⭐️[NEW] Denmark

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For anyone who mentions Copenhagen, this colourful harbour is probably the scene most visitors will associate with it. It's pretty iconic.

For me, though, the word Copenhagen brings back one of the most stressful adventures of my life. xD

We only visited Copenhagen from Malmö, Sweden, for one day before flying back home. It meant arriving at around 6am with just a backpack and a passport, and wandering around for 12 hours before catching our flight.

We did a lot in that time. Went up the Rundetaarn (Round Tower) with its internal spiral slope...

Saw this insanely huge pipe organ...

The Hans Christian Andersen Little Mermaid figure, a couple of pretty churches...

(That's the sun behind the spire. Took this photo in the church's shadow so I could see the shape of the sun behind it :D)

...the seafront, the royal palace, the Danish National History Museum (and this pretty cool old elk skeleton)...

It was a lot and we walked miles that day, but it was a fulfilling tour of the city. Our flight was due for boarding at around 7, so by 4 we decided to wrap the the sightseeing up and head back towards the airport by train.

Got on this train hoping it would take us back towards the main train station linked to the airport, and the damn train starting going north, out of the city, with no stops.

When the train did eventually stop, some half an hour's train journey out of Copenhagen, there was no train back into the city and on to the airport that would've got us there before the plane took off.

So we called a taxi with absolutely no money by this point. Big mistake. The taxi driver agreed to take us all the way to airport, but the rush-hour traffic was monstrous, and to make things worse, the road bridges on the harbour part in the middle to let boats through every so often. .-.

With time ticking away, our flight departure was looming over us. Our driver drove like a nutter to get us there -- cut people off, ran red lights, took weird shortcuts...

I was seriously dreading the phone call to work tomorrow morning saying: "Yeah... about that. I'm stuck in Denmark and £400 less off."

Our speed-demon GTA taxi driver got us to the airport with fifteen minutes to get our asses through security and get on that plane. The security guy let us cut the queue (scowling and scolding us no less) and we ran to our boarding gate which was the other end of the airport...

To find that the damn plane was delayed.

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