please dont....

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Mia was concerned. She had been noticing Phoenix acting out of character. He seemed more and more depressed, so she thought she'd go talk to him.

He was in the coffee room, making a cup of hot cocao. "Phoenix" she called making him flinch. She frowned at the action and walked over, even more concerned.

"Look at me please" He shook his head and insisted he wad fine. "Liar" Mia muttered, as she turned him around. Phoenix immediately broke down, upon seeing her face. "It's stupid, I know"

Mia sat him down. "Your worries aren't and never will be stulid" "They're valid and need to be solved with others"

Phoenix continued. "As I get to solve the trials and clues, I get emotional when I often lose" "The very client I bonded with, who I know is innocent, is imprisoned and I wonder to myself how weak I am, in being unable to prevent that"

Mia was silent and grim before speaking. "Sometimes things can be overwhelming. I know because I've been stressed too" "So don't worry, you'll be ok" "Take it easy" "I care about you, you know?" "One step at a time, alright"

"I know you work hard and you need to look at your accomplishments more often, than your faikures" " You're impressive and I'm genuinely proud of you!" "I'm glad I met you" "It's like they say, you can only learn and improve from your mistakes" "As long as they're not dead, it's fine" "All your cliebts know you try, do dont ve so hard on yourself!" "You're just as young as me" "You can't always be mature"

Phoenix nods and wipes his tears. They smile at each other and hug. The hug lasts a while and Phoenix falls asleep exhausted.

"Ms Fey  the-" a fellow attorney started, upon entering. He was shushed by her, as she pointed to Phoenix. The attorney nodded in understanding. "I'll come back later"

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