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"You're such a fucking idiot." Jimin laughed as he drove the car back to his dorm.

Yoongi simply answered with yet another sneeze as he scratched the rash on his forearm.

"You should have just told me you were allergic we would have went somewhere else." Jimin added with a large smile as he parked in the driveway, he quickly hopped in the house and led Yoongi to the living room.

Namjoon was set butt on the floor doing paper work on the coffee table as Taehyung and Jungkook were launching one of the two couches.

"Wow Yoon', what the hell did Jimin do to you?" Asked Namjoon as he looked up from his computer and eyes the wrecked Yoongi.

"This idiot didn't tell me he was allergic to cats when we were in a cat cafe." Said Jimin as he laughed.

Yoongi glared at him through his red and puffy eyes as he scratched at his rash.

"Shut up Jimin." He mumbled, sniffling slightly.

Jimin told him to take a shower and pick whatever clothes he wanted from his wardrobe, sending the poor blond to his room.

Jimin chuckle as he ran a hand through his hair, standing in the middle of the living room as Yoongi took his shower.

"Wait so he invited you to a cat cafe when he's allergic?" Asked Taehyung.

"No dumbass, I asked him out and he s-"

"YOU ASKED HIM OUT?!" Taehyung interupted.

"Yes Taehyung, shut up you already had that reaction when I told you we were dating. Now, I asked him out and then offered to go to the cat cafe and he didn't say no, so we went, I had a tonne of fun and got a cute pic, then I notice he's like crying on me and he had super red eyes and a rash. Like he had a freaking cat in his lap and he didn't say anything." Jimin rambled.

"Isn't that cute though." Said Taehyung as he spoke up. "Like he took it upon himself to make you happy."

Jimin suddenly felt his cheeks heat up and his heart swell a little. A small crafted on his face at the realisation.

"That's so cheesy." Mumbled Jungkook to Taehyung, the younger had never really been the romantic type.

They laughed slightly.

"You should probably wash and change your clothes too though, if you still have cat hair on them he might get a reaction." Said Namjoon.

Jimin nodded and headed to the second bathroom if the dorm to wash up quickly, using an unreasonable amout of mango shampoo in his hair before hopping out of the shower and walking to his room.

He dried off and pulled on some loose sweatpants, ruffled his still wet hair in his towel and dried his upread body.

As he was about to pull up his shirt, the door to his bathroom opened, reveiling a drenched Yoongi, his damp hair standing in all direction and small droplets of water dripping down his exposed chest.

And yeah, he was only wearing a towel around his waist.

"Holy shit!" He exclaimed as he noticed the shirtless Jimin.

He quickly hid his eyes with his hands, making Jimin chuckled.

The ravenette pulled a loose shirt over his head as he smiled.

"You're the one naked you know." He said as he took a change of clothes for his flustered boyfriend.

Yoongi's cheeks burned as he slowly realised he was almost completely bare as Jimin was now fully clothed.

Jimin threw the clothes on the bed before walking to the blond, whose hand suddenly gripped at his towel whilst his Adam's apple bobbed.

The younger chuckled placed his hand on the wet skin of Yoongi's bare chest, his hand gliding smoothly over his collar bones and reaching behind Yoongi's neck.

The blond didn't have the time to recover from the tingle in his spine as Jimin's lips crashed on his.

It was only a peck but it left him wanting so much more.

Jimin's pulled back, his eyes dropping to his exposed body and biting his own lip, and god damn that was hot, before he slowly looked back up flirtily, and fuck he knew exactly the effect he had, before he winked.

"Not that I mind though."


Thank you so much for 10k reads and

bless my mom for making cinnamon rolls today.

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