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what does  "manner of articulation " refer to ? Describe in brief the manner of articulation in producing stops and affricates . Give one or two examples of each

 " Manner of articulation" refers to the way in which the obstruction of the airstream is achieved.

stops ; Complete obstruction of the airstream - The air that passes from the lungs into the mouth can be completely stopped because the lips or the tongue actually touch some part of the upper mouth ( bilabial / p/ , /b/ ; aiveolar /t/ , /d/ and velar /k/ , /g/

Affricatives : Complex consonant - The tip of tongue makes contact the top of the mouth and then saparates slighly so that a fricative is made immediately after the stop ( alveo - platal / tS/ , /d3/ , tS/ begins as the top consonant /t/ and is released as the fricative /3/ . /d3/ begins as the stop consonant /d/ and is released as the fricative /3/what are the functions of stress ? Give two examples of each function

Function of stress : 1. - show the syntactic relationship within the word

show the difference between a noun and a verb when having the same spellings . Ex: 'Record contrast -> Noun , Re'cord con'trast -> verb

show the difference between an noun phrase and a compound noun . Ex: White'house (np) 'whitehouse (cn)

 2..  show the grammatical structure of words . Ex: Diplomat - Diplomacy - Diplomatic . photograph -photography-photographic

Noun end in 'y' ajective end in ' ie'

what is liaison in english ? state the types of liaison and give examples of each type

Liaison is the linking final sound of a word with the initial sound of the following word for the convenience of speaking

-          There are two types of liaison :

 1. Link consonant with the vowel . Ex: come in                     I love you                                                                  

2. Link vowel with vowel . Ex: you and I                                 father and mother

Define the patterns of simplification in informal spoken english . Give three examples of each

There are 3 patterns of simplification in informal spoken English : assimilation , elision and liaison

Assimilation is considered as a phonetic process in which one sound is changed to become resemble or identical with the neighbouring sound

Ex: steltment                        man                                             sop

            P                   p          resemble                      s            identical

       * Elision is the disappearing of the sound ( vowel or consonant ) when we are speaking quickly and by the influence of the surroundings

          Ex: /t/                       (lastmonth)  , /d/                (rapidly) , /I/             (cabinet)

Liaison is the linking final sound of a word with the initial sound of the following word for the convenience of speaking

There are two types of liaison : 1.- Link consonant with the vowel . Ex: phien am : come in , i love you , it is

      2. - Link vowel with vowel . Ex: more and more

                                                           Father and mother

                                                           For I love you

state the differences between voiced consonants and voiveless consonats in english

They different in the voicing ( states of vocal cords)

-          Voiceless : vocal cords are not vibrated : p,f,t,s,0,s,ts,k,h

-          Voiced : Vocal cords are vibrated : b,v,d,z,th,d3,g,l,r,m,etc

compare the allophonic variants of the phoneme /k/ in the following words and point out the differences : a, kind   b,sky     c, looked

a. Kind              A spirated   + standing in initial position of a stress syllables

b. sky             Unaspirated  + standing after the sound /s/

c. Look          Unexploded + standing before another fotis plossive

Give the definition of minimal pair . illustrate your answer with one example

Minimal paires a pair of words (two words ) : They are different in meaning the same number of segments in each word there is only one different segmment in the same distribution

      Minimal pair is a way to find phonemes .One minimal pair gives us 2


Ex: met - set   ;  Sit - bit ;    bat - sat  ;  seat -  beat

what criteria is the classification of english consonants based  on ? List all the english consonantal phonemes

-          The classification of English consonants is based on following criterias : + place of articulation ( obstructions ) + manner of articulation ( airstream) + voicing ( states of vocal cords ) + positions of soft palate ( ORAL / NASAL)

-          All the English consonantal phonemes .

                     P,b,f,v,t,d,s,z,Θ,δ,ʃ, ʒ,tʃ,dʒ,k,g,h,l,r,m,n,ŋ,j,w

what happens to english fortis plosives when they are syllable initial and accented ? Give the narrow transcription of the following : Try to come in time .

when English fortis plosives are syllable initial and accented , they will be aspirated

Ex: Car /k­­  kɑ:/           pill / pil / , take /  teik  /

Narrow transcription : try to come in time

Ex:                                      /trai tu kʌm in taim /

what is voicing ? Give at least 4 examples to show your understanding

voicing refers to the vibration of the vocal cords , Sounds made with the vocal cords vibrating are voiced sounds and those made no such vibration are voiveless . voicing is one way that makes consonants different form each other .

         - voiceless : P,f,t,s,Θ,ʃ,tʃ,k,h,

         -Voived :  b,v,t,d,z,δ, ʒ,dʒ,g,l,r,m,n,ŋ,j,w

state the functions of the following tones  a.the low fall     b. The high fall    c. The falling rising toneexpresses something unexcited or impatience or insistence

expresses a strong indignation or excitement , and sometimes a disagreement

expresses boubt or encouragement , also indignationwhat is intonation ? Describe the basic intonation patterns in english

When we are speaking, the voice is going up and down continously  causing the pitch change that the diferent patters of pitch change occusing when were are speaking is call intonation

1. Falling:

a. High fall   --> show: - excitement (happy ): Yes

I - indignation ( angry ): No

 b. Low fall  --> Show : - cold : yes

- impatient: come on

2. Rising:

a. High rise -> Show question: do you learn English? 

b. Low rise --> Show: - polite: come in, please 

- encouragement : come on 

 3. Rise - fall   --> Show: sure, certain: really

 4. Fall - rise  - Show: doubt, not sure: really

what is a vowel ? name the two large groups of vowels , which are classified on the basis of the stability of articulation . Give examples of each function

A vowel is a type of sound for which there is no closure of the throat or mouth at any point where vocalization occurs. Vowels can be contrasted with consonants, which are sounds for which there are one or more points where air is stopped. In nearly all languages, words must contain at least one vowel. While a word can be formed without any consonants - such as the English words I or way - no word may consist of only consonants, without a vowel.

( vowel are speech sounds when we pronounce them the organs of speech doesn't form the obtrusion the air stream goes out without any stop and the vocal  ... thieu )

The vowels are 44 sounds , vowels are Monophothongs (12) and Dipphthongs (8) , Consonants (24) include : 2 semi-Vowels : /j,w/

name the two large groups of vowels :

     -Monophthongs are pure vowel sounds when we pronounce them, the

organ of speech remains unchanged during the process of pronunciation

    - Diphthongs are complex vowel sounds ( consisting of two vowel sound

elements ), when we pronounce them the organ of speech often glides to the

 second sounds.

There are 4 ways to classify monophthongs:

1. Shapes of lips : spread ex: i , I ,

2. Position of tongue : High  ex: i , I

4. Length of sounds: Front ex: i , I

3. Highest part of tongue : Long ex: I

what is the difference between monophthongs and dipthongs ? Give examples

Monophthongs :

1-      pure vowel sound

2-      when we pronounce them the organ of speech remmains unchanged during the process of pronounciation


1-      Complex vowel sound

2-      when we pronounce them the organ of speech often glides second sounds


what is elision in english ? Give examples

The disappearing of the sound ( vowel or consonant ) when we are

speaking quickly and by the influence of the surroundings is called


Ex: /pɒstɔfɪs/ t , /wəldwαId/ d

what is stress ? Give examples of different types of stress

-The energy that make the sound more prominent than surroundings is


- The stress mark / is put above the prominent syllable.

  Eg:stju dént

        stressed unstressed

        syllable syllable

there are two types of stress : primary stress and secondary stress


ɛ secondary stress , k'ei : primary stress

ɛ less prominent -> [/] is under the syllable and above the syllable

keI : more prominent stress mark

what are the general criteria for english vowel classification ? Give examples

1. Shapes of lips: - spread : i , I , ɛ,æ

2. Position of tongue: - high : i , I , u , ʊ

4. Length of sounds: front : i , I , ɛ,æ

3. Highest part of tongue : - long : i, ɛ,u, ɔ,a

Give the definition of assimilation . illustrate your answer three examples

Assimilation is considered as a phonetic process in which one

sound is changed to become resemble or identical with the neighbouring


Eg: Assimilation happens within the word

steɪmeənt                       futbɒl                 ɪnkɒt          kwinbi

p                            p                         ŋ             m

Give the narrow transcription of the following sentence . the students are going to see the

       ðəstju:dnt a: gouiŋtu si: ðə tju:'tɔ:riəl  nekst  'wenzdi

Give examples of regressive assimilation in which /l/ may become dentalized

The alveolar sounds : / l / -> dentalized -> before dental sounds : / Θ, δ/.

Health /             /  [         ]

Wealth  /             /     [             ]

Filth   /                /      [              ]

what is assimilation ? give examples

                                                                              Assimilating sound

                                                                             Neighbouring sound

              Alveolar                              Bilabial

                gʊd              <-                  m n ɪŋ




               New sound                             resemble

                  gʊd     ←             bɒɪ

                     ↓                      identical

When we are speaking very quickly ( in informal speech ) one

sound may influence another sound makes it change and become a new

sound.The new sound may be resemble or identical with the assimilating

sound (neighbouring sound ). These phenomena are called assimilation.


               δæt <- mæn                                δɪs <- ʃɒp

                   p            resemble                                            s            identical

·Definition: Assimilation is considered as a phonetic process in which one

sound is changed to become resemble or identical with the neighbouring


Eg: Assimilation happens within the word.

steɪmeənt                       futbɒl                 ɪnkɒt          kwinbi

p                            p                         ŋ             m

what is a phoneme ? how many phonemes are there in the english language ? how many types are they often divided into ? Give examples of each typephonemes are the smallest sound segments that can be distingished by their contrast within words .

 Ex: bat               fat


there are 44 phonemes in the English language ( 24 phonemes of consonants and 20 phonemes of vowels )

They are often divided into 2 types egmental phonemes and supra segmental phonemes

-          Segmental phonemes are phonemes that before coming phonemes they are segments

Ex: M.P   ( consonants ) -> segmental phonemes : 24

A.U ( vowels ) segmental phonemes : 20

=> 44 segmental phonemes

- Supra segmental phonemes : intonation and stress can function as phonemes but they are not segments . So we called them supra segmental phoneme

Ex: really /             /       really /     /

 -> intonation .   'record              Re'cord -> stress

what is the phonetic transcription ? Give some examples to support your point

Transcription means to use a set of symbols representing sounds to show

the sounds in the written forms.


Word - basic units of a language

    ↓                                          ↓

Written form                 spoken form

  Student           ↓             /stjudənt/

   Letters                         sounds

              Symbols represent

            Sounds show the sounds

              In the written form

state the difference between affricatives and fricatives in english in tems of manner of production

affricatives : the complete obstruction is slowly removed forming a flat narrowing through which the air passes with friction ; fricative : the obstruction is incomplete leaving narrowed air passage with which audible friction is prodced .

Affricate: t ʃ, dʒ - The airstream is completely stopped and gradually eleased.

Fricative: f, v, S, Z, θ, δ, ʃ, ʒ, h - The airstream is partially stopped and gradually released.

what is the difference between phonetic description and phonetic transcription ? Give examples of eachPhonetic description : Use words to describe the phonetic features of sounds . Phonetic features

-          Vowel / consnant

-          Oral / Nsal

-          Voiceless / Voiced

-          Place of articulation

-          Manner of articulation

Ex: /i/ - This is a vowel . when we pronounce it the shape of lips is pread . the tongue position is high , the highest part of tongue is front and the length of sound long

/p/ - This is a voiceless and oral consonant . when we pronounce it , the hips form the obstruction , the airstream is conpeletely stopped then suddenly released

* Phonetic transcription : Use the sets of symbols representing the sounds to show sounds are pronounced including phonetic details such as aspiration , nasalization , etc It is written in square brakets []   Ex: Car [ K h a]  Health [ hel0]

what does the term minimal pair refer to ? Give examples of minimal pairs

    Minimal pair is a pair of words:( two word)

 - They are different in meaning.

 - The same number of segments.

- In each word there is only one different segment in the same


Minimal pair is a way to find phonemes .One minimal pair gives us 2


Eg:             hat             cat

                  / hæt /        / cæt/

what are the basis criteria for classification and description of english consonantal phonemes ? give at least one example for each case

There are 24 consonants:


Note: j, w are two semivowels. When they stand alone, they are not

pronounced. But when they stand before vowels, they are pronounced.

  1. Place of articulation: ( obstructions )

How the organs of speech combine to form the obstructions:

1.1. Bilabial p, b, m, w.

1.2. Labio - dental: f, v.

 1.3. Alveolar: t, d, S, Z, I, h.

1.4. Post - alveolar: r.

1.5. Dental: θ,δ

1.6. Palato - alveolar: ʃ,ʒ,tʃ,dʒ

.1.7. Palatal: j.

1.8. Velar: k, g, ŋ.

1.9. Glottal: h.

2. Manner of articulation:

1.10. Plosive : p, b, t, d, k, g - The airstream is completely stopped, then suddenly released.

1.11. Fricative: f, v, S, Z, θ, δ, ʃ, ʒ, h - The airstream is partially stopped and gradually released.

1.12. Affricate: t ʃ, dʒ - The airstream is completely stopped and

gradually released.

1.13. Nasal: m, h, ŋ - The airstream goes through nose.

1.14. Lateral: I - The airstream goes out by both sides of tongue. -

1.15. Glide: W, r, j - The airstream glides to the second sound.

3. Voicing: ( States of vocal cords )

- Voiceless: Vocal cords are not vibrated:

· p, f, t, S, θ,ʃ,tʃ, k, h

if - Voiced: Vocal cords are vibrated:

b, v, d, z, δ, ʒ, dʒ, g, l r, m, n, ŋ. j, w

4. Positions of soft palate:

- The soft palate is up: - Close the way to nose.

- Open the way to mouth.

->The airstream goes through mouth -> Sounds are ORAL.

- The soft palate is down: - Close the way to mouth.

                                            - Open the way to nose.

-> The airstream goes through nose -> Sounds are NASAL : m, n, ŋ.

Eg: Do classification of the sounds: / p/ and / dʒ /

/ p /: Bilabial, plosive, voiceless, oral. I Classification

/ dʒ /2 Palato - alveolar, affricate, voiced, oral. Pronudciation

 ( How to pronounce )

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