59. Habit of my classmates

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Several years ago, during exam days:

Me: *enters the class*

Classmate 1: Saadman, you're here! Sit with me!
*takes off my bag from my shoulder like I'm some kind of king and he's my servant, and puts the bad near his seat*

Classmate 2: Saadman, where did you sit?

Me: Uhm... there.
*points at the seat*

Classmate 2: Sit with me.
*takes the bag from the seat and puts it beside his seat*

Classmate 1: Huh? He sat with me first!
*tries to take away the bag*

*two of them fight on where I'm going to sit*

Me: Σ( ̄□ ̄)!
My... bag... might get torn apart.

Classmate 2: Saadman! Say where you're going to sit!

Me: Uhh... I... don't know. 😶

Long time after that, during exam times:

Me: *enters the class*

Classmate X: Saadman, sit here!
*pulls my hand to sit with him*

Classmate Y: No way! He's sitting with me!
*pulls my other hand to sit with him*

*both keep pulling my hand*

Me: =_=
Guys, I might... get split in half.

Some weeks ago:

Me: *enters the class WHILE THE TEACHER IS IN*

Classmate: Psst... Saadman, sit here.
*points to the sit behind him while we have fixed seats by the school and I'm supposed to sit one or two seats behind him*

Me: =_=
All these 5 years I've studied with them... and they still haven't changed that habit. 😐😐😐

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