36 pt 4

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Trigon's place: Slade

I can't believe Trigon lied to me. Well I can believe it since we are one and the same, but still we promised he will give me what I wanted, Life. To make the long story short, Raven killed me that time I took Phoenix as my humbling apprentice. Raven was mad and made the building shake causing the broken building parts to fall down on me, killing me on impact. I should have listened to Raven and Phoenix and not trust their father but temptation and greed got the best of me.

Trigon stripped me of the powers he gave me. Leaving me back at square one which is a soul without a physical body. So now I'm locked with these fire demon spirits guarding me. The cuffs was tight around my wrists. I was planning my escape so I can exact my revenge on Trigon. I knew the weaponry wasn't too far from the holding cell I was in. 

I must distract the guards and get out of here to take my anger out on Trigon. The fire demons stood at attention with their arms folded, staring straight ahead. I cleared my throat loudly to get their attention which succeeded just like I thought.

"Guards of Trigon can you please get me some water!" I asked nicely.

The fire demons stared at each other strangely like they forgot I was human and I can't die from dehydration.

"Aww come on! A prisoner got to get some fluids in their body! You don't want Trigon's prisoner to die when he gave you specific orders to keep me alive until he have his deadly ways with me!" I taunted the guards.

The guards shrug their shoulders having the guard on the right side of the prison cell to get me my water. While the other guard stood at attention at his post. In a blink of an eye the right guard was back. The left guard unlocked fire-y door of the prison to give me a flaming glass with fire in it, I clearly asked for water. Idiots!

I got up from my sitting position of my cell. I kicked the flaming glass out of the right guard hands causing him to be shocked. I sent him flying with a roundhouse kick to the burning bars of the cell, knocking him out cold. The left guard came into the cell wanting a piece of the action. The guard started to throw some punches with me blowing each blow. The guard aimed for my head which I ducked under with my chained wrist up. The chains melted away from the restrains, letting me free with the cuff still on my wrists.

If I could take off this mask and show that fire demon my face. He would be in one hell of a trouble now that I'm free. I went from defense to offense in a snap of a bone. I kicked, punched, and pulled any limb I could get. I backed the fire demon to the bars and gave that demon some nasty combos. I got tired of fighting the weak demon as he side down the bars unconscious.

Using the opportunity to take the keys out of the left guard locking both of the guards in the cell. I dashed over to the weaponry and got me a big old hammer suiting for my liking to take down Trigon.

Few minutes later: Robin

I hit the ground hard again with Starfire slowly helping me up. Cyborg held the frustrated Beast Boy. Trigon say on our old home like a throne with no marks or cuts on him. His laugh roared into the vacated and destroyed Jump City.

"ITS FUNNY HOW YOU WEAK MORTALS THINK YOU CAN DEFEAT ME!" Trigon voice boomed with more laughter.

"WE WILL TAKE YOU DOWN TRIGON FOR WHAT YOU MADE ME DO WILL NOT GO UNPUNISHED!!" Beast Boy yelled with his voice breaking in the end.


Trigon laughed again before I could think of another way to stop him. I saw a big hammer in the distance. The hammer had spikes on it. The metal part of the hammer was dark gray color. I looked at the handle of the hammer and saw who was holding it, which was Slade. Great more trouble on the Titans hands besides Trigon.

Before I could say anything to Slade, Slade high jumped over me and the Titans to get to Trigon. Slade started hitting Trigon with the hammer causing better damage than we did fighting him before.

"STARFIRE CYBROG SHOOT HIS EYES!" Slade ordered as he high jumped over to me and my friends.

"Why should we listen to since you been out to destroy us since we met?" Cyborg asked with his arms folded not buying Slade's get up.

"In this battle and this battle only I'm on your side so just shoot Trigon in his eyes. I have important messages on how to defeat Trigon once and for all,"

"Does it involve Friend Phoenix and Friend Raven?" Starfire asked worriedly.

"Yes it does but it won't if we sit here and play 22 questions with each other,"

The Titans looked at me for confirmation and I nod my head. Cyborg and Starfire aimed and shot Trigon in the eyes like Slade order. Slade lead us behind a rock as Trigon screamed from pain.

"How are we suppose to get Phoenix and Raven, Slade?" I asked Slade with a serious look.

"First we have to get Raven from Trigon's realm, The Underworld," Slade informed me and my friends.

"What about my girlfriend Phoenix? Huh?" Beast Boy asked annoyance evident in his tone of voice.

"We will get her last due to her being farther away from her sister! And if Phoenix does attack we will have Raven to try and calm down Phoenix. So who is going with me?"

"We are a team and we will go together!" I said sternly hoping Slade get the picture.

"No you all can't go if you all go then Trigon will try everything in his powers to keep you away from Phoenix and Raven! You see that Talon's not here to fight beside Trigon! He is looking for Phoenix, probably already found her by now! Only one person can go while the other distract Trigon," Slade said as he looked at each one of the Titans.

"Robin you go," Beast Boy with a determine face.

"Why me Beast Boy? Why not you?" I asked in shock that he didn't volunteer himself.

"Because my head is not right for this type of solo mission! I just "lost" Phoenix and I'm still kind of grieving and I need to take it out on Trigon!"

I nodded my head at Beast Boy before replying,"Okay Slade take me over to the Underworld,"

"Alright let's go,"

"Bring the both of them back the safe and the sound Robin! Be careful!" Starfire smiled a little.

"You do the same as well as you Cyborg and Beast Boy!" I said back, smiling the same as Star.

"Oh we will!" Cyborg and Beast Boy replied together.

I dashed after the already started Slade to the path to the Underworld, I hope I'm not late to get Raven nor Phoenix for that matter.

45 minutes later: Raven

"Phoenix, Phoenix where are you?" I whispered walking through the dark realm of the Underworld.

I didn't hear anything but a bunch of dead souls moaning and groaning about being in this awful of a place. I was a toddler with my short bobbed purple hair covering my face as I was looking under every rock to try and find my little sister. So far, I didn't see her at all which really have me scared. I feel her, her heartbeat faster than a runway train. She must be in trouble, she felt far away but how am I suppose to get to her if I don't know a way out. I never left her side and why out of times would she choose to leave my side?

I stopped when I notice a rocky wall in front of me. For some odd reason I can't fly so my last resort is to climb this rock my wall. I was getting more scared by the second having this every feeling that I was lost. As this creep thought crept up in my head that there was no hope for me to find a way out or more importantly ever finding Phoenix. Right foot, left hand, right hand, left foot as I kept on with that pattern to climb to the top of the rocky wall.

In the middle of the climb I heard a loud voice calling my name. I knew it wasn't Phoenix's voice since this sounds like a boy calling me. I turned around to see a boy down below. He smiled at me like he was happy to see me. My eyes widen with fear as I quickly climb up the wall to get away from the boy.

"Raven wait up!" The boy pleaded.

I just kept on climbing until I pulled myself up to the top of the wall. I ran with my white cloak flowing behind me. Not to soon I heard the boy continue to call my name. The boy with longer legs than me quickly caught up with me. He grabbed on my cloak snatching the clips off it it. The white cloak rested in his hands causing me to stop running and face him.

"Who are you and what do you want with me?" I asked the boy, walking slowly back from him.

"I'm your friend Raven and I want to take you back to the Upper World with me!" The boy smiled a little.


I continue my run with the boy calling out to me with my white cloak in his hands. I ran though broken ruins sliding down the slopes of used to buildings. Then the boy catches up with me on the other side.

"Raven stop I'm not going to hurt you!" The boy plead again but stopped when he hit a dead end of his path.

I ran towards the unstable red bridge  that I lucky made it safely through. I stumbled a bit due to the wobbly dismount of the bridge. I could hear the boy footsteps getting closer. I searched for a hiding place when I found a big enough crack for me to wiggle through. Squeezing myself through to see the boy in front of the crack.

"Raven please come out I promise I won't hurt yo"

I interrupted the boy by kicking him. I got out of the crack to take my cloak out of his hand. I ran again but this time I fell down the slope of a hill. I rolled a bit and landed down. I tried to get up but it was no use. The boy landed safely and softly down before me. I crabbed walked back from him as he stopped moving towards me causing me to stop too.

"Raven stop running I'm only here to help you and Phoenix! But I can't help you if you keep running away from me!" The boy held his hand out smiling.

Tears formed in my eyes but they would come out. I'm shocked, how does he know my little sister?

"You know Phoenix?" I asked the boy trying to hide my joy.

"Yes I do! You can say me, Phoenix, and you were very close friends! So are you going to trust me?"

Tears still in my eyes as I gently put my hand in his big hand. The boy picked me up setting me on his back.

"So do you know where Phoenix is at?" I asked the boy hoping he does.

"Yes I sure do but it's going to be a long journey and I may need help so I'll pass the time by telling you a story about twin sisters name Phoenix and Raven that changed my life forever!"

Oblivion: Talon

Phoenix stumbled on the ground. She tried to get up but she was too weak. I grinned as I slowly walked to her as she was groaning in pain.

"Even in this toddler form you are weak and pathetic! What a shame you can't turn yourself back to your  normal self!" I teased laughing a venomous laugh.

I got close to the toddler Phoenix, her purple medium length hair was covering her face until I brushed it away. Her pain stricken face was getting me the pleasure of my long over due victory. I slammed my foot on her chest having her scream louder than before. Phoenix swung side to side to shake my foot off of her which was no use.

"Awww is the poor Phoenix in pain!" I teased again slamming my foot on her chest again. "Well too bad that's how you made me feel when you dumped and left me!"

"I was... doing what's best for... me! In that case.... you wasn't... what was best for me!" Phoenix said weakly.

I slammed my foot on her chest again causing her to scream again.

"Don't back talk me you wretched half-demon!" I gritted my teeth. "I could set you free if you be my girlfriend again and help me rule with your father? Or decline and I'll just have to find and kill Raven before you little toddler eyes? The choice is yours my love!" I offered with evil grin on my face knowing that Phoenix is going to pick the first option.

Phoenix stumbled on her words, wet tears trail down her pale gray cheeks. I could hear the words spilling out of her mouth until something hit me from behind. I turned around to see Robin and a little girl that looks just like Phoenix, it was Phoenix's older sister Raven. Raven got off of Robin's back as her little hands were in fists.

"How dare you hurt my sister!" Raven shouted in anger.

"What are you gonna do about it, throw a tantrum?" I asked taunting Raven, hearing her growl.

"No I'll be throwing some damaging combos to get you off your feet!" Robin stepped in front of Raven protecting her. "Raven go get Phoenix and protect her,"

"Please I would like to see you try!"

I got in my new fighting stance circling around Robin while he did the same. A grin grew on my face, while Robin remained unbothered. I flew up and cast my first spell. The ground tumbled shaking Robin and the twin sisters. Skeletons grew up out of ground coming to attack Robin. Robin got his metal staff and started breaking off the bones of the skeletons. When I notice Robin was easily going through the skeletons I casted more skeletons to rise.

Robin continued to go through the skeletons. I could see he was easily getting tired. Leaving an opportunity for my skeletons to capture Robin wrist by wrist.

"Good skeletons!" I smiled turning to the wretched half-demon twin sisters.

I could see that the twins were scared. They trembled in fear which I really enjoyed. This had my heart beating faster. Then Phoenix slowly got up from Raven's grip. She looked at me with an unamused expression on her face.

"I'm tired of running and people fighting for me like a weak little toddler I am! It's time for me to fight!" Phoenix shouted.

"I'm with you Phoenix 100%!" Raven grabbed her hand with a hopefully smile on her face.

With their hands intertwined in each other a white bright and blinding light formed around them. I covered my eyes with my arms and I could hear my skeletons yelling in pain. Once I felt the bright light dimming down I uncovered my eyes to see an all grown Raven and Phoenix. They was back to normal and they was in their purest form.

"Hey sis don't you think we need to throw that tantrum we've been dying to throw?" Raven teased as she smirked with her eyes on Phoenix then at me.

"Yes sis would like to take the first attack?" Phoenix answers with a childish smile on her face.


20 minutes: Phoenix

"AZARATH METRION ZINTHOS!!!!!!!!!!!!" I shouted as dark purple shot out of my hands going towards Talon.

Black chains grew out of Oblivion and wrapping its end around Talon's limbs. Talon shouted trying to shake the chains off while they grew tighter around him. Raven stepped next to me with a smirk. My eyes were white using my powers to wrap the chains on Talon.

"Let me go please I won't bother you nor your friends again!" Talon begged struggling to out of my chains.

"I have never seen you beg like this Talon, how does it feel?" I jeered making the chains tighter than before.

"I think it's time to give him an punishment he so longingly deserves!" Raven smirked with her arms folded.

"Talon, I hear by make you a prisoner of Afterlife a lost soul that roams around that gloomy place! You might meet some old friends that might want to teach you a lesson!" I said casting an imprisonment spell.

"NOOOOOOOO! WHYYYYYYYY!" Talon shouted as I destroyed his physical body and leaving his soul behind.

Once Talon was a soul, I swing my hands up as the chains followed my motion setting him free flying to the Afterlife. I turn my head to see the skeletons and they shook with fear as they disassembled themselves letting Robin free. Robin smiled brightly rubbing his wrists.

"I'm glad you guys are back to normal now let's get back to Jump City!" Robin smiled with his hands on mine and Raven's shoulder.

"We shall!" Raven agreed opening a portal to Jump City.

Jump City

We arrived to Jump City. The sky looked like a crimson red color. Black and gray clouds replaced the friendly white clouds I grew to love about this planet. Buildings was torn down, while people was in a frozen like rock state. The roads of Jump City covered in debris and huge chunks of building parts. This is not the Jump City I grew to love!

"Is this really Jump City?" Raven questioned with shock glancing around the place we used to call home, a place we used to call Jump City.

"Yes it is Jump City but your father and the others are over by the Tower!" Robin told me and Raven.

We both nod our heads and flew after the already running Robin. We stopped when we saw our father sitting on the Tower like it's his throne like he owned the planet. Starfire and Cyborg was laying on the ground kind of lifeless. I turned my eyes to see Beast Boy the last one standing. His clothes were torn showing patches of his green skin.

You can see it in his eyes that he was tired which made me angry. Trigon was staring at Beast Boy while Beast Boy was going the same. Soon Beast Boy fell to the debris road due to the lack of energy.

"FATHER!" I shouted taking his attention off of Beast Boy and onto me and Raven.




Father crossed his arms as a powerful yellow rays oozed out of his chest hitting me, Raven, and Robin. We screamed while me and Raven his the debris covered road hard. Father got up from the mushed Tower and stood tall on the debris street. I slowly prop myself up by the support of my elbows. My glance up with my eyes squinting to see Robin was out cold after that only blow. I glance to my left to see Raven looking back at me.


"It's time to finish our father off once and for all!" Raven said as she stood to her feet.

"Yes you're right! Let's do this together!" I smiled holding Raven's hand. "Hey father lets give you a tip on what a father should do with their daughters!"

A white energy grew around Raven and me. I felt strong, stronger than before. It felt like electricity was bouncing off the bones of my body.

"FATHERS ARE KIND!" Raven shouted as we blast father.

"FATHERS PROTECT THEIR DAUGHTERS!" I yelled as blasted father with another powerful white rays.


"WE WAS PROTECTED BY THE MONKS OF AZARATH! WE WAS RAISED BY OUR FRIENDS! THEY ARE OUR FAMILY NOT YOU FATHER! AND FAR AS WE KNOW OF YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE EVER AGAIN!" Me and Raven spoke simultaneously as shot another powerful rays at our father killing him off.

Father was begging and pleading for mercy. White lights danced around him as he was shrinking as the lights was striking him. One last blow of white light killed father off.


Jump City was back to normal. The sky was it pretty sky blue color! White clouds covered up the blue sky! The warm yellow sun shined its warm rays on my Tamaran pale orange skin! Plus I felt more powerful than before! People of Jump City cheered that this horrible prophecy of the Earth is over!

I flew over to Friend Raven and Friend Phoenix giving them one of my famous tightly squeezed hug! The plead for me to let go which I gladly did!

"Ohhhh isn't this one of the most glorious of the times!" I cheered with joy.

"Yes it is because Raven and Phoenix saved the day and our lives!" Cyborg grinned with happiness.

"See I told you girls that you can rewrite what was written about you guys!" Robin rejoice.

"Yes they did and now both Raven and my cute momma get to stay with us for the rest of their lives!" Beast Boy said showing off his toothy grin having his hands on Phoenix's waist.

"See about that I must go back to Oblivion," Phoenix said sadly.

"Why your sentence from your father is over?" Beast Boy asked confused as well as me and our fellow Titans.

"Yes I know but Beastie killed my body leaving me as a soul, a roaming soul. I belong with the other roaming souls of Oblivion,"

"If we would have known we would have even touched nor used the potion!" Robin said as he was sad.

"No, no, no, if you haven't used it my father would of ruled Earth and killed you guys! You did it for the greater good!" Phoenix spoke trying to cheer us up.

"No Phoenix that's not fair, I haven't seen you in all my life and now you have to go back to the lonesome place!" Raven shouted as tears were forming in her eyes.

"I know it's not but that's the rules I'm sorry!"

"What about this body you in can't you use this one?" Beast Boy asked hoping there was a way to keep her hear.

"No I'm sorry also, this body is temporarily to use to defeat my father,"

"I should of used my starbolts and destroy the potion for you Friend Phoenix!" I grumbled.

"It's better to save millions lives other than one life that truly mattered! It's okay I accepted my fate and this is the punishment I deserved for what I did even though I forgave myself! I'm just happy to have an adorable and cute dog, some cool friends, a wicked older twin sister, and a loving boyfriend that truly loved me! But more importantly a new place that truly feel like home to me! What a half demon like me have been asking for her whole entire life!"

What Friend Phoenix said truly touched my heart. I knew I was going to miss her but not as much as Cerberus, Raven, or Beast Boy would.

"Wait what about Cerberus? How do you think he will feel when he noticed you didn't come home with us?" Cybrog questioned with a sad look.

"Tell him I loved him with all my heart," Phoenix said sadly.

Phoenix made a portal to Oblivion. She transformed into a dark purple and black bird but she look back at us while we was crying. I could see part of Oblivion, it was like a black endless abyss with white smoky fog covering the ground. You can see other roaming souls behind her walking. They all looked lost and I could hear their cries which turn me apart some more. But I turned my attention back to Phoenix. A tear escaped her bird like eyes as she was about to fly through the portal but stopped when we all heard a motherly like voice booming softly at us.

Appeared before us was a lady in a white hoodie cloaked dress. Phoenix turned back to her "normal" self looking at the lady with curiosity. She had fair skin like a earthling and she had long purple hair like Phoenix. She seemed to look just like Raven and Phoenix. Is she Phoenix and Raven's mother?

"Phoenix my dear child what you think you are doing?" Phoenix and Raven's mother asked her daughter proving that I was right.

"I'm going back to Oblivion where all the roaming lost souls go?" Phoenix answered looking at the road and then at her mother.

"There's no end in that place!"

"What do you mean by that mother?" Raven asked her with a confused look.

"Phoenix doesn't have to go because she have rewritten so many of her wrongs and help you saved our planet and other dimensions that monks of Azarath gave me the power to restore Phoenix's body back! That's if she really wants ME to do it?"

We all looked at Phoenix as tears swelled her eyes. A shaky smile appeared across her pale gray lips. She hugged her mother tightly nodding her head, I'm guessing the words couldn't come out.

"METRION ZOOL OPRA FORE TYE!" Raven and Phoenix's mother shouted.

A white light appeared around Phoenix. The white light made Phoenix fly up to the sky to the point the light was bright we had to shield our eyes. When the light was over, Phoenix landed down before me, the Titans, and her mother. She smiled at all of us and then at her mother.

Phoenix didn't have the white clothing on but her dark purple and black clothing.

"Thanks mother, you really didn't have to do this for me!" Phoenix hugger her mother tighter before.

"Yes I did, I regret not being there for you and Raven when you girls were growing up and when you need me the most! So let's just say that's an I'm sorry gift for me," Phoenix and Raven's mother cried.

"It's fine I was being selfish and only worried about me and Raven when I didn't realize that you was suffering from father too and I'm truly sorry!"

They both cried in each other with Raven joining in the crying fest of the small family. I looked at Robin, Cybrog, and Beast Boy pulling them close to me crying as well. This is one happy ending that I don't regret at all.

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