34 pt 2

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Safe room: Raven

I started to mediated trying to calm myself down from this chaos. I cross my legs as I was floating with my hood on my head. But trouble energy kept clouding me because of Phoenix.

"What's troubling you sis?" I asked turning my attention to my little sister.

"We can't let them do this for us," Phoenix replied sadly.

I sighed but before I could speak there was flashing red light in the safe room. I turned around to see the Titans rushingly leave the watch room. Phoenix turned the monitor on and it showed Slade with Talon with a bunch of fire demons.

"See I told you so!" Phoenix said as she looked speechless at the screen of the monitor.

The Titans was fighting the fire demons really well until they started ganging up on them. The fire demons held the Titans in their grips. Talon slowly walking up to each one of the Titans until he stopped on Beast Boy. Talon smirked at Beast Boy as he shooed the demons away from him. Talon grabbed Beast Boy by his throat choking him to death.

Phoenix made a shadow portal and fell through it. I sighed as I followed my younger sister. I stood next to Phoenix as she cried.

"TALON PUT BEAST BOY DOWN RIGHT NOW!" Phoenix shouted getting everyone's attention.

"And what if I don't want to?" Talon taunted with an evil smile on his face having his grip around his neck tighter than before.

"It will be YOUR last day on this Earth I know that," Phoenix stepped up challenging Talon with no fear clouding her eyes, causing Talon to drop Beast Boy. Beast Boy was coughing to catch his breath.

"NO RAE, NIX, GO BACK INTO THE SAFE ROOM WE'LL BE FINE!" Robin yelled as he tried to shake the fire demons off of him.

"And let you guys die that's not fair!" I spoke as I stood next to Phoenix.

"So are you coming with us willingly or do we have to make some of your friends die in order for you girls to come on our side?" Slade ask as his voice made me shiver in fear and disgust.

"We'll go willingly," me and Phoenix talked at the same time.

"Good choice!" Talon smirked as he made a portal to the old library.

"Raven, Phoenix, no!" Robin said weakly as Phoenix casted a spell on our friends.

"Please don't... do it... Rae and Nix!" Beast Boy spike as he was slowly falling asleep.

"You..... guys can fight it.....," Starfire said as she was falling asleep.

"Don't do it....," Cyborg said before falling asleep.

Waking up: Starfire

I woke feeling not the better as my reddish hair cover my face. My hands covered the hard rock ground. I instantly remembered about Phoenix and Raven, and the world. Snapping my neck up to study the sky and see that the sky is still it's red, inky color. Also remembered fighting the fire demons with Cyborg, Beast Boy,..., Robin. ROBIN!!!!!!

I glance down to see my friends and Robin still in their unconscious state. I crawled over to the unconscious Robin and put his head on my lap.

"Robin!!! Robin!!!! ROBIN!!!!!!" I shouted hoping Robin can hear me in this unconscious state.

I heard some groaning slip out someone's mouth and it was coming from Robin. I turned my head to see Beast Boy and Cyborg lifted their upper half of their body up as they was running their heads. Then lastly Robin was the last to get of his unconscious state. Our eyes met as we both blushed was out of it when it started to thunder.

"Guys where is Raven and Phoenix, what happened to us!!" Beast Boy said in worry.

"They both are with Talon and Slade! We have to find them and stop them!" Cyborg replied as he eyes popped out of his head.

"But where do we find them?" I asked in complete worry of my friends.

"The old library! We can find them there! TITANS GO!" Robin informed.

Beast Boy turned into a Pterodactyl flying away with Cyborg in his clawed feet. I flew after Beast Boy with my hands holding on to Robin's. Soon the old library came into view as we see the last of the fire demons walking inside the library.

"We're not to late we still have a chance!" Cyborg cheered.

"Well Titans lets start to end this party and save Jump City!" Robin smirked as the wind was pushing his black hair back.

Soon we landed on the steps of the library. We looked at each other nodding our heads knowing the mission we have to accomplish. Racing into the library and to the passageway of the underground worship. When we got there we see Phoenix and Raven by themselves with no fire demons, no Talon, and no Slade.

"RAVEN! PHOENIX!" Robin shouted getting Phoenix and Raven's attention.

"Guys what are you doing here, how did you break my spell?" Phoenix spoke in shock.

"We don't know, we don't care, we're here to save you guys from yours and the world's unfair fate!" Cyborg shouted in fear.

"We've told you guys you can't change it!" Raven shouted as she looked sad.

"Yes we can and we will! We will do the impossible!" I shouted back at the twins.

"That's very sweet of you guys to think that and Beastie do you still have that potion I gave you?" Phoenix asked Beast Boy with a worry but wonder look that clouded her face and eyes.

Beast Boy

Tears streamed down my face. I knew this was coming, it pain my heart to just think about it. I dig in my pocket with my head down and pulled out the midnight blue potion that I always kept to my pocket since she gave it to me. I showed it to the Titans, Raven, and even my love Phoenix. I glance up with my tears covering my vision. It seemed like Phoenix was smiling through her own tears.

"Beast Boy what is that liquid?" Robin asked as he looked worriedly at me and then back Phoenix.

"Beast Boy knows what it is and its purpose but the rest unlike Raven we find out sooner than later!" Phoenix walked over to me as she was speaking.

Phoenix pushed her body up against mine. Her purple bang covered her eyes but still she can see me. She was staring up into my eyes. I wiped her tears leaving mine unattended.

"Stop crying," Phoenix spoke as her voice broke having her wipe my tears.

"Why can't I cry when you are crying?" I asked as my voice broke too.

"Because I don't want to remember you like this,"

"And I don't want this world nor don't I want us to end like this?"

"I'm sorry it had to be this way but it was fun while it lasted didn't it?"

"Don't say anythin-"

I was cut off by a familiar pair of soft but cold lips touching my warm lips. Knowing it was Nix, I responded quickly moving my lips in sync with Nix's lips. Feeling a pair of Nix's hands sliding up to my green hair. I moaned in the kiss since Phoenix was ruffling up my hair. It felt like I was on Cloud 9, making me even forget about the situation we was in.

I was brought back into reality when Phoenix playfully pushed me back to the others. Phoenix has a playful smile on her which I never saw before that made my heart skipped a beat. Phoenix was a few feet away from me but was close to Raven. I tried coming close to Phoenix.

"RAVEN DO IT NOW!" Phoenix shouted as her playful smile quickly went away.

Before I could comprehend on what Phoenix meant then a force field appeared. Me and the Titans banged on the force field hoping that could break it. Phoenix walked over to where my hands was place and she put her fingerprint on it as a tear spilt out of one her gorgeous eye.

"I'm sorry Beastie!" Nix mumbled as she ran to Raven.

Phoenix gestured her hand up as stairs appeared. Phoenix and Raven looked at each other as they held hands walking up the stairs.

"Guys we have to stop!" Starfire flew up having starbolts appeared in her hands.

"TITANS ATTACK THE FORCE FIELD!" Robin yelled as he started to attack the force field.

"Say no more leader!" Cyborg said proudly.

We all attacked the field as Phoenix and Raven start the ritual. It felt like time was going by slow like time can't go back to its normal speed. By my love for Phoenix made me kept trying to fight time. Phoenix took one last look at me, tears was coming down her face but she blew me a kiss. This caused me to scream, even my screams are in slow motion. But it was too late the ritual was over. A bright light clouded my vision as I couldn't see anymore and falling to the ground.

"I'm sorry Beastie and I love you," I heard Phoenix said as it was the last thing I heard before my mind went blank.

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