Reese's Ending

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Aphmau's P.O.V.
I'm not very happy with what Ein has done. He's set all my friends up against one another and tried to make me completely dependant on him. If he thought for a second that it would work then he clearly has no understanding of my group.

He's going to pay for everything he has done. Right now I'm getting ready to pay him a small visit. I texted him asking me to meet him in the part. I also texted Reese what was happening, I really like him and I think he'd be able to help invade something goes wrong.

I apply my favourite lipgloss, grape soda and make sure my eyeliner is on point. I look killer, feel great and am ready to show Ein my group is not one to be messed with. Of course it's cold outside So I put a jumper on.

I walk out of my house, locking the door behind me and begin the short walk to the park. With every step I take I feel more and more confident, but also begin to feel nervous. I'm up against a werewolf but I received powers, ice and snow and it's cold outside. Ein would be a fool to challenge me.

Ever since I came to Phoenix Drop my life has really taken a turn. I still remember meeting everyone, becoming friends, the things we've been through together and done together. Them saving me, so now it's my turn to save them.

I arrive at the park and take a few steps inside it's pretty much deserted. I can't see Ein anywhere but I know he's here. He wouldn't ignore me. I take a few more steps inside and begin to walk. I hear a set of footsteps behind me and I turn around but no one is there. I need to get to a cleaning so there's plenty of room.

Once I get to the clearing I turn around.

"Ein I know you're here." I call out "And I know what you've done."

"Then surely you know why I did it." Ein says appearing from around the tree

"Because you're a sick person who is obsessed with power?" I ask sarcastically "Or because you think of me as an object for your fantasies?"

"I see what they mean when they call you sassmau." Ein chuckles but I don't laugh, not even smile

"Ein you hurt my friends, you put them against each other." I say angrily "You said horrible things about Aaron's mother, their friendships and how they're trying to 'take me for themselves'. For what? To become the alpha?"

"Surely you understand what power can come from being the alpha male, you will be the alpha female." Ein says "Imagine being able to take revenge on all those who hurt you, Ivy, Missy everyone."

"No thank you, I'm not interested in having control over others." I say "I'm better than that."

"Then I'll have to force you." He replies running towards me

He grabs me by my neck and I wrap my hands around his wrist, freezing it.

"It'll take more than that." He chuckles as he throws me to the floor

I shoot ice towards him and suddenly feel pain in my shoulder. I must have pulled it on the way down. When will Reese get here? I really need him...

I stand up again and use my left hand which isn't the shoulder that's hurt and shoot more Ice at Ein but I can keep up much longer.

Just as he is about to punch me his hand is caught in another.


I let out a sigh of relief as Reese pushes Ein back and delivers a kick to his side.

"Leave us and Aphmau alone, or else I'll tell the whole school what you did." Reese states

"With what evidence?" Ein chuckles

"With this." I say holding up my phone to show it's recording

"You wouldn't dare." Ein growls

"Wouldn't I? Leave for good and you won't find our I'm bluffing." I reply

Ein knows he can't get out of this, not after everything he has said. He told me everything and now he will pay the consequences.

"Fine, but remember the power you could have had and lost." Ein growls forcing himself to his feel and hobbling away

"I've got all I need." I say looking over to Reese and smiling

Ein grumbles angrily and walks away and Reese rushes over to me. Wrapping his arms around me.

"Are you ok?" He asks

"I'm fine, but there's something I should tell you." I say

"What is it?" He asks

"I really like you... maybe even love" I say looking away shyly

He smiles softly and moves my chin to look at him.

"That's ok, I love you to." He replies and presses his lips against mine

I kiss back and it's like the whole world makes sense. Every second, minute, hour has come to this. My life is completely perfect in this moment. I love him, even though it might hurt the others a little they'll move on and find someone for them. If they really liked me they would understand. I should have stopped denying my feelings a long time ago.

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