Ch300-Getting Answers

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A/N: OH MY IRENE 300 CHAPTERS?! AHHH. Lately I have had so many things going on in my life that I just haven't been able to write on concentrate on writing. But I am so thankful to all of you who have stayed by me and continued reading. I love you all <3


Aphmau's P.O.V.

I wake up to the barking of a dog. I open my eyes and I see Celestia and Shadow sitting on top of me. I look up to see Vylad standing there and he is holding a breakfast tray.

"Well isn't this a nice 'good morning'" I say giggling

"Of course, you went through a lot this week" he laughs handing me the breakfast tray

"Thank you, how much time did you spend on this?" I ask looking at the waffles and bacon

"Oh that doesn't matter, I just hope you enjoy it" he smiles and walks out of my room

"Aww isn't he so sweet" I say to Celestia and Shadow

They bark in response and I laugh again. Suddenly my phone dings with a message. I decide to eat my breakfast before answering it. The food tastes absolutely amazing. Vylad is really good at cooking.

This is the best way to wake up on a weekend. I wonder how much time he must have spent cooking this. I'm really impressed and very grateful. When I have finished my food I grab my phone and check the message. It's from Zane.

Xx Message Start xX

(A-Aphmau, Z-Zane)

Z-Hey Aphmau I need to talk to you

A-Zane? Yeah sure

Z-I am so sorry for everything g that happened, I just wasn't myself

A-I know, you were under the effects of a potion

Z-But even so, I was so horrible. I acted like I did when I first met you

A-It's really alright. You weren't you. But I'm guessing you didn't message me just to apologise

Z-No I didn't, I want to get revenge on my father, after what he did he shouldn't be allowed to just walk away

A-Well what do you have in mind?

Z-Garroth and I spoke all last night about how we are going to get back at him, Garte is asleep right now so Garroth is coming over. He is bringing Garte's laptop. I want you to find anything in the laptop that might help us.

A-Ok, I think I can do that. I'll text you if you find anything.

Xx Text End xX

Aphmau's P.O.V.

I quickly go to the bathroom and I brush my teeth. I spray on some perfume and wrap my hair in a messy bun. I grab a pair of ugg boots and I go downstairs to tell Vylad what's going on. We hear a knock on the door and go to answer it.

Garroth's P.O.V.

Aphmau answers the door and before I can comprehend how cute she looks in her pyjamas I am pulled inside quickly.

"Alright, we don't have much time and the bodyguards might also see you here" Aphmau says

I just love it when she gets all serious, she looks really awesome and hot. I just want to grab her and-

"Garroth pass me the laptop" Aphmau says interrupting my thoughts

Aphmau's P.O.V.

We go to the kitchen and put the laptop down on the table. When we open it it is password protected.

"Hmmm, 6 digits, does that number have any significance to either of you?" I ask

"Nope, I can't hi k of anything" Vylad says

"Was there something significant in your father's life just as he got this laptop?" I reaping

"Well I think this was when our mother had died" Garroth says quietly

"Sorry, what was her name?" I ask

"Zianna" Vylad says

I try typing her name into the code box and it works.

"Ok we're in. Is there anything we should look at first" I say flicking through some of the documents

I find a folder and I open it. It is titled 'government secrets'.

"Who would title a folder with government secrets that?" Garroth asks

"No one, that's not a folder with anything in it" I say

I look through the folder and I find a second folder inside it and it is titled 'Other business'.

"Ah-Ha this is what we're looking for" I say opening it

We look through it and we find out that Garte was arrested at a young age. He seems to have been charged with stealing money from bank accounts. I look deeper into it and I can see Vylad and Garroth's shocked faces.

Apparently Garte is also facing charges now for tax fraud. It doesn't seem he has a lot of evidence against him but it's still shocking. Nothing here will help us with our revenge through. Except now Garroth and Vylad are learning more about their father than they thought they would.

"Is there a way to access all of Garte's bodyguards? I f we send them away he will be harmless" Garroth asks

"Let me look carefully at this computer" Vylad says

I move out of the way and I go to make some tea. When I come back Vylad has told me that in a few hours a message will go out to all of the body guards sending them away. When I have messaged Zane all of the information we found, including the stuff about the tax fraud he messages back saying that Garte is waking up.

I give Garroth the laptop and he sprints back home. I tell Vylad that I'm going to get ready.

I go to the bathroom and take a shower. I use some lime body wash and then I step out. I dry off and get dressed in a pair of black jeggings, a white t-shirt and jumper and a pair of black ankle boots.

I apply mascara, eyeliner and raspberry lemonade lipgloss. I brush my hair and leave it down. I spray on some more perfume but not to much since I did spray some on earlier. I skip doing my teeth because I've already done them.

I wait around with Vylad while we wait for the body guards to be sent away. We send a message to Garte's phone pretending we are someone who can help him get out of the tax fraud without anything going wrong. We said to meet him in a back alley.

I start walking there but I go a different way than Garte. Garroth put a tracker on him so I wouldn't get caught. I feel like I'm an actual secret agent right now.

When Garte has arrived I sneak up behind him. I am extremely silent so no sound is made. I break the silence scaring him.

"You must really hate me to force your sons to dislike me" I say

"I made them hate you, not dislike you" he states confused

"See that's where your wrong, no matter what you have tried the most you did was make them not want to be around me for a week" I say "They have their memory's back now, I must say, you managed to get a pretty strong potion"

"What do you want?" He says

"I want answers, and so do your sons" I say "You have not only tried to kill me but manipulated your sons, and been very hypocritical, why?"

"You are easy to control, you are a weak woman who relies on others to do everything for her" he says "I don't want my sons around you"

"No, see thats where you're wrong, again" I sass "I'm not just someone who relies on others. I have fought in battles, verbal fights and even once dealt with a crazy fangirl. Now the guys sneaking up behind you trying to mug you will be easy to take care of. Please step aside"

Garte turns around and he is punched in the face. The muggers turn to look at me. After a few quick punches and kicks I take care of them all. Garte manages to stand up and he is rubbing his cheek.

"How did you...?" He asks confused

"Oh and one more thing" I say walking up to him

I punch him across his other cheek.

"Don't mess with my friends or I again" I say as he stands up again

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