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Jimin gazed at Yoongi as the man walked towards him, his eyes casted down to his red sneakers.

His blond hair tousled as usual, a black mask pulled under his chin, and silver rings decorating his ears.

Still as attractive as ever.

With his oversized black sweater that fell over his distressed, light washed skinny jeans.

Jimin had just enough time to admire his man before he was standing right in front of him, the stylists around them looking at him with surprise and admiration.

Though his expression was pretty neutral, Yoongi was completely freacking out.

Because damn did Jimin look good.

With that smokey eye makeup, and his tinted lips, and that god damn pink hair.

"You look good." He mumbled, the words escaping him before he could stop them.

Jimin's eyes widened very slightly as all the stylists gasped.

"Your boyfriend will be jealous." One of   the stylist blurted out, smiling cheekily.

Jimin and Yoongi both looked at each other and contained a laugh.

Yoongi looked at her with a small smile.

"I see news goes by fast." He said.

"Of course. You're one of- actually, I think the first person to come out as homosexual on a radio interview." Her voice calm and very respectful. "You should check your sociale media you'll see."

Jimin almost told him not to. Because he had seen all the comments that were posted under that video, most of them so agressive and hurtful he would have cried if they were directed at him.

Yoongi scooped his phone from his pocket and was immediately met with a phone flooded by notifications.

He did even need to unlock his phone for them to just pop up to the second.

Jimin managed to have a glimps of a few messages and his first reaction was to snatch the phone from Yoongi's hands.

The blond looked down with hurt eyes for a second, the group falling silent, before he slowly looked up to Jimin.

The stylists all froze, because Jimin had always been very polite and formal, he would have never done that to just anyone.

"Hate comments are hurtful. Don't loose yourself in them." Said Jimin.

His sentence left the group silent, before it was replaced with Yoongi's chuckle.

"Did you think people's comments would matter more then my boyfriend?" He said, eyes looking deeply into Jimin's to further prove his point.

One of the stylist let out a small squeel as she turned around, hiding her smile behind her hands.

Jimin smiled, Yoongi's words really doing something to him.

"Your lucky you can say such things freely." Said Jimin, his eyes casting downwards as he thought about what would happen if he ever dared to even talk about sexuality.

He had seen with his own eyes what had happened to Hosoek after he had talked openly about supporting the LGBT+ community.

J-Hope was already pretty known in the business, and he had more freedom to talk to his fanbase freely without worrying about what they would think, but a lot of his shows and interviewed were cancelled right after the video went viral.

And Mamalade wasn't that popular yet, it was growing fast, but it still didn't have that safe stability and the group was still very much obligated to follow certain trends and fit in a certain mold to be able to build their popularity.

So if he were to be public about his sexuality, not only would he be frowned upon for the rest of his life, but he would drag Marmalade down with him, and he couldn't except that.

As he though deeply, Jimin didn't notice the slight shift in the mood of the conversation, it now seemed a lot more serious.

"Freedom has a price." Said Yoongi as he shifted his weight to one of his legs and scratched the back of his neck. "I may have faith in humanity but I'm certainly not and idiot. I know that my words will surely cause a commotion and I may only be remebered as the first openly gay personally in Korean media. However, I hate the K-pop industry and do not give any care in the world about what they think about me, because I don't fit that mold, because i like the same sex and I don't hesitate to say it. I'm lucky I am not tied down as you are, that is true, but though the industry dosen't have any influence on me anymore, my sexuality is now holding me from being seen as an individual. So tell me Jimin, what do you prefer between being idolised for someone you are not or being frowned upon for something you are?"


Hey everyone! Thank you so much for all the comments and votes as always, hope you enjoyed this chapter and Merry Christmas!!

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