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I woke up with usual darkness surrounding me. I didn't feel Phoenix presence in our room well her old room. My gray feet touched cold floor which sent chills up my back. My short bob violet hair was all over my face. The door to my room opened revealing a empty hallway with no sound of no video games being played, no loud music, nor yelling. It was like I was in a silent movie and I was at peace.

My feet guided me to the bathroom starting my day off with a shower. Once I done with that, I dried myself off from any excess water off my body. Snapping my fingers lotion was on my body along with my clothes for the day on. My hair was straighten down to its usual and preferred style. I brushed my teeth and wash my face.

Walking out of the bathroom, the aroma of herbal tea filled the lonely corridors of the Titans Tower. Following the aroma into the living room, my eyes looked at Phoenix standing at the stove with a teapot in her hand. Phoenix poured the tea in a small cup and then another one.

"Here you go Raven," Phoenix waves her hand and the small tea cup followed her order and it landed in my hands.

"Thanks you didn't have to do that," I said looking at the light brown tea as the smoke lifting up in the air.

"You're welcome but can we just talk without arguing down each other's throats?"

"Yes we can and I don't want to yell either,"

Phoenix and I both sat down in the chairs in front of the table. Phoenix turned her chair to face me with her herbal tea in her hands, she placed it on the table top.

"Raven I didn't mean to make you feel like I was turning into Dad's servant. I wasn't, I was only trying to figure out what was the feeling of being happy," Phoenix explained to me with her eyes looks like a sad puppy on the streets.

"I didn't mean to say any of those words and I was just upset about the prophecy. I shouldn't stopped you for trying to figure out what happiness was since you've been miserable because of your sacrifice. And I'm sorry for letting you doing that instead of me," I replied looking sad.


Before Raven could say anything, the Tower's alarm sounded throughout the Tower. Me and Raven got up out of our chairs and the living room door of the Titans Tower opened. Robin, Starfire, Cyborg, and Beast Boy ran out the door. Robin stood at the computer with a more angered scowl on his face. I walked a little bit more forward than Raven as the name Slade pulled up on the computer.

"Guys who is Slade?" I questioned pulling my hood over my head.

"Slade is one of the most vilest villains the Titans ever face and I wonder what he is up too?" Robin explained to me as he turned his back away from the computer and now faces me and the other Titans. "TITANS GO!"

Old Warehouse

The warehouse we was in was empty and dark. The only light that was lighting the way was Starfire's star bolt and Cyborg flashlight. Cyborg and Robin was leading the way inside. Starfire and Raven walked in the middle searching around the warehouse. Beast Boy and I was in the back, I could feel Beast Boy's uneasy tension. I didn't like this tension from him and I know I'm the cause of it.

For god sakes, I was the cause of his feelings. I told him I didn't like him, denying my true feelings for him. How could I not be truthful to Beast Boy and tell him how I really feel. Right my dad will use Beast Boy as a weapon against me and have me really be 1/2 of his portal.

"Cyborg are you sure Slade is here?" Robin asked looking around the dark warehouse.

"Yes I'm sure, my system never lies Robin," Cyborg replied as he looked around for Slade.

"Beast Boy can we talk for a quick second?" I asked whisperingly, trying to get Beast Boy's attention.

"Look Phoenix I don't have time to talk we are on a mission," Beast Boy told me so coldly.

That really hurt my feelings when he said that but I couldn't blame him for acting this way. I sighed lightly and continued my search for this Slade person.

"The Teen Titans, you guys finally showed up to the party," a random deep voice spoke out in the darkness.

"Slade where are you, show yourself coward!" Robin shouted with his hands closed tightly. "Titans be ready for anything!"

"A coward? I'll show you a coward,"

The lights came on and a bunch of robots surrounded us. Then on a huge black platform was a man wearing a mask on his face. On the mask there is a long scratch mark that cross his eye which continued down his mask face. His hands was behind his back. He seemed calmed which made me worry about him some more. His eyes danced across the Titans but then his landed on me and it stayed on me.

"Who are you?" I questioned, I got in my fighting stance.

"I am Slade, the new ruler of this world," Slade responded calmly with his hands behind his back.

"That won't ever happen Slade, not while the Teen Titans are standing!" Robin demanded focusing his attention on the robots that surrounded us.

"Ooh no worries Titans you guys won't be standing for long. Bots kill the Titans,"


The robots followed my orders and started attacking the Titans. I didn't watch the other Titans, my attention was on Phoenix. She moved with grace while she was fighting. Phoenix was ripping apart the robots and she didn't even broke a sweat yet. That's when I knew I picked a good candidate to be my apprentice.

It was like in slow motion Phoenix lost sight of the fight when she saw Beast Boy down, she ran over to Beast Boy having his head in her lap. Then one by one the rest of the Titans started falling hard on the ground by my robots. The last one standing was of course Phoenix. Phoenix took her hood off her head revealing her face and hair. Tears rolled down her face. The lights busted causing the electric currents of the lights to fall to the ground.

"I will not allow you to get my friends and especially Beast Boy!" Phoenix said dangerously low.

"I won't hurt your friends as long as you become my apprentice?" I questioned Phoenix as I jumped down from the platform. Dodging those electric currents that's falling from the ground.

"Be your apprentice? Was this pathetic fight was for me to be your apprentice?"

"Yes my child it is,"

"I won't ever be your apprentice!"

"We'll see about that,"


A/n: I just want to say thank you for getting this story 1K reads!! When I started this story a couple of months back, I was getting back to loving the Teen Titans because the one on Cartoon Network kinda sucks and I have the original Teen Titans on DVD. Then a idea came to my head which is what if Raven(my favorite character of the show besides Beast Boy) had a younger twin sister. That's been through the struggle with their dad and wants to redeem herself from all the horrible deeds she committed under their father's intuition. I didn't really think this story will be popular that quick along with my other story on this page. But again thanks for the reads and let's keep the reads going up!!

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