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It was 12 in the afternoon. I was still in my room watching over Phoenix. She was resting peacefully in the bed like she didn't have the fate of the world on her shoulders. Her very long violet hair was all over her face and I couldn't help but to smile a little bit. I continued to read my book in tranquility. The only little sound that could be heard is Phoenix's steady breathing. When I started to get heavily deep in the book there was a light knock on the door. I groaned, angrily closed my book to see who was at the door.

"What do you want!" I said in a low growl as I open my door to see it was Starfire and Robin at my door with a scared smile.

"Sorry to interrupt you Friend Raven!" Starfire said in the quietest voice I ever heard.

"Yea but we want to know if you would like to go out to lunch with the rest of us?" Robin said giving me a hopeful smile.

"What about my sister, whose going to watch over her?" I questioned wondering what idea they have for Phoenix.

"I'm pull the security up so no one can come in nor can anyone can come out of the Tower while we are gone!" Robin tried to reassure me.

"Yes the friend will be safe, but you need the break from the Friend Phoenix! You've been worrying about her since her arrival," Starfire said worriedly with a sad look on her face.

I thought about it and it's true I've been worried about Phoenix for almost 3 weeks and she have proven to take care of herself just fine. Plus the Titans Tower has the best known security to mankind.

"Fine I'll go but I will watch you put the security up. So we can make sure it's actually on," I spoke dead to the world.

"Alright lets have a glorious day out!" Starfire shouted loudly.

"SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, Star before you wake up Phoenix!" I exclaimed pointing over to my sleeping baby sister.

"I'm am the sorry," Starfire slowly flew away from my room door.

Robin and I left my room door. Robin then set the security system up, which was already up. With that me and the Titans went to the pizza polar to get some lunch.

Hours later: Starfire

We came back to the tower defeated and leaderless. We gotten beaten badly by the Hive 5. Cyborg sat miserably on the little couch with his head down. Beast Boy and Raven was standing up looking disappointed, and me I was wondering where Robin could be at.

"I can't believe I left myself wide out for that stupid child to put that rocket on my back," Cyborg said with his hands on his head.

"It wasn't your fault, Cy, you didn't know," Raven said cheering up Cyborg but he was still down about the situation.

"We have to go find Robin!" I said worriedly thinking about where Robin could possibly be at.

"Star we looked a bunch of time around Jump City about 4 times and we couldn't find him. Trust me Star, Robin knows his way home," Beast Boy explained to me.

"Star relax Robin is going to come back we just have to sit here and wait for him to come back home," Raven spoke to me with her eyes still shows no sign of emotions.

Then there was a loud crush that broke the front door of the Titans Tower which really caught me and the team's attention. Then at the front door is Jinx, Gizmo, and Mammoth with a evil smile on their faces.

"Round 2!" Jinx said with a evil glint in her eyes.

"Not in our own home!" Cyborg exclaimed with determination.

That's where the fight began again for us. Me and Raven ran together as Mammoth was on our tails. Raven and I raced over to the weight room and I used my star bolts to hold the doors tightly so Mammoth couldn't come in. Raven and I backed slowly up from the doors but there was a loud crash behind us. We turned around to see it was Mammoth with a dumb smile on his face.

"Hello Ladies!" Mammoth taunted.

Raven and I screamed and ran out of the weight room. But let's just say the Hive 5 kicked us out of own home. We landed in the water of the ocean that surrounded our T shaped home. If we had Robin this wouldn't happen again, we would of been victorious in battle.


I woke up to a very dark room with some different clothes, I wore a dark purple crop top with some black short pajamas shorts. My body don't feel weak anymore but I'm still not my strong self. I pulled the sheets off of me and my gray skinned feet hit the cold floor. Yawning while stretching my body as I walked out the doors of me and Raven's room. I touched the cold steel or metal walls of the Titans Tower and realize it too quiet. My body moved into waves as I felt a disturbance or different auras of people in the Tower.

I pulled my very long violet hair into a ponytail. The more I walked into the living room, the more waves of disturbance hit me harder than before. The door of the living room opening and I see 3 intruders. When they saw me they froze like statues. They acted like they was caught from their mommas doing something wrong or something they shouldn't be doing at all.

There was a baby in the room who is obviously very short for his age. He is bald, and his eyes have no pupils, but he wore green goggles. His entire costume is a dark green one-piece with shoes built in. The opening in which is neck goes in is quite large, and he has a gray appliance in the middle of his chest.

Then there was this big old guy that looks like he came from the prehistoric times. He has long, brown hair and a goatee, and his eyes are white with no pupils just like the baby. His uniform consists of a sleeveless black unitard with a yellow pattern going across his costume, and the patterns have circles sticking out. He wears wristbands and shoes with the same pattern.

And last but least there was a girl, the only girl in the group of intruders. The girl has light gray skin, sharing this skin color with Raven and me. Her hair is shaped like a horseshoe, sticking out just a little bit at the tips. Her hair color is light pink with metallic black bands near the top. Her eyes match her hair color, with pupils shaped like a cat's. She also has small, oval shaped, pink cheek blushes. Her outfit is a blacklong sleeved dress with a violet centered bands. The bottom of her dress is cut jagged about halfway down her thigh. She also has violet and black striped leggings under her dress. Her shoes are black platform boots with violet soles. She also has a black collar with a violet charm on it. She mostly looks like bad luck to me.

Then I looked intensely at the girl as she was holding mine and Raven's clothes. I crossed my arms as they have straighten up and had evil looks on their face.

"Raven didn't we kick you and your sorry team out?" The little baby said with a evil laugh.

"Don't talk about my sister nor my friends!!! Mainly don't you have a diaper to change?" I questioned with anger.

"I must say you and your sister needs some better outfit choices!" The pink haired girl said throwing our clothes on the floor like it's garage.

"See you made a huge mistake!" I spoke to the girl.

I closed my hand and my black magic followed my actions around the pink haired girl. I moved my hand up and down as the girl was screaming in pain as was hitting the ceiling. The little baby tried to intervene but I stopped him with one of my nets. But the Cave Man teen didn't move not one bit because he did had stars in his eyes.

"Ohhh Raven have a pretty twin sister!" The Cave Man spoke with hearts in his eyes looking at me.

"Well me show how pretty I can be!" I threw the girl and the baby to the Cave Man knocking all three of them down into the kitchen.

I was doing fine until a pink strike came across my face landing on my cheek. My right cheek was burning from the hit. I glared at them while they was smirking. They stopped when they saw my extra eyes, my demon form coming out.

"NOW YOU WILL REGRET EVER COMING HERE!" My demonic voice said but before I could attack them. A arm, a green like bolt, and black magic arm came and got the three from my grasp.

I growled still in my demon form as I followed them outside the ugly remodel of our Tower.

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