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Larences POV

As we walk around I tell her jokes. "Knock knock" I say "Who's there?" She askes "Interupting cow" I say "Interupting co-" "Mooooooo" I say "Wha--" "Mooooo" "Oooohhh" she says laughing finally getting the joke. I laugh to.
"So what's you're next class, its 5th period right?" I ask "Yeah it is, its room 209 Mrs.Altoff is the teacher right?" She askes in a sweet smoth voice "Yup!" I say looking at her stareing into her eyes for a second and getting lost in her eyes. Just then the bell rings kicking my thoghts out "second period that's Science right?" She askes "Yup, good remembering!" I say patting her playfully on the back. "No I didn't remember I looked at the paper" she says and laughs and I do the same as we walk down stairs to the science hall way and go to our science class room, our teacher is Mr.Little. "Well I'll wait for you after class by the door I have to go sit down just wait by the teacher he'll introduce you don't worry" I say walking away and going to my seat "Okay" she says smileing.
"Hello class today we have a new student, her name is Aphmau. Aphmau would you like to come up and introduce you're self please" Mr.Little says looking at Aphmau "Y-yeah sure" she stutters "I'm Aphmau I transfered here from Dorty High School back in Metele." "Okay, thankyou Aphmau you may take a seat next to Travis he's the one with the white hair and neon eyes" Mr.Little says and Aphmau takes a seat next to Travis.


It was after (or should I saw APHTER I'm so sooooooo sorry it just poped up in my head pls plssss don't kill me!!!) Science and I was out side the door waiting for Aphmau. She comes out and askes "Were to next?" "LUNCH!" I exsitedly say to Her and she laughs and we start walking. *Larences thoghts* I wonder if she forgot about the complements. Who knows but hopefully. I'm sorta planeing to ask her out. I know Garroth and Dante would be very upset and probaly kick me out of the group but its worth it for a kiss or a date. I am kick out of my thoghts by Aphmau not being able to open her locker. Knowing the kind of guy I am I help her and open it "There all done" I say then get over to my locker and open it. "Thanks, for opening my locker I still need to get the hang of it." She says very sweetly and smooth "No problem" I say opening my locker and putting my books in. "You ready?" I ask as she shuts her locker "Yup!" She says "I'm dieing for food!!" She says in an over exsaterateing voice. I laugh and she blushes a little. I hear Garroth "Larence, are you sitting with us today or with the Nerd?" He askes "Her names not Nerd, Garroth don't call her that! And no I'm not I'm sitting with Aphmau" I respond rasing my vocie a little bit "Fine then, consider youreself out of our group!" Garroth says exclaiming "Fine, its better sitting alone then with you jercks!" I exclaim. Garroth walks away frustrated with Dante. "T--thankyou" Aphmau says "Its still no problem I hated them anyway their just so rude" I explain
We get our food and sit at an empty table and then a few people join us the introdused themselfs to Aphmau and said they heard what happened in the halls "Hi, I'm Nicole and this is Katlyen, Emmalyn, Kennmer, Kiki, and Brendon" Nicole says pointing at them as they sit down next to us "Hi I'm Aphmau" Aphmau says delighted to meet them. I just stare at my food cause I already know who they are Garroth and Dante pick on them. "H-hey Larence" Kennmer says with hessatation "Hey, I won't hurt you like Garroth and Dante do to all of you" I say looking up at all of them and they are all smileing and eating there food. "We heard what had happened in the hall" Katlyen says looking at me she also has an extra seat next to her witch is tooken up by Jeffory and then there's another one next to me where Cadenza sits down "Hey sis" I say looking at her "Sis?" Everyone around the table askes "Hey Laurence, I thoght you would be sitting with your friends" Cadenza says "They aren't my friends" I say back "Since when?" She askes "Since the keeped calling Aphmau over here a Nerd " I say answering the question. I see Cadenza looking over my shoulder to see Aphmau and she waves. "Oh okay so you're going to sit with us for now on?" She askes "Looks like it" I say answering "Breakfast was great by the way it was amazing" I say smileing and looking at every one. They all laugh and smile "So let me get this strait you and Cadenza~Sama are brother and sister" Kawii~Chan askes pulling up a chair and sitting next to Kiki. "Yup" Cadenza answers "And you mom works in the office" Aphmau says "Yup" Cadenza answers again. The rest of lunch we talk and eat I can see Garroth glaceing at us because we have more people than his table but he calles them all 'nerds'.


Me and Aph walk out to gether and we start to walk home I think now is a good time to ask her. "Hey Aph, is it okay if I call you that?" I ask "Yeah its fine" she says looking at me "Did you want to tell me something?" "Yeah I want to ask you something" I say "Ok go ahead" she says still looking at me with a smileing at me "I---...... would you like to uhhh well uhhh go on a uuhhh well a uhhhh date with me?" I ask her scratching the back of my neak "Yeah sure why not give it a try" she said exsited I could tell that she was blowing up inside! We walk a while in scilence until we come across to her house she says "This is my house" "Ok I'll see you tomarrow then how about we meet at my house at 6:00" I say as she kisses me on the cheek" and runs inside saying "Ok". I walk home and start planning the date.

Aphmaus POV

"AHHH!!" I scream soon my mom rushes in "Are you okay sweety?" She askes "I'm perfect!" I say as I dance around the liveing room my hair flowing. "What happened at school today, is it because you didn't get bullyed?" She askes "No I did get bullyed at school but a cute guy named Larence stood up for me from his friends and they kicked him out of their group because of me but he didn't like them anyway so he sat next to me at lunch and few other nice kids. Then we walked home and something I have had as a wish for my whole life came true!" I explain as I sit happily on the couch with my mom sitting next to me "I saw him he talked to you out side what did he say?" My mom asked "He asked me out! Ahhhhhh! I'm just so happy!" I explain and smile "THATS GREAT HUN! We need to go to the mall!" My mom said just then the door bell rang I ran over and opened it. It was Cadenza Larences sister "Come in Cadenza" I says letting her in "Ahhh! I heard what happend right when Laurence walked in!" She exclaimes "Who's that?" My mother askes "This is my friend from school she is Laurences sister." I explain to my mom "Nice to meet you Cadenza I'm Aphmaus mom, its nice to see that Aphmau has friends already!" My mom says "Well its nice to meet you to Aphmaus mom!" Cadenza says filled with exsitment "You don't mind if we go to the mall for a little bit to get some stuff for the date?" Cadenza askes my mom "Yeah sure why not!" My mom says giveing me a hundred dollers "Thanks mom!" I say walking out the door with Cadenza "EEEEEEEEEE" Cadenza Screams "THIS IS GOING TO BE FUN!" As we get into the car we talk about what styles I like "Whatever works as long as its purple, and confertable." I say driveing to the mall


As Cadenza pulls me throgh the mall we stop at Cadenzas Favorite Dress store. We look around the purple and then something catches my eye. I pull Cadenza to the side "What?" She askes "Shhhh" I say "Why?" She askes "I see Laurence!" I wisper she looks around and sees a light brown hair and blue eyed Laurence from across the room looking at the dress shirts "What is he doing here" I ask "He's shoping for a new outfit probaly for the date." She says as Laurence buys a light blue shirt and some tan pants and leaves "All clear!" She says as we jump up from our hiding spots and look around. Then I see the perfect dress I take it of the rack and show Cadenza it "That's beutiful!" She exclaims "Go try it on!" She says pushing metword the dressing rooms "Ok, ok I will!" I say walking into one of the stales trying on the dress. I put the dress on its Purple and it has lace in the middle were my hips are as it climbs up and stops when it hits the top, the straps were covering my shoulders, the breast part was not in curves but it wat like the top of a T-Shirt. The shape wasn't to long it was at my knees and and it puffes out a bit. I walk out of the dressing room and see Cadenza waiting and looking at he phone and when she looks up she stares at me happy "Is something wrong with it?" I ask afraid. "No it beutiful" she exclaims "We are getting it!" She says "I agree!" I say exsited.
I get into my regular clothes and we buy the dress as we walk out of the store Garroth and Dante walk by both saying "Nerds" at the same time. We ignor them and walk the other way to the shoe store. We walk inside and look at the white shoes. "These ones!" I hear Cadenza say I walk over to her and try on the shoes the fit perfect and the look amazing, they are white flates and there are little dots of purple and a light green that's not to light but not to dark. We end up buying them and we head home to my house. "I can't wait!" Cadenza said exsited "Why are you exsited?" I ask "Cause my mom is out of town and I get to sleep over at Nicoles house with the other girls while you guys are on the date" Cadenza explains "oh okay" I say as I pull into the drive way and get out grabing the bags "I should probaly get home Laurence is probaly wondering were I am" Cadenza says as she starts to walk away "Thanks I yell to her "No problem!" She yells back as I go inside my mom welcomes me "What did you get?" She says eger to see "I'll go put it on" I say walking to the bathroom to get changed. I get changed and walk out my mom has no words she is so shock at how beutiful I am. She walks twords me begining to cry and cupping my cheeks "My beutiful daghter" she says smileing and shedding a few tears of joy. She hugs me and tells me that she loves me and if this boy doesn't understand how beutiful I am then he is blind. I smile looking at her and heading back into the bathroom to change back into normal clothes and walk out and sitll see my mom crying "Its okay mom I promise" I say to her

OH MY IREANE I WROTE ALL THIS!!! Wow it may have toke a few hours but I'm lovein it (ba da ba ba baaaa) lol sorry any way tell me how you like this book so far! Can't wait to write more witch will probaly will be like in a few min! Bye my robots! ((Lol I use to say that on twitter till I couldent get back into my acount its called Snowdenza btw if you see Jamal Hatchet tell him that I didn't mean to leave please!)) Oh and pls excuse any mispeald words or things that are not quoted I feel lazy and I don't want to edit it! Byeeeeee

~Snow (Snowdenza) ((Jennofer)) (((Jen)))

Word Count 2,177

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