I can't feel anymore...

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So, my boring form teacher came up with the stupidest sounding name for our class.

Well, it's not exactly stupid, but it was enough to put me in a bad mood for the rest of the day.

The reason why I hate it is because it's exactly the same as the name that last year's class came up with. I'm not gonna say what it is cuz we might change it, but I still hate it.
( Did I mention that my teacher is super old?)

Anyway, with more reference to the title, I can't feel anything. I don't even have emotions anymore. I think that that teacher put me in such a bad mood that I can't feel anymore emotions. Except pain, soreness, anger and annoyance.

I had training today. It was hell. We had to do hot spot until we caught 60 balls without dropping. Then, we had to run even more! With a runner this time!

We also got to so batting, so that's good I guess... We also had to do physical, but it wasn't that bad so I'll just state the ones that I had trouble with.

60 Push-ups (Actually, I didn't have trouble with this but I wanted to say it anyway )
80 Russian twist
Dumbell grip thingy: 200 on throwing hand, 100 on catching hand/other hand.

Anyway, I hope you had fun reading about my suffering. Oh yeah, I also have Geography tomorrow, yay...

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