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"Yoongi and I... Were trainees together." Namjoon said.

His voice was laced with nostalgia as it rung through the room clearly.

Jimin suddenly turned around.

"W-what? You were a trainee?! Why did you never debut?!" He rambled, his brain overheating with all the new information.

"I was fired before I could debut. I think I stayed a trainee for around 8 months." He said, hands in his pockets as he looked out the window.

"W-what a-about Yoongi?" He asked shakily, somehow he had a really bad feeling about this.

"Yoongi-hyung stayed there for seven years." He said.

Jimin's eyes widened, that was a very long time to be training, even though he had been accepted at a young age.

"W-why didn't he debut?" Jimin asked.

"The company got shut down before he could make his debut." Said Namjoon.

Jimin restrained himself from hitting the table. Namjoon always had the habit to answer questions halfy and it was slowly starting to get on his nerve.

"Why the hell did it get shut down?!" He almost yelled in frustration.

He was so blinded by his beating heart and his nervousness he forgot about the well known, five year old scandal; the news papers, the videos, the articles the rumours...

"I got a few friends to film their manager, then I filed a lawsuit against them. And it worked." He said.

Jimin was about to ask why, but Namjoon simply put his hands on his shoulders and pushed him back to the office chair, turning it around and opening a new video.

As it played, Jimin's eyes widened again and his breath hitched. Fat tears going down his cheeks as his hands clasped against his mouth.

It showed a dance practice, a man who appeared to be the trainee manager spitting insults at the male trainees, such profanities Jimin would never even dare to think about.

At some point, he even slapped a trainee.

"That was Yoongi." Said Namjoon, making Jimin choke on his tears.

The trainee, he now knew was Yoongi, lost his balance and fell to the floor slowly, the manager starting to yell, making everyone flinch in the room. He pulled the frail boy up by his hair, making Jimin gasp, and land a second slap on his cheek, before kneeing him in the stomach and letting him fall to the ground.

The manager then placed his heal on the poor boys shoulder to push him out of the way of other trainee before they resumed, leaving the body laying still in the corner of the room.

"Oh my god.." Jimin whispered under his breath.

The boy slowly stood up weekly, before limping back to his place and continuing the dance the best he could.

That made Jimin cry even more.

The clip ended, showing another practice room, this time filled with girls, yet the same manager.

He walked through the rows of dancing girls, shamelessly checking them out, momentarily swiping his hand across their body.

It disgusted Jimin so bad and he let a small sob fall from his lips.

Namjoon judged it was enough for him and closed the tab, before patting Jimin's shoulder.

"We were trainees at F.A.H entertainment." He finished.

Jimin exhaled shakily.

He remebered now, everything he had seen about the notorious company, known for extreme violance and abuse on their trainees.

He had only heard of rumours, but what he saw was a lot worse than he would have imagined.

"To think Min Yoongi survived that hell for seven years." Whispered Jimin in amazement and sympathy.


who saw this coming?

by the way,
don't hesitate to ask if you're confused.

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