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He walked around the company in search of the boy with no luck, before checking the parking lot to see if his car was still there.

Sure enough, the old car was still parked in it's usual spot, and Jimin chuckled as he saw the figure of his boyfriend in the backseat of the car, his blonde hair pressed against the window.

Jimin quickened his step, getting to the car, walking around it and opening the door. He was immediately hit with the very unpleasant scent of cigarette smoke, it almost feeling like death itself was choking him.

He coughed a little, opening the car door wide to let some fresh air into the clouded vehicle.

"Christ Yoongi, are you trying to kill yourself." Asked Jimin, waving his hand in front of him in an attempt to speed up the ventilation process.

Yoongi looked up at him, red eyes under his blonde hair, and cigarette trapped between his lips. He didn't say a word, only snuggling further into the blanket that always remained in the backseat.

He had taken off his black combat boots, the pair of shoes discarded on the car floor, his feet on the seat. The blonde was simply laying there, back against the door and head against the cold window, puffing out smoke in the confined space of his car.

Jimin frowned slightly.

"I thought you said you wanted to quit smoking, what happened to that?" Asked Jimin, looking something between irritated and worried.

Yoongi simply looked away, red eyes lost in the view of the back window that displayed the quiet street.

"I don't really want to talk right now." He mumbled.

Jimin sighed, looking around slightly before dipping inside the car and closing the door behind him, not forgetting to open both of the front window to still be able to breath.

"Is it about Hoseok reporting the guy?" Asked Jimin, his now worried eyes trying to catch Yoongi's escaping gaze for some answers.

"No, i'm just tired." Yoongi said, closing his eyes as he breathed out the light gray fumes from his mouth, trying to blow it out to window and not in Jimin's face.

The pinkenette was still somewhat irritated by the gesture, though he was also torn with the fact his boyfriend looked extremely sexy blowing out smoke through the window and showing off his sharp jawline every time he did so, sitting up quickly and snatching the cigarette from Yoongi's mouth, throwing it out the window.

"Yah." Yoongi growled, glaring at Jimin.

It honestly surprised Jimin, though he didn't show it, that Yoongi was acting hostile with him.

This hadn't happened since they're first meeting at the cafe.

"Smoking is bad for you." JImin tried to justify his action.

"Yeah and so is extreme dieting, but i don't say anything about it now do i?" Yoongi snapped.


 Hope you like this chapter!

 thanks for all the support guys.

btw,it's my birthday today!

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