Ch262-Aaron's Mum

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Aphmau's P.O.V.




Yay Wednesday. I think my opinion on Wednesday changes every time it is Wednesday, sometimes it is how much I want to go to school, sometimes it's how bad Missy and Ivy are acting and sometimes it's how much school work I have been getting.

All these factors can either make me hate or love Wednesday. When people say Wednesday holds the week together they are wrong. Thursday is the middle day of the week. I never get why people say Sunday is the first day of the week, it's part of the weekEND for a reason.

I get out of my bed and I take a shower. I use my lemon pie body wash and then I step out. I get dressed in a white top that goes up to my elbows and has blue around the upper area, a pair of white t-shirts and a pair of white flats.

I brush my hair and I leave it down. I take the top part of my hair and I pull it into a ponytail. I love my hair like this. I apply mascara, eyeliner and apple pie and cinnamon lipgloss. I brush my teeth and spray in some perfume.

I go downstairs to the kitchen and I make some food for myself. I feed Celestia and Shadow. I wash up all of my dishes and dry them. I pack my bag for school and before I leave I play with my dogs. They are being so cute this morning. Who am I kidding? They are always cute.

Eventually it's time to go to school and I say goodbye to my dogs. I grab my bag and I begin walking to school. On the way to school I notice how calm the atmosphere is. There are no bad presences.

I get to school and I go to my locker. I get my books and pack away my bag. When I have gotten everything I walk over to where my friends are. I notice that Aaron looks very stressed immediately. I don't know how anyone couldn't see that.

"Hey Aaron, can I speak to you?" I whisper to him

"Umm yeah sure" he says

I can tell he knows I'm gong to ask what's wrong. We walk out of the main school area and I turn to face him.

"Alright, no lies or pretending, what's wrong?" I ask

"W-what not-, ok fine, my mum had come home from the hospital and I'm worried about her" he says

"I see, but if she came home isn't that good?" I ask confused

"It is but I'm worried, she had cancer before and there is still a 40% chance she might get it again" he says

I hug him and his arms wrap around me. He kisses my forehead. It feels soft. I'm only letting him because of his family situation.

"Hey can I come over and meet your mum?" I ask him

"Wow moving a bit fast there" Aaron laughs

"Oh shut up, I want to meet the woman who bought and idiot lie, you into the world" I fire back giggling

Aaron tickles my sides and I try to push me off. If I had one wish it would be that I'm not ticklish.

*Time Skip To After School*

Aphmau's P.O.V.

I'm standing outside Aaron's house and he is unlocking the door. I do t know what to expect from meeting Aaron's mum. She will probably think we are dating. I'm willing to bet money on it.

Aaron opens the door and we hear footsteps coming down the stairs. A woman in a brown dress walks down. She is really tall and looks like Aaron with a bandanna on her head and green eyes. I'm guessing Aaron got brown eyes from his dad.


"She is my friend from school, no we aren't dating" Aaron replies

"Aw bummer, oh well I guess there is still time, I WANT TO BE A GRANDMOTHER!" She yells

Wow she is really different from Aaron. She is like bright orange and Aaron is like dark blue. Yeah that's a metaphor.

"Anyway allow me to introduce myself, I'm Aaron's mum but you can call me Angelica" Aaron's mum smiles

"My names Aphmau, it's nice to meet you" I smile

We talk for a bit at the doorway and then Aaron and I go to his room. I can tell that Ms Angelica is very excited about her son having a girl over. I'm guessing he never really has any friends over, let alone a girl. I wish parents wouldn't always assume that a boy and a girl are dating.

Suddenly the room goes dark and I jump. Aaron catches me and we hug for a bit. It's so warm and soft so I don't even want to move at all. Aaron and I eventually let go of each other and we walk downstairs to find out what's going on.

We see Aaron's mum holding a torch and reading. She looks up at us and smiles.

"The power is out for a few hours, hopefully you kids can survive without wifi" Ms Angelica says smiling

Aaron and I awkwardly laugh and slowly exit the situation. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WE NEED WIFI.

Oh wait we weren't using it before it went out. We just need the lights. Aaron gets out a bunch of candles and we light them,

"Ohh Aaron, how romantic" I say laughing

"Thank you, I try" he says smiling

We sit on his bed and keep talking. Apparently he really likes the Pokémon go game. He kisses me on the cheek again and at the same time Aaron's mum walks in. Luckily he pulls back before she sees.

"Hey kids, I made some food" Ms Angelica says

"Oh it's ok mum you didn't have to, but thank you" Aaron says

"Oh nonsense, I love cooking, besides we can't have Aphmau starving" Ms Angelica replies

I really like Ms Angelica, she is so cool. She is so different from Aaron to. I think I can see why Aaron is worried. She doesn't deserve to have cancer or be sick like she is. It isn't fair. Why is it always the good people?

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