ELEVEN nights

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"Neji! Guess what! Nah, I'll just tell you! I got the scholarship!"


"Eeeek! I can't believe it!"

"When will you go?"

"You know, I'd appreciate a little more enthusiasum. And I'll be going in... fifteen days."

"...Are you being serious?"

"...Yes. But don't worry! We can still talk, I'll give you my number and--"

"I want to meet you before you leave. In person."

"What? Why?"

"Because... just please agree to this."

"...Fine. We can meet in eleven nights; my last day at the shop."

"Sounds perfect. We'll meet at the park downtown--do you know where I'm talking about?"

"Yep. The one with the small slide and swing set."

"Yeah, that one. Then we'll go out to dinner, so wear something formal."

"Ooooh fancy, eh?"




"So Neji..."


"Is this like a... date?"

"...I guess you can call it that."

"...Okay. Listen, I have to go. Do you want the usual?"

"Yes please."

"Kay. Talk to you tomorrow. Bye.



The end coming soon ehehehe.

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