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"Hoseok-ah!" Yoongi said as entered Hoseok's studio.

"Yoongi-hyung!" The producer yelled, turning from his webcam and standing up to hug his best friend.

"Everyone, please welcome, Min Yoongi, aka Agust d. he debuted what, a week ago?" He turned to Yoongi for confirmation, to which the older nodded, "Please stream it, it's great!." he smiled to the camera, people spamming the comments section about the nature of their relationship and how they knew each other.

By not now it was no secret that yoongi was gay, not only were there a multitude of rumours about him and theories that proved he was far from straight, confirmed by the interview that had blown up his popularity, now he had just released a song talking about sexuality and his love for someone.

Now people were dying to know, who the mysterious man was. Any guy Yoongi interacted with was now a possible suspect.

"Ah, you're doing a live." Yoongi mumbled in his usual low and groggy voice, bending down to be in the shot, Hoseok sitting down on his office chair and reading the comments. "Good evening everyone." Yoongi waved his hand with a lazy smile.

Hoseok laughed as he red one specific question.

"No, no, Yoongi-hyung and i aren't dating." He chuckled.

Yoongi bent down to read the comment, but it was quickly drowned by other comments.

"Ew," he mumbled, scrunching his nose. "Hoseok and i are like family, besides, he's straight ladies don't worry."

Behind him, Hoseok chuckled, placing both his hands on Yoongi's hips and pulling him on his lap, Yoongi turned to him with a shocked smile.

Not that it was unusual for them to be close, it just surprised him he would do that just after they were asked if they were in a relationship.

"yah," He mumbled, "You're not being confinsing when you say we aren't together."

Hoseok laughs, scooting the chair closer to the computer to be able to read the comments better.

"Seriously everyone, Hoseok and i are not dating, like Hoseok is nice and all but ew, he's a brother." Yoongi confirmed, ruffling Hoseok's hair.

"Yoongi-hyung is already taken, i'm doing this to piss off his boyfriend." Hoseok joked, the commenters going crazy to know who the boyfriend could be.

People had been suspecting Yoongi's relationship with someone, but now that it was confirmed, things got a lot more serious.

Yoongi chuckled, frowning as he read the occasional hateful comments ordering him to get off of Hoseok's lap, but instead deciding to answer some other questions.

"Min Yoongi, i love your song, will you collab with with J-hope?" He asked, turning around to face Hoseok, who smirked.

"We're thinking about it." Yoongi smiled, taking the chopsticks that had been left on Hoseok's table and taking a bite of his meat, then standing up.

"i'll leave you to your fans, don't forget to sleep." Yoongi said as he made his way to the door.

"Aw, Hyungie is worried about me?" The redhead teased.

"shut up." Yoongi mumbled as he closed the door.

Hoseok laughed, turning back to his camera.

"Please give this boy lots of love, he looks rude on the outside but he's a real teddy bear, you just have to let him open up." He said.


picture perfect is slowly coming to an end guys...

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