Ch324-So Cold

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(A/n)-This book is on hold until futher notice :)


Aphmau's P.O.V.

I wake up and stretch out my arms. I feel really refreshed after I had an early night last night. I was so stressed and frustrated about the arguing so I decided to just go to bed and think about it in the morning,

Now that I have thought about it a little bit I think I will just let them sort it out themselves and not interfere. Unless of course they get physical, then I'm not letting anyone beat up Ross or Cloud. They can sort out their problems in a different way.

I get up and my feet touch the cold floor. I forgot how cold winter can be. I go to the shower and see how high I can turn up the temperature without burning myself. I step in and use some apple body wash. Every time I use something apple scented I always think about how proud Barney would be.

I get dressed in a pair of black pants, a red top and a really warm white coat. I'm not going anywhere today because it's just to cold. I go to the kitchen and feed Celestia. Her puppies are going to be coming very soon so I need to start thinking about what I'm going to do with all of them.

After I finish with my breakfast I go to the living room and turn on the heater. I sit down on the couch and turn on the T.V.. As I flick through the channels I hear a knock on the door. This will be ok if it doesn't mean I have to go out in the cold.

I stand up and walk over to the door. I can see blonde hair through the window so I know who it is, Garroth. But I don't know if I want to see him after yesterday, oh well, I guess I can't leave him out there to freeze.

"Hey Garroth" I say opening the door

"Hey, umm I wanted to talk to you" he replies

"Well how about we talk inside so you don't get hypothermia" I say

He walks inside and sits down in the couch, I of course sit next to him.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I ask

"Well, I want to apologise for all the arguing yesterday" he sighs

"Well it's ok but I'm not really the one to apologise to" I reply

"I know, it's just that when Ein told me all that stuff that people say about me-" Garroth begins

"Wait what? What did Ein do?" I ask surprised

"Well he told us all what everyone says about each other, like how someone said stuff about Aaron's mum and things like that" Garroth says "He was really kind about telling everyone that, he was looking out for the best- Hey wait a second"

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I ask

"Do you think Ein lied and tried to put everyone up against each other?" Garroth asks

"Yeah I do, but why would he do that?" I ask

"No idea but we need to tell everyone to be careful and not to believe what he says" He replies

We grab out phones and start messaging everyone to warn them. I can't believe Ein did this to my friends, why possible reason could he have to turn them against each other? He comforted me yesterday so I wonder if I have anything to do with it.

After we have warned everyone we decide to go back to Garroth's place to talk with Zane and Vylad about what we should do.

Inside their house is much warmer than mine so i can take off my coat. We sit down at their table with some hot cocoa and discuss what we should do.

"Wow I never though Ein would do something like this" Zane exclaims

"Yeah, it's really weird, he doesn't even have a reason to" I say

"Actually he does" Vylad interrupts "I have made some observations and Ein seems to be very interested in you. He wants you to become the alpha female to help him become the alpha male"

"Well yeah I figured that much out myself, But how is that a reason?" I ask

"Well he wants you to have no other option. If all your friends are against each other" Vylad explains "Then you won't have us to talk to so you'll listen and talk to him"

"That actually makes sense, but how do you know this Vylad?" Garroth asks

"Like I said, I've made observations" he smirks

I sit back and think about what he just said. It makes a lot of sense but it might not be true. I guess we really have no other option than to believe this so we need to be very careful of Ein.

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