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"Aigoo, Min Yoongi-ssi really is intresting." Said the stylist as she did Jimin's hair.

They had finished their small break and Yoongi had left after dropping a small bag of snacks for his boyfriend, leaving Jimin to gossip with his stylists.

"He is." He said with a small smile as he sipped on the strawberry milk that had been part of the small bag.

"I really didn't think he had thought things through so much." Said the makeup artist as she applied eye shadow to Jimin's eyelids, the man closing his eye automatically as soon as he saw the brush approach his eye.

"He must really love his boyfriend." She added.

Jimin bit back a small smile, the words hitting stronger than he would have thought.

"What do you think Jimin-ssi?" Asked the stylist, testing out a few colours on the back of her hand figure wich would suit best.

Jimin gulped roughly and turned his head slightly, his brain overheating for the right answer.

"I think he is very brave." Said Jimin.

The stylist nodded, before walking away, explaining she would be back with his lip tint.

Jimin, finally alone, looked up to meet his reflexion in the mirror.

Why was Yoongi sacrificing so much for him?


"Min Yoongi! Sir! Do you have a second!"

"Sir Min! We would like to request an interview."

"Mr Min!"

Yoongi had never seen that many people all there for him.

He was just dropping off for some groceries in a store near the company, when a bunch of people with cameras and various different recording devises suddenly started running in his direction. He should have seen it coming though, seeing as the district was very well known for it's dense population in idols and celebrities, so it was infested with paparazzi.

And now here he was, outside the shop with enough instant ramen for around a week, innocently stepping out to walk to his car before he was surrounded by strangers, shoving mics in his face and flashing their cameras at him.

Yoongi was used to camera flashes, since he was actually trained for it in F.A.H entertainment, but he was not comfortable with all this commotion.

There were around twenty men and woman shouting at him, and he was just about down with all the shoving.

It was making his whole body tense and his ears ring, and quite honestly he was battling his mind not to scream or run away.

But instead, he gave them the most polite smile and nodded.

"I'm very sorry but I would like to access my ca-"

"Is it true that you are actually gay?" Someone cut him.

"What are your thought on Korea's view on homosexuality."

Yoongi sighed, oh how he could just feel he panic attack coming right around the corner.

"I think it is a shame people aren't more open minded." He said calmly.

"Do you ever plan on revealing the identity of your boyfriend?" Shouted a journalist from behind the crowd that was slowly starting to get bigger with all the curious people.

"That will be for him and I to discuss."

"Do y-"

Suddenly, all of the paparazzi's were shoved away by a middle aged man as he violently pushed his way through the crowd.

"You!" he yelled, aggressively pointing a finger at Yoongi. "You are Min Yoongi, isn't that right?"

"That is correct." Said Yoongi over the loud chatters and constant clicks of the cameras.

"How fucking dare you even look me in the eye." Said the man, with a burning gaze as his large hand wrapped around Yoongi's neck, who's eyes widened immediately.

The crowd gasped, not expecting such an act of direct violence.

"My daughter, who had always been a role model for her younger siblings talked about you! She came out to the family as one you gay trash! This is all because of you! You destroyed my family by corrupting my children with your sins." The man yelled as he shook Yoongi with the strong grip he had on his neck, marking his words by pointing his finger at Yoongi even more.

The crowd was still loud with clicks of cameras, but the voices had died down and no one dared to move, even when Yoongi was struggling to breath in front if their eyes.

"Do you hear me! Huh! You fucking worthless piece of shit, you faggot ruined my life!" He yelled, the veins in his hands, and neck showing.

Yoongi's hand slowly reached up to his large one to try and relieve the pressure in his neck.

"If I could save your daughter's..." He slowly struggled, his breathing restricted. "Then I do not regret my actions."

That made the man even more enraged as he clenched his jaw.

"You!" He roared, before his fist launched in Yoongi's face hitting landing a few blows to the already tired younger before a few men finally started to pull him away and police sirens were heard.

Yoongi's head was dizzy with the lack of oxygen, and he could feel his nose bleeding and the familiar metallic taste coming from his bloody lip.

The paparazzi swarmed even closer, suffocating him with questions as he fell on his knees, hands to his bloody nose.

The ringing of their voices got louder and louder, making his head hurt even more before they finally shut down and he saw the world shifting from his blurry vision before everything went black.


hey everyone!

as promised, here is the update (sorry if it isn't Wednesday were you live...)

Thank you so much for being so patient and nice and just...

thanks for seeming happy when you heard i came back and would continue updating,

it made me really happy.

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