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"Damn Yoongi-hyung, twice in a day?"

"Shut up Hoseok."

"I mean you already had the sex glow when i came last night and now this morning you come in with freaking hickeys down your neck and expect it to be solved with a scarf and a turtle neck, come on Yoongi-hyung Jimin is an idol, he obviously has some makeup lying around.."

"Hoseok, i said shut up."

It was the next day, Yoongi had dropped off to bighit entertainment to visit Hoseok's personal studio and help the redhead with some of his beats he wasn't sure of.

Unfortunately, Hoseok had noticed some of the bruises scattered around his neck.

The notorious rapper was now on his comfy office chair, turning around to face his best friend that was, as usual, laying down on the couch across from him and watching a basketball game.

"I sued the guy, by the way." Hoseok said as he looked at his blonde friend.

Yoongi shot up from the couch, quickly standing up and taking the step towards Hoseok's computer, eyes wide and suddenly looking a lot less calm then he was.

"Are you serious! Hoseok- my god don't you care for your fucking career!" Yoongi said, looking at Hoseok's computer that was flooded with notifications about various different opinions, not all of them as nice as what he would have liked.

"Don't worry-"

"Don't you dare tell me not to worry you fucking idiot! do you not know what taking sides as an idol means? you're supposed to stay as neutral as possible for everyone to like you!"

"I don't care Yoongi, this isn't about my career, this is about me as a person. I couldn't fucking live with myself knowing i let my best friend be attacked by this random homophobic dude and do nothing!" Hoseok couldn't help the loud yell escape his lips.

The blonde ran a hand through his hair, stressed, his breathing slightly getting heavier, eyes darting to different places and fingers gradually starting to get a stronger grip on his tangled locks.

Hoseok looked at him worriedly, knowing this wasn't going to go well if he didn't do anything right away, being familiar with this scenery. He calmed down instantly, taking a step closer to the blonde.

"Hey, hey, hey. Hyung. Wow, calm down. Everything is fine." He said, hands hovering over the boy's figure that slowly started to curl up forward, his arms as if shielding him from the outside world as his hands covered his ears.

"I-I-i." The boy choked out, not being able to speak with his voice trapped in his throat, as if he was about to vomit.

His breathing got worse, head getting dizzy.

Of course that was the moment Jimin decided to burst through Hoseok's studio, unknowing of what was happening.

"Hoseok-sunba- wow babe, what's up?" Asked Jimin, seeing him bent forward, seemingly not breathing as if he was choking on something and wanted to cough it out, tears starting to prickle at his eyes. The pink haired boy quickly made his way to his boyfriend, placing a hand on his shoulder but it only made the boy flinch.

"He's having a panic attack."


I'm so sorry for not updating yesterday it just completely escaped my mind and I forgot!

Please forgive me, I just realised I hadn't updated...

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