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Aphmau's P.O.V.




OH MY IRENE FRIDAY!!!! All my efforts and pain, pressure and happiness from the week has finally paid off and I have met the end of the week. If you don't like Friday, come fight me. I'm kidding, it wouldn't be a fight because you wouldn't be competition.

Wow I think I just found out that I am really mean. Am I mean to other people? What if I am?! Oh no have I been mean to anyone recently. I don't think I have, maybe me being mean is just an early morning thing with me,

I get up out of bed and drag myself to the shower. I take a shower and use my lemon pie body wash. While I'm in the shower I begin to think about everything that I was thinking before. I don't think I'm mean, maybe I should ask some of my friends?

I step out of the shower and dry off. I get dressed in a pair of black ripped shorts, a purple off-both-shoulders top with a white singlet underneath and a pair of purple high-tops. I brush my hair and I pull it into a high ponytail.

I apply mascara, eyeliner and clementine lipgloss. I brush my teeth and spray on my perfume. I take a step back and look at myself in the mirror. I smile at myself and I head out of the bathroom.

I go to the kitchen and I make breakfast for myself. I feed Celestia and Shadow and I play with them before I leave. I pack my school bag and I wash up the dishes and clean up my house for a little bit. I want to go to the mall with my friends after school so I double check my money.

I start walking to school and I meet up with the Ro'Meave brothers along the way. I ask them the question that has been bugging me all morning.

"Hey guys, am I mean?" I ask them

"Huh? Of course not" Garroth says confused

"No, why would you think that?" Vylad asks me

"Well I've just been worried about if I'm nice enough" I say

"Aphmau, come on, you're the nicest person I know, no way you could ever be mean" Garroth says laughing

I join in with his laughter and eventually Zane and Vylad do to. We arrive at school and go to our lockers. I grab out my things for my first lesson and I walk over to where my friends are and I ask them if any of team want to come shopping with me. Luckily a lot of them agree.

I remember that I forgot my pencil case at my locker and I say that I'll be right back. When I open my locker I hear two voices on the other sides of the locker. Hmm that is really weird. Usually I wouldn't have listened but I heard my name.

"Aphmau can't be around him, he'll sabotage her career" one voice says

"Vylad come on, Zayden may have a bad reputation but I don't think he'll do that to Aphmau" a second voice says


What the nether is going on? What does Vylad know about Zayden?

"He sabotaged that Chloè girl" Vylad says

"Oh yeah I head about that, well what do we do?" The second voice asks

"Well maybe we should tell Aphmau, so she can be on guard" Vylad replies

"But what if she doesn't believe us!?" The second voice yells

"Shhhh, we'll find a way" Vylad says questioning him down.

I am a little shocked honestly but I need to ask Vylad about this. When I see Vylad walk away I run to catch up with him. I tell him that I overheard the whole conversation.

"I'm so sorry Aphmau, I wanted to tell you but I didn't know how" Vylad says apologetically

"It's alright, i know you were going to tell me" I say hugging him

He hugs me back and it feels warm. He seems to be holding me tightly. Like he doesn't want to let go. I wonder if something has happened to him?

I invite him to come shopping after school and he agrees. I'm super excited about shopping now, ohh this will be so fun.

*Time Skip To After School*

Aphmau's P.O.V.

My friends and I are at the mall in a café. We are just eating some food before we go clothes shopping. I really like the bruschetta. But honestly I'm still shocked at how many people think it's pronounced brush-etta. It's an Italian word and it is pronounced brus-ketta. It's one of the biggest arguments I have with people.

We finish up out food and we go to one of he boutiques. It has men's and women's clothing in it so it's really good to shop in for us. We start looking around when I hear a women raising her voice. Not yelling but not talking normally.

She seems to be upset about something. At first I thought she was alone, maybe on the phone but then I see two little girls with her. One of them has blond hair and the other girl has brown hair. Other than their hair they look like sisters.

"Dominique you can't wear that, it will look horrible on you" the woman says to the brown haired woman

"But mum, I don't have any new clothes, you always but clothes for Arabelle and I only get hand-me downs from the cousins" the little guts who I assume is Dominique says

"That's because Arabelle is perfect and you, well you aren't perfect" the mother says and she turns back to the blond haired girl

Oh my Irene, this woman favourers one of her children and is open about it. There are so many things wrong with this, I don't just want to stand back and watch this but I don't know if I should get involved because it looks like a family matter.

I see Dominique crying and tat is the last straw for me. I grab Lucinda and we walk over to the mother.

"Excuse me, but why do you favour one of your children?" I ask her

"I', sorry what?" The mother says confused

"We can hear you from across the store telling one of your daughters that she isn't beautiful or pretty and saying the other is perfect" Lucinda says backing me up

"Well she is perfect" the women says

"Listen, you shouldn't favour children, it's harming to your family, to your relation ship with your children, to the siblings relationship and it can lead to depression" I explain to her

"But I..." The woman seems to be at a loss of words

She looks very confused as to what to do next and I tell her that apologising is a start. We watch the women have a quiet talk with her daughters and then they walk out of the store looking very happy. I'm glad that we helped them. We walk back to our friends without another word and continue shopping.

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