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Next day, morning: Raven

"YOU GUYS ARE A WHAT?" I shouted at Phoenix and Beast Boy holding hands as they both blushed.

"We're a couple now, this lovely demon is my girlfriend!" Beast Boy smiles and kisses Phoenix's cheek causing her to blush but the windows of the Tower bursted.

"Ooops sorry!" Phoenix smiled embarrassingly as she chanted a spell and the broken glass pieces formed back to their original form and covered the Tower.

"I'm happy for the happy relations between two friends!!!!" Starfire squeezes Beast Boy and Phoenix in a very tight hug.

"Thanks Star but can you let us go!" Phoenix said as she was loosing her breath.

"I apologize good friends!"

"You know I'm glad Mr. B.B. found his Mrs. B.B.!" Cyborg patted Beast Boy's back with a smile.

"Congrats Phoenix and Beast Boy, I'm happy for you guys!" Robin smiled as he hugged the both of them.

Then all eyes was on me since I didn't say anything since I made that outburst. I took my hood off my head showing my face. I didn't smile as I walked up to the couple. My eyes darted from Phoenix to Beast Boy until a little smile appeared on my face.

"I'm happy for you two, y'all both need some happiness in your lives! And Beast Boy if you hurt Phoenix in anyway of fashion, I'll send you to a very haunting dimension where you can't get out of it," I spoke causing Beast Boy to shiver in fear.

The Titans alarm went off and the criminal of the day is Mad Mod. We all looked at each other and then at Robin who had a serious look on his face.

"Titans let's take down Mad Mod!" Robin said leaving the Tower.

"So much for a morning date!" Beast Boy exclaimed as Phoenix dragged him out of the Tower with everyone else behind her.

1 hour later: Mad Mod

I caught the Teen Titans locking them up in the chairs they are sitting in. They was all knocked out due to the knockout gas they smelled when they was coming to attack me. I set up a school to teach these little guppies how to behavior! But one by one the Titans started to walk up expected for the new addition Phoenix.

"WHAT HAPPENED? WHAT DID YOU DO TO US? WHY PHOENIX NOT UP LIKE THE REST OF US!" Beast Boy questioned with anger as he tried to get out of the tight shackles of the chair.

"Let's just say my little monkey she was hit with too much of the knockout gas when you tried to come to attack me! But no worries my little guppies those shackles are made to keep all your powers under control. Oh I forgot you guppies have to get ready for your lesson of the day!" I said with a evil smile.

"What lesson of the day Mad Mod?" Robin questioned as he was still trying to break free from the shackles.

"How you Titans ruin all the good villains plans sending them to jail! It's now my job to teach you guppies not to ruin all the villains plans of ruling the world!"

"You won't get away with this Mad Mod!" Raven said as trying to break the cuffs.

"It looks like I already did!!!! Why can't you be like your sister, Phoenix sit there be still like a statue!" I pointed my cane at her knocked out Phoenix.

The bell rang as my evil crooked smile appeared on my face. I twirl my red diamond cane around while I walked away from the Teen Titans.

"Oh guys it's time for your lessons!!! Be good little Titans and relax your mind under my ray!" I still showed my crooked smile.

The ground opened up around the Titans chairs as they fell into the little tunnel. I heard all the Titans screaming expect for Phoenix which was music to my ears.

Computer Lab: Cyborg

I woke up to see I was in the computer lab with a core hooked in my hard drive. I stared down to see I was locked down in the lab experiment table that had me up. The computers were all facing me. Then this annoying voice from Mad Mod come on.

"Hey Cyborg I'm glad you're up to see your programming change into what I want!" Mad Mod said with a evil smile.

"NOOO! DON'T YOU CHANGE MY PROGRAMMING!" I yelled as I was trying to break free from the cuffs.

"There's no escaping love you just got to get use to your new and improve changes!"

Mad Mod voice was gone from the computer lab. I see the red light that coming up to the wire that was in my hard drive programming. That caused me to thrash around in my cuffs hoping that will work to get them off of me. But it was no use the red light was now getting closer to my systems. I tried to think fast about what to do but nothing came to thought. Before I knew it the red light was in my systems as I felt the changes. I shook feeling myself glitching as I also felt that I was loosing myself.

I knew this was enough so I used all my strength to get out of the cuffs. Luckily for me, I got free by yanking the cord that was hooked to my hard drive off of me. I still felt part of me but I also felt Mad Mod's new and horrible additions in my programming.

"Since you don't want to sit and wait for your upgrade, I guess the computers got to help you out!" Mad Mod said through the intercom as the computers started to move.

The computers wiring started to come out of their parts making them look like horrible monsters. Their screen had a scary look on their screen face. I got my cannon out ready to blast them.

"You're not going to change who I am to make me into something you want me to be!" I said hoping Mad Mod hear me ask shoot down the computers.

"If you destroy school property, school property is gonna destroy you!" Mad Mod warned.

"I don't care I just want my programming back!"

I was successful shooting the evil computers down until my cannon stopped working. I felt Mad Mod influence overriding my programming. I stood still while the wires of the computers was coming towards me slowly. They had some spiral symbol on their screens. The wires was aiming at my programming system. I was still frozen as a statue.

"See now you being a good boy!" Mad Mod said as I could hear a evil smile appeared on his face.

"NOOOOO! I DON'T WANT TO BE MAD MOD PUPPET!!! I WANT TO BE CYBROG!" I shouted freeing myself from Mad Mod's control from the computers hypothesizing me.

I had one shot of my cannon left and I was going to make it my best shot. I yelled shooting my last blast at the computers that try to mess up my systems. The computers was turned into tiny parts on the ground as electric currents was popping out like firecrackers. I had to quickly get out of that computer lab hoping it don't get me. While I was out of the computer lab, I was reprogramming my systems to the way I like them. But I was doing that I just hope the other Titans are good.

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