four ㅡ the queen and her bitches

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"Hey Thane! Who's that with you?," Sean, as written on his nametag, said as soon as the two of us entered the clinic. He had brown hair, slightly puffed cheeks and had moderate height. Really, do they not know who I am? My undies were exposed on the first day of school, for fuck's sake!

"Yumi here needs to get treated," Thane smiled at me before gently placing me on the bed. "Where's the nurse?"

"She's getting an ice pack for Veer. He kinda got hit on the head with a basketball," Sean shrugged while pointing at the guy with a bandaged head standing next to him, who just turns out to be Veer. Of course, who wouldn't recognize that Einstein hair of his?

Wait, does that mean that I have to deal with all his arrogant shit again?! Oh hell no.

"Well, where's Jude? Isn't he like your hip or something?," Sean was talking to Thane and was completely ignoring my presence. Wow, how kind of him.

"He's cutting," Thane said simply while scratching his cheek, earning a gasp from Sean and a surprised look from Veer. "Yeah, I'm not kidding. We need to get him back before he breaks his perfect attendance record."

"Why would Jude cut? That's... that's just...," Sean pulled on his black hair. "Damn it! This situation is so weird that I don't even know how to describe it!"

I wanted to butt in and say that Jude was cutting because of me but it seemed like a serious matter to them, so I didn't.

"Hey, Yumi, will you be alright waiting for the nurse here with Worth?," Thane said while kneeling down in front of me, as if I was some kind of kid. Both Sean and I were giving Thane judging looks.

"I'm not a kid," I huffed and crossed my arms.

Thane just chuckled and ruffled my hair. "I'll be right back. Don't stress your legs too much, okay?"

Sean gave me the "who the eff are you?" look before exiting the room with Thane. Hold up, did they just leave me alone with Veer in the clinic?! Not to mention that I still couldn't walk so if I got into some kind of situation, I wouldn't be able to escape.

"We meet again," Veer said with a smirk, his arms crossed over his chest. Here we go. "Are you following me around because of my striking good looks and popularity?"

I just wanted to shave Veer's head clean after he overly complimented himself. If I could just walk, maybe I already murdured him. "Keep your arrogance to yourself, would you?"

Veer chuckled with his low voice. "You really are something, huh? Thane treated you as if you were his sister."

"As if I asked him to," I whispered and rolled my eyes.

An awkward silence enveloped Veer and I for about a minute, the only sound coming from the wall clock, before he broke the silence with a cough. I could feel him staring at me. What is with these boys and staring? "So, what happened to you?"

"It's none of your business," I spat and wrapped myself in the sheets, being careful to graze my knee. Psh, he's making himself sound like he actually cares. I felt weight on the bed and saw Veer sitting down on it. "What are you doing?!"

A string of curses flew out of my mouth when Veer suddenly pulled off Jude's handkerchief from my knee. I can tell you that it hurt like absolute hell and I nearly kicked Veer in the face with my good leg.

"This will get infected if it isn't treated soon," Veer deadpanned and stared at my knee, not even dazed by all the blood. I had an extremely strong urge to say no shit but the pain was sealing my mouth shut. "Would you mind if I treat it?"

It took me a few seconds to process what Veer just said. "What? You? Hell no! What if you make it worse?!"

"Trust me, my mom's a nurse," Veer said with a nod and stood up to fetch a kit. In a matter of minutes, he was rubbing disinfectant cream on my knee and bandaging it. I was surprised at how gentle he was, maybe he really does have experience. Wait, what am I saying?! He's still Seventeen's arrogant Veer! "There, all done."

I glanced at my now bandaged knee and noticed how neatly it was treated.

"You look better when you smile," Veer commented with a smile, a hand on his cheek. Shit, did I really just smile?! That must have been his imagination. "You should smile more often."

I ignored Veer and his stares until the nurse arrived to treat him. God damn it, why do I have to face all of this alone?!

Damn you, Hanah.


Because of my injury, the nurse talked to my physical trainer and I was exempted from today's class. I was barely able to get away from Veer, who strangely didn't want me out of his sight. What is wrong with those Seventeen boys? Why do they always keep messing with me?

So there I was, limping my way through the hallway when someone bumped into me hard. Just like it was on purpose. Why does everyone keep bumping into me?! I'm not a fucking wall!

Weirdly enough, I expected to bump into King Asswipe (Mick) but this time was different. I bumped into a girl who definitely wasn't Hanah. Her resting bitch face told me that I was in some deep shit.

"Get out of my way," I tried moving out of the circle formed by the girls but I was pushed back by force. I landed on the resting-bitch-faced girl's unnecessarily huge chest and got a glimpse of her name tag.

Jena. I should have known.

"What do you want?," I snapped and crossed my arms. By now, students were flocking around us like a bunch of seagulls. People really are nosy, aren't they?

( A/N: Let the ARMYs rise iykwim ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )

"Explain these," Jena hissed before shoving some pictures on my face. I managed to grab them and examined each one. There was a pic of me talking to Mick, Seath and Veer, of Worth giving me my bracelet, of me and Jude on his motorcycle and lastly, of Thane carrying me. Wait, how the hell did they even get all these?! They really are Seventeen's stalkers.

"What is there to explain?," I tossed the pictures behind me, some students calling me badass because of my actions, and raised an eyebrow. "I might be a trasferree but I know that you don't own Seventeen."

Jena's fists clenched while her friends all gasped. Ha, you thought that everyone respects you just because you're the president of Seventeen's fanclub? Think again, resting bitch face.

"You did not just say that to Jena," The short-haired girl, Mira, said with another gasp.

"I just did," I said with a smirk. The students behind me were praising me even more.

Mira lifted her hand to slap me but was stopped by Jena.

"Mira, you have to understand. Yumi here is a new student so she doesn't know the rules of our fanclub yet," Jene said with a smile, even though I knew that she was burning inside. She faced me an innocent look, her arms crossed under her breasts. I just wanted to poke them with a needle and watch them deflate, just to prove how fake she really is. "You see, Yumi, our fanclubs have rules. You just violated some of them in a matter of days."

"And?," I said with no enthusiasm whatsover, my inner Jung Taekwoon taking over me.

It was obvious that Jena was running out of patience when she flared her nostrils. Ew, I think even her boogers are made of plastic.

"Rule number one, non-members cannot make any contact, whether physically or verbally, without the permission of the club president. Rule number two, only those with special cases, for example relatives or siblings, are given permission to speak to the specific Seventeen member that they are related to. Rule number three, my personal favorite, only the club president is allowed to make any contact with Mick Sanders. Not even members of lower rank can," Jena babbled and picked up a picture on the floor. Specifically, the one that contained me and Mick. "This picture, along with the others, proves your violation."

"What the actual fuck? Why did this school even allow this club to be formed? You're just a bunch of obssessed fans, none of you own Seventeen! I mean really, you prohibit girls from talking to them?! What are you guys, their parents?! Are all you bitches so desperate for love that you follow popular boys around and wait for one of them to fuck you?! Newsflash, the existence of you and your club is just a huge cause of stress for Seventeen!," I exploded, earning mixed comments from the students gathered around. Those who agreed with me were saying so quietly, they were obviously afraid that Jena would hear them. How manipulative is this bitch?! "Also, for your information, Mick and I hate each other to the core. I guess that's something you can be happy about."

Thinking about what I just said, I sounded like I was defending Seventeen. Shit, that's not what I was going for! Now the whole club will be against me. Great going, Yumi. Great going.

Jena's fists were clenched so hard that the veins of her eyes were popping out. "I tried the easy way but I guess you want to learn the hard way, don't you floral panties bitch?"

What did she just call me?

"Come at me," I said as her friends grabbed me by the arms. I instantly regretted it when I remembered that I had an injured leg and couldn't use my taekwondo skills. Damn it, I can't fight back!

Jena raised her fist to punch me. Wait, what?! Is this bitch really going to punch me in front of all these students?! I could only brace myself and wait for the punch to land on my face. I could always cover the bruise with make up then take revenge on her by deflating her fake boobs.

"What is going on here?," A voice shouted, stopping Jena before she could punch me. The voice was unfamiliar to me, so I turned around and became face-to-face with a tall, brown-haired guy. He had a very peaceful expression, despite the situation at hand.

I glanced at his name tag. Huh, so he's Josh, the other half of Seventeen's english line? He strangely resembles a kpop idol I've seen before. Wait, damn it Yumi, stop thinking stupid thoughts during a bad situation!

Josh stepped in between Jena and I, gently pulling her raised fist down, and sighed. "Jena Anderson, how many times do I have to tell you not to hurt people, especially the new students?"

By the looks of it, Josh and Jena knew each other well. As if I give a shit, I just want to get out of here!

"Stay out of this, Josh," Jena snapped. Oh, looks like resting bitch face isn't slutty to all the Seventeen members after all. "This bitch here---"

"Violated one of your rules?," Josh sighed even more deeply than he did the first time and ran a hand through his hair. "You have got to stop doing this Jena. Yumi here, she's right. The club is just a big---"

"What Josh meant to say was...," King Asswipe, Mick, who turned out to be silently standing behind Josh, stepped in and cut him off. Of course, he took precious time to shoot me a glare. "The club is just a big motivation for us to strive harder to become better individuals! Isn't that right, Yumi?"

"Fuck off," I spat, earning a chuckle from Josh and a burning glare from Mick. Jena and her bees were staring at me with disgust.

"I'll take that as a yes," Mick said with an absolutey fake smile and I just wanted to slap him because of it. I could see the mischief in his eyes. He tapped Jena, who was staring at him in awe, by the shoulder. "That's enough yodelling today, okay Jena? Don't you have class?"

"Ye- I- Of course I do!," Jena said after quickly composing herself. She gave me a sweet smile. Ugh, I bet even her teeth are made of plastic. "Girls, let go of her. We have to get to our next class."

The girls immediately let go of me, causing me to lose my balance. Josh grabbed me by the arm before I could fall. Of course, King Asswipe was just staring at me with a poker face. How typical of him.

"Are you okay, Yumi?," Josh said while grabbing my waist to support me. For the first time, I was actually glad that he didn't recognize me as the floral panties girl.

"Let go of me," I screeched but Josh tightened his grip on my waist and stared at me in concern. We were frozen in that pose for a minute before I began punching his chest. What is wrong with these Seventeen boys? Why do keep staring and freezing for a minute?! "I said let go of me!"

"Jena won't stop bugging you until she's sure that you'll transfer," Josh clicked his tongue and ignored my punches. "Yumi, from now on, you have to stick with us."

Josh's sentence made both Mick and I freeze. It took a full two minutes for us to process what he just told us.

"What?!," Mick and I screamed at the same time before glaring at each other.

"Before you guys freak out, let me explain---"

"There's no fucking way that I'm hanging out with you motherfuckers!," I snapped, then I remembered that I couldn't stand without Josh's support. "Damn it, let go of me!"

"Yumi, you have no idea what Jena is capable of," Josh warned and I stared at him with a raised eyebrow. It sounded like he and Jena had some history, not that I'm curious.

"What can she do? She's just a girl!," I retorted.

"She's more than just a girl...," Josh whispered, which mmade me raise an eyebrow at him. It sounded like he and Jena had some kind of history... as if I'm curious.

"Josh is right," Mick sighed and I gave him the what the fuck are you saying face. "I've already lost count of how many girls transferred because of Jena. She will not stop until she ruins everything about you. Although I hate to admit it, the only way for you to stay safe... is to stick with us. That way, none of the club members, not even Jena, can lay a finger on you."

"Couldn't have said it better myself," Josh said with a smile but Mick simply replied with a scoff.

Damn it, are these two serious?! I am not going to---

"Yo! Yo! Yo! Make way for the Diva King!"

Sean came out of nowhere and chanted indifferently while calling himself a diva. What the hell? Is he high or something?

"Perfect timing, Sean," Josh pulled onto Sean's collar before he could run off, making him look like a fish on a hook. "You and Yumi are in the same class, right? I want you to accompany her--"

"Why should I?," Sean said sassily while shaking his ass, earning a kick from Mick. "Ow! Anyway, why should I? After all, you are the gentleman."

"I have to deal with Jena," Josh said with a straight face and lightly shoved me towards Sean. "Bring her to class. Now. Do not leave her side."

"Why should---"

"Look at her arm," Josh's statement made both Sean and I look at it, and I noticed a black sticker on my sleeve. It looked like a number enclosed in some kind of heart. "You recognize that sticker, don't you Sean? We were in a scene, so everyone's seen it. Jena has officially made Yumi the club's number one enemy. So, let me repeat, do not leave her side."

My eyes twitched as Josh's words registered in my head. "What?! That fucking bi---"

"Save your words, Yumi, I'll deal with her," Josh said darkly, wait what the fuck, and turned to Mick. "Sanders, come with me."

King Asswipe gritted his teeth. "Josh, how many times have I told you not to---"

Mick paused when he received Josh's piercing glare. After sweating buckets and throwing daggers, the two walked away and left Sean and I alone. Although I was glad to see Mick get shot down, I was still creeped out by Josh's sudden personality change.

Even with all the chaos, I learned two things. One, Josh is fucking scary when he's angry. Two, thanks to Bitch Queen Jena, I am now public enemy number one.

Fuck my life.

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