab my stuff for my first lesson and I walk over to my friends. I get out my phone and begin downloading the Pokémon Go app. It takes forever to download because it's on school wifi but when it does I immediately begin playing.

*Time Skip To Lunch*

Aphmau's P.O.V.

Ok so I might be little to obsessed with this app. In my history class I almost got caught trying to catch a Doduo. We finally get to lunch and I get my food. I haven't checked the cafeteria for any Pokémon yet so I might do that now.

When I have finished eating my food I grab my phone and I notice tang there is a Pokémon here. The only problem is I can capture it because I would waste my Pokémon balls. It's to close to Missy and Ivy's table.

Hmm I really need this Pokémon. It's a rare one. Well I guess I'll just have to get someone to distract them for me. I ask Shelby to come with me and she agrees. She pretends to be on the phone talking very loudly about someone cheating in their boyfriend. That's exactly the kind of info the popular girls want.

I sneak behind the and manage to catch the pokémon. The thing is I wasn't fast enough and Ivy turned around.

"Umm this is awkward" I say hiding my phone behind my head

"Why are you taking photos of me?" Ivy asks

"Well, there was a Pokémon on your face so I needed to catch it" I say

Yeah great explanation Aphmau. She is so going to let me go without a fight.

"Aphmau is right, besides I think she would rather have a photo of Pikachu than you" Shelby cuts in

"Ugh shut up Shelby, your voice is so annoying" Ivy says rolling her eyes

"Hey you can't speak to her that way, her voice is awesome" I say standing up for Shelby

Shelby and I walk back to our table and laugh at how shocked Ivy looked. I'm glad that Shelby stood up for me. Of course I would stand up for her. I can't believe Ivy had the nerve to say something bad about Shelby. There is nothing bad about her. Just ask Red.

*Time Skip To Night Time*

Aphmau's P.O.V.

I'm getting ready for bed when I hear my phone ding with a message. I pick it up and it's Shelby. She is sending me a photo of her new Pokemon that was on her night stand. She tells me that she really wants to get to level 5 so she can go to the training centre.

I agree with her, level 5 is hard to get to for a beginner. I'm glad Max showed me this game. After lunch I saw Missy trying to stay cool by playing it. Yeah, she walked into a tree and I laughed my butt off. It's called Karma.

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