Ch308-Aphmau's Birthday

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Aphmau's P.O.V.

I wake up with Celestia jumping on me barking at me. I laugh and pick her up, cuddling her.

"Aww what has you so happy?" I ask her

She jumps around and runs over to my calendar. I look at it and today is circles, oh my Irene it's my birthday. I'm finally 17. I get excited, maybe someone has remembered my birthday. I grab my phone and check it.

No messages, that's weird. I know for a fact that Zane, Garroth and Vylad knew my birthday was today, I'm kind of hurt I don't even have one message. I sigh and walk to the bathroom.

I take a shower and wash my hair with shampoo and conditioner. I step out and blow dry my hair. I get dressed in a pair of withe pants, a blue and white striped top and a pair of white boots. I feel a little depressed today that no one remembers.

I brush my hair an pull it into a ponytail. I apply mascara, eyeliner and lemon pie lipgloss. I head downstairs and make breakfast. I feed Celestia and eat myself. I don't know what I'm going to go today.

I go up to my bedroom and start playing some Minecraft. The people on the server all remembered it was my birthday, they give me a few diamonds and emeralds. I thank them all. I'm about an hour I have to get off.

I look out my window and see Lucinda and a few other of my friends over at Garroth's house. I feel a pang of hurt in my heart. I can't believe they didn't invite me and they didn't even remember my birthday. I don't care if they didn't invite me, just that this was on my birthday.

I slide dome the wall and Celestia runs up and licks me.

"This is my first birthday without my parents" I say "I was hoping I could spend it with everyone but no one remembered. I am about to cry but I'm wearing eye makeup. I'm not ruining my makeup today.

Lucinda's P.O.V.

We are hurrying to get the decorations set up. Cadenza is running a little late with the food because of the snow but other than that everything is running smoothly. I use my witchcraft to place all the decorations. I see for a second Aphmau looking out her window at us but then she walks away.

I'm confused, she looked so sad. Oh well, she'll cheer up when she realises we are throwing her party. Cadenza arrives and we get the food set up. When everything is finished all the guests start arriving.

I go to Aphmau's house and knock on the door. I tell her not to ask any questions and et me blindfold her. She looks at me confused but agrees. I blindfold her and walk her over to Garroth's house.

We sit her down in a chair so she doesn't faint and I take off the blindfold.

"SURPRISE!!!!" We all yell

She jumps back and screams

"Oh my Irene you all have me a heart attack!" She yells

Aphmau starts to laugh and she stands up, jumping onto us and hugging us.

"I thought you guys forgot my birthday" she says "It's my first birthday without my parents, I was worried that i would be alone. Thank you so much"

Aphmau's P.O.V.

I look around at the party. Everything is amazing, they really had me fooled. I really thought they forgot. I get off the chair and walk around. I look over at the present table and it is piled very high, I see all my favourite party foods and there is a photo of my parents, as if they are here at this party with me.

I start dancing to the music and everyone joins in, they have chosen amazing music. I grab some punch and look at everyone having fun.

"Hey Aph" I hear someone say

I turn to see Garroth smiling next to me.

"Hey Garroth, thanks for the party" I say

"Come on Aph, you've done so much for us over the past year, it's the least we can do" he replies "Cam you open up my present to you? I want it to be the first present of the year"

"Sure" I say and we walk over to the table

He walks over to the table with me and pulls out his presence, causing a few others to fall. I quickly catch them and place them back on the table. He hands me his present and I open it. Inside there is a box set of all the marvel movies. These sold out in June. I jump on him, hugging him and I kiss his cheek. This is the best birthday I've ever had.

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