Pick me a ring

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Zayn walked out of his bedroom, naked. His pants and underpants were wet. Zayn sometimes had wet dream. Plus, last night was really something. They had a party and maybe he had company when he left, though he could hardly remember anything when he was sober.

Zayn reached the kitchen, slapping himself repetitively to revive himself from the throbbing headache threatening to take over his body. As far as he knew, he caught the briefest glimpse of Liam in his kitchen, when he was having none of his boxers on.

“HOLY SHIT LIAM! WHAT ARE YOU DOING- FUCK!” Before Zayn knew it, he was already running for the table. “WHAT are you DOING here!?”

Liam’s eyes went wide. As he caught sight of a Zayn’s naked bottom, he quickly understood and threw Zayn a blanket. “Obviously, I’m making meal for you. Something you would like to have when you’re having a hangover.”

“How do you know I’m having a hangover? And when the fuck are you here?” Zayn hit his head with his palm. He could barely reminisce about last night party. But there was something in him knew that Liam had something to do with it.

“One at a time. First, how do I know you’re having a hangover? Isn’t that the part and parcel of drinking more than you could afford. Last night I told you to take it slow, but you didn’t listen. And you ended up making me take you home. How brilliant. Second, about when I am here. In fact, it was since last night. I didn’t leave. But whatever. You didn’t seem to remember anything now, so… it’s useless.” Came Liam’s reply. And it only made Zayn feel worse for it didn’t jog his memory.

As Liam noticed Zayn’s dumbfounded facial expression, he smiled indiscernibly, looking back down at his breakfast. He brought the meal to Zayn, tossing it to Zayn indifferently. Zayn muttered a thank and started eating. He felt better now, though he didn’t know the exact reason. He didn’t feel nauseous anymore, he felt warm at heart.

“Hey Zayn.” Finally Liam said something after minutes of staring. Without looking up, Zayn could feel the stare that left burn on his skull. “Can you go pick something with me?”

“Yeah?” Zayn looked up into Liam’s eyes. Instantly, he blushed. Those eyes never for once failed to make him feel like a teenage girl standing before her idol.

“Is it ok if you go and pick something with me? I mean, I need your advice on something.” Liam repeated expectedly.

“Oh, ok!” Zayn responded gracefully. It’s been a long time since they last went out together.

Liam took Zayn to a shop with lots of engagement rings. Liam’s ill-concealed happiness when he looked at the ring took Zayn by surprise. What was this all about? Is he trying to announce his engagement or something? Was Liam going to pop the question? When was Liam going to pop the question? Who was Liam going to pop the question?

“Do you like this one?” Liam asked, his hand holding a ring with a big round diamond in the middle.  “I think it’s at reasonable price.”

“Yeah.” Zayn replied plainly, looking elsewhere. Like it or lump it, it was not his anyway.

“Nah. Actually let me see the heart-shaped one right in the middle. Right there.” Liam pointed at a heart-shaped diamond ring. “How’s this one?” He whispered into Zayn’s ears.

Zayn was on a point of exploding. He was dying to know who Liam was going to propose to.  To be honest, Zayn had feelings for Liam. It was long time ago, he still did like him though. It was a bitter pill to swallow as of all friends, he was selected to go and pick up an engagement ring with the one he loved, Liam. Zayn was somehow indignant. He was impatient for Liam’s nonchalance.

“Look Liam. I’m not good at picking rings. You can find others if you want a perfect ring for your spouse.  I can call Louis, who has plenty of experiences like this, to help you out. Or I could call Harry and you guys could both hang out and pick a ring for your future fiancés. Or even Niall, who could spend hours with his food hearing you talking about your girlfriend and whoever you’re going to pop the question to. But if that’s not enough, I shall call management who is willing to help you out with the preparation and wedding and reception ect. But it’s not me, ok? I couldn’t do it.” He almost muttered the last sentence, avoid looking into Liam’s face.

Liam sighed. “What now?”

“I’d like to call a quit. I can’t help you on this. I’m sorry. You’ll just have to find another best-man.”

“Who say I’m getting married?” Liam raised a question.

Zayn widened his eyes. “So all of this isn’t for a wedding then? Come on Liam. You’re not going to give Dani a ring for her birthday. I mean, a car isn’t enough?”

“No. it wasn’t Dani. You and I both know well enough she was just my beard.”

Zayn shook his head. This was complicated than he could imagine. He was getting back those headaches again. “OK. Just forget it. I’m outa here.” Zayn turned around, but then his curiosity brought him back facing Liam. “But seriously, I should know who the lucky person is.”

Liam stared at him smiling eerily.

“It isn’t Niall, is it?”

“No. It’s you.”


“Oh Liam. Come on. Just one more drink. It is our best friend bachelor party. How can you drag me home in the middle of something good? Can you just give me some time alone saying goodbye to my best friend. What kind of human are you?” Zayn got angry and shouted meaningless words.

“Zayn. It was his party, not yours. You don’t have to drink that much. And the girls were scared because of your queer behavior.”

“Shut up. You give no fuck. You were clinging onto Danielle all the time.”

Liam gave Zayn a ‘really zayn?’ look before spelling his words out clearly. “We have all agreed that girlfriends were just covers.”

“Cover for what? I’m gay. I need a cover. Yes. But you. You’re like the straightest man alive. As far as I’m concerned *hiccup*, you’re not so gay. And you don’t need one to cover up.”

“How do you know I’m not gay?”Liam cocked his brows.

“Coz- you don’t seem gay.”Zayn rolled his eyes.

There was silence in a minute. “How do gay seem like?” Liam suddenly asked.

“They- They” Zayn stuttered trying to find a word to describe the term ‘gay’. “Well, they got turned on when I touched their thing.”

And Zayn crossed the line as his fingers traveled down Liam’s crotch. Part of him wanted to prove he was right, Liam was no gay. But a larger part wanted to see something as a sign Liam was not so straight at all. To his astonishment and delight, he noticed a bulge. A bulge that marked ‘gay’. A bulge that showed Liam was interested in men, or even better, him.

“I- I’m sorr-“ Zayn never got to finish his sentence as he felt wet lips on his.

Vision became a blur after that.

*Ends flashback*

Everything seems to be falling into place now.

Zayn could hear sounds lingering in his ears. “I love you, Zayn. I love you.”

“Erm- Liam?” Zayn could take a dive in Liam’s eyes. “Are you on the level when you said you loved me?”

Liam giggled. “You would know when we celebrate the bachelor party together someday soon.”

Zayn snorted. Then he pointed at the ring with little diamonds enveloped. “I like that one. It reminds me of the twinkling stars in your eyes.”

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