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@_jimjoonjin_: You my main bitch i love you dumpling:

Watch what you say, Namjoon gets jealous easily. *chuckles*

@Happykin: How do you have that much confidence?

I look at myself in the mirror, and tell myself i'm a bad bitchen. Then i just walk out the door and slay the world in my own unique way. See i'm not a dance machine like Jimin, and i don't spit bars like Yoongi, yet people manage to love me anyway. You just have to realise that you are good in your own way, that's why it doesn't make sense to compare yourself to others.

@Smussiii: I love you, Jinnie

Yeah i love myself too.

@milkteachim: When did you learn how to cook and from who? Also, how is your relationship with Namjoon? What was you experience during high school about being openly gay? Hope the cafe and your life is doing well and thanks for being an amazing hyung

I learned to cook as a kid from helping out my mom in the kitchen, and i guess i took a liking to it.

And Namjoon and i are sailing smoothly thank you. As for my experience with being gay, well i think i could have had it way worse.

I came out to my friends first, who were pretty much all accepting (they had been teasing me about being gay for a while so some of them weren't even surprised.) It was harder for my parents because i was scared i would disappoint them, but i told my dad first because we were always really close, and then we confronted my mom together. She took some time to get used to it and for it to settle, but everything went pretty good, so i am very thankful.

And yeah the cafe is booming, and my life is pretty smooth, thank you :)

@SoKo_in_your_face: Are you proud of Yoongi?

oh don't even get me started on how proud of my baby i am. That kid is the sweetest dumpling in the world, he managed to get over his trauma and become a producer, and i am so grateful he finally found his happiness.


@jiminsboyfriend: How did it feel to kiss Jimin in front of all the fans? And were you surprised at the reaction of the fans?

It was terrifying. But Jimin is a good kisser so it was amazing regardless, especially with all the adrenaline from the concert. And i wasn't really expecting anything from the fans, but when i took the earpiece off and heard them call out a ship name for us, with Jimin holding my hand, it was the best feeling in the world, probably the most beautiful moment of my life so far.

@basicb_21: How is you mental health right now?

I have been pretty stable lately. Jimin got me a jumbo pack of mango lollipops and it really helps with my anxiety. I have been on medication, i'm taking care of myself and i have my beautiful boyfriend and my friends to help me out, so i'll be okay.

@_jiminjoonjin_: How was it after the concert

We greeted the fans goodbye and said thank you, then we went to Marmalade's dorm to celebrate, though we got beat up by Namjoon and Yeonsul (She was on the phone) for being reckless. Then the next day, the video was viral and we gained a lot more exposure and attention, so even though we got a lot of hate, it was nothing compared to the all the support.

@lulmelanin: When are you going to propose to jimin?

wow okay, uhm, well we haven't even talked about marriage yet, and it's not really legal in korea, so i think we'll just have to think about it.

@Happykin: In the end, do you think you were lucky that Marmalade came to the cafe that day which started all of this?

Yes, yes i am very grateful to Namjoon and Seokjin for planning this and even though they didn't even mean it, they really helped me get out a darker place.

@beanrainn: how has Jimin affected your daily life? love you.

So many things changed since i met Jimin. I hang out with people a lot more, i stopped smoking, i'm a producer now... Jimin makes me happy in so many ways.

@sugarychiminie: im so happy you overcame your past and became the artist you are now!!! What will your album be about?

Thank you. I'm very happy too. As for my album, i wanted to contrast with the first one, that was very positive and about accepting yourself and loving yourself, this one is about hating certain parts of yourself, peer pressure and society's rules we feel obliged to follow.

@milteachim: Do you have a name for your fandom yet? And if so, can you say it? Also how did you overcome all the hardships that were thrown at you? You're truly amazing btw and i respect you a lot.

Well, Jimin and i call the fans that are supportive of our relationship the "Yoonminions", but i do not have a name for my own fandom, so why don't you choose one? And i think that to overcome the hardships of your life, you have to have a good coping system. That may be through friends, writing a diary, exercising, drawing, or anything, but you have to know yourself enough in order to be able to get up after something. I see it like driving a car, if you don't know how you vehicle works, it's hard to get it moving or repair it if you have a flat tire for exemple. So just get a good backup system when life throws shit at you. And thank you very much, i appreciate it :)

@SoKo_in_your_face: Will you maybe team up with marmalade, so that you and jimin aren't apart that long again?

Nope. I may do collabs again, but i will never be a part of Marmalade. It's fine though, we overcome the distance once we can do it some more, also i think it's good to be apart for some time, because we're happier to see each other after a long wait.


@X_SanneDBX: Not a question but............. I LOOOOOOVEEEE YOUUU


@_jimjoonjin_ :Can you step on me at least once hobi and if not choke me.

Oh no i would never do that! Will a hug do instead?

@Happykin: Can you teach me how to dance? I'm okay, but you are a GOD.

You should check out my youtube channel, it had guides to some of my most popular dances!

@milkteachim: Did you ever realize that maybe your kindness can be a bad thing too? I mean, what it Yoongi was a bad guy and took advantage of you? Hobi, the amount of kindness you have is really immense and lovely, but at the same time it's also worrying. not everyone had a pure heart as you. Thanks for being an angel.

Kindness is never a bad thing. Sure maybe i am a little reckless sometimes, but i don't regret doing anything if i managed to make some happy.

@SoKo_in_your_face: Have you found your special one yet?

Nope, I'm here to represent the ingle crue.


@_jimjoonjin_: I love your tiddies.

thank you?

@Happykin: How's life?

Fucking tiring ever since those two fucking idiots decided to just decide without the company's accord to out themselves as a gay couple to the world. I support them and their cute though.

@brookycookie14: What do you think of the yoonmin relationship being exposed?

I think they really should have given us a heads up, but apart from that, they are the most disgustingly sweet couple i have ever met. And they are really cute as artists too, and now their fanbase pretty much doubled since their coming out.

@brookycokkie14:*whispers* how's Jin?

Slaying as always.

@beanrainn: what was your reaction to when they kissed on stage? love you btw.

I was shocked as fuck, i mean i uwued like shit but then i had to answer all the fucking calls the agency was giving me, and negotiate for them not to get in trouble, it was... a very hectic month but we made it.

@SoKo_in_your_face: Can you rap?

Well i try.


@jiminsboyfriend: Omg i love you so much. Can i like come to the wedding? I wish you guys the best of luck.

Thank you very much! and as for the wedding, i'm guessing you're talking about Yoongi and I but we aren't even engaged yet, so let's not get too excited.

@_jimjoonjin: lil Mochi I'm so proud of you, how are you.

i'm doing great! and thank you, i'm proud of myself as well.

@lulmelanin: When is the wedding?

Why is everyone talking about weddings? Did i miss a meeting or something?!

@thetOastgiver101: When do you think you and Yoongi will settle down, get married and have a "regular" life?

Well, first step is getting a house together, which we will definitely do soon, because i am not letting Yoongi stay in that crappy place of his. But i think we're both in the midst of our career, so we won't really be "settling down" any time soon.( Aslo what is a "regular" life when you're an idol.) And again with the wedding, i was not informed!

@Happykin: Do you think you were lucky to have met min Yoongi on that day in the cafe,

More than lucky.

@brookcookie14: What do you think are the strong points of you members,

Well that's easy, Jungkook is pretty good at everything, i think he puts a lot of pressure on himself because he's the youngest, but i think he's a good kid, and i'm proud of him. Taehyung is so funny, he had a really unique personality and voice that really ads to the groupe, and he's also a good dancer. Honestly i think they both trained really hard to be good at every aspect of their job, and it shows.

@sugarychiminie: What do you love most about your boyfriend?

I love how he loves me, and treats me like a treasure. he's so cute and adorable and squishy, i just love everything about that man.

@milteachim: What do you love most about Yoongi? Who so you ship among your friend group? Do you think you are ready to settle down and get married with Yoongi already? I hope you are! Do you prefer blonde or black haired Yoongi? hope your group becomes more successful.

Again, i love everything about Yoongi, and we ship Namjin the most because they bicker like an old married couple it's so cute. And no i don't think i'm ready to settle down with Yoongi, because we are in the middle of our careers and we both have our own lives going on. Aslo marriage isn't the only thing to look forward to in a relationship, maybe Yoongi and I won't ever even get married, we just haven't talked about it yet.

And i prefer black haired Yoongi, because he's been taking care of his hair more now and i am less worried for his scalp. Also black haired Yoongi seems happier and more at ease, he als hates me less, so that's always a plus.

@SoKo_in_your_face: Have you managed to make Yoongi stop smoking fully?

All i did was give him a jumbo pack of mango flavoured lollipops, he stopped smoking all on his own, and i'm very proud of him for that.


@_jimjoonjin_: Are you sure you and jungkook don't have something going on.

Ew, yes. Jungkook is like a brother, besides we are both straight.

@Happykin: How are things going for you and Jungkook as members of Marmalade (and is there anything going on between you)?

Things are going pretty good, we've had some hate for having an openly gay leader, but i personally don't give a shit because i am hell proud of Jiminie for being a badass.

@brookycookie14: What do you think are the strong points of you members?

Well, Jungkook is a crackhead and he's funny, and Jimin is cute and a soft fluffy kinda friend, so i love both of them with my heart.

@milkteachim: Are you part of the LGBT group or do you just support it? Do you have a crush on a member? *whispers* you know like..... Jungkook? Your voice is amazing btw. How long did you train? and what was you first impression of the members? love you Tae.

I am 100% straight so i do not have a crush on Jungkook or Jimin, but yeah i support the LGBT community because why wouldn't i? My first impression of Jungkook was "Damn what a fetus" And my first impression of Jimin was "Damn he's scary." We trained as Marmalade for four years, i i wasn't i trainy before that, contrary to Jimin and Jungkook. And thank you for the compliments!

@SoKo_in_your_face: how did you feel when Yoonmin kissed on stage?

Oh i was ecstatic, we were running around and yelling in the dorm with Jungkook and we did a mini happy dance and we were so shocked but like happy and proud. It was a lot honestly.


@jiminsboyfriend: Hey Jungkook baby. So are you and TaeTae a thing yet? if not, we could be. Just kidding, But frfr is Taekook a thing?

Taehyung and i are absolutely not a thing, he is like my older brother it would be insest at this point, so no Taekook is not a thing.

@_jimjoonjin_: Um if you aren't already together who would top, you or Taehyung? (Top kook is my religion)

Taehyung and i are not getting together, we are both straight, and what is a top?

@Happykin: Is there something you and Taehyung blatantly disagree on? Why?

Pineapple on pizza dude, that shit is just nasty.

@brookycookie14: What do you think are the strong points of you members,

Jimin is very hardworking and responsible, also he's a good listener, Taehyung is a crackhead but he's a good cuddler and he's very open minded.

@milkteachim: Are you still lowkey afraid of Yoongi? Are you interested in anyone in marmalade (this is sort a trick question*wink*) How are you good in everything? Please give me some motivation to continue school because it's making me really worried. Thank you and good luck on your group.

I'm not afraid of Yoongi, because once you see how soft he is for Jimin, he just doesn't look like a murderer anymore, and no i am not interested in anyone from marmalade. trust me i am not good at everything, like i can't cook for the life of me, and i suck at folding clothes (it's sounds stupid but when all your shirts are wrinkled it's really becomes a struggle) And for your school, honestly don't ask me because i sucked ass at school (see i can't do everything), but just remember that your grades don't define who you are and if you fail at school, it doesn't mean you fail at life. Having bad grades doesn't mean you're an idiot and you have no future (i mean look at me). But do your best, ask for help if you need to and take care of yourself.

@SoKo_in_your_face: What do you think of Namjin?

they are annoying and loud, but they make a cute couple.


@_jimjoonjin_ : I hate you (i love you) loved this book so much

Well, i hate you too.Glad you liked my work :)

@thetOastgiver101: Not a question but i loved this book so much and you did really good! Anyway, how are you?

Thank yoouuu. I loved writing it! And i'm doing pretty good, like i'm done with school and i passed so that's cool, but i am melting at how hot it is so that's less cool.

@Happykin; thank you for creating this wonderful masterpiec! It's inspired me to continue to write (when i'm not being lazy)

Thank you so much, It makes me so happy to know i managed to inspire someone. Like no one has ever said that before so thank you so much :)

@Happykin: What's your otp?

Ok so as far as in BTS. i really enjoy different ships for different reason (i'm not really on the "only Yoonmin, Vkook, Namjin" boat) Like for example, i like Yoonmin because the stories are always super soft, i like vkook because they are super kinky, i like minjoon because of the height difference or vmin because they are like bestfriends and the same age. Like every ship has it's own charm and i wish people would be more open to unpopular ships.

@TheLastSpringDay: I'm not sure if this was already asked but what happened after the concert and how did the news and gossip columns react (+ how did people react)?

Well, opinions were pretty mixed. A lot of people found it unacceptable and revolting for a gay couple to kiss on stage, but then others defended the artists saying it was good to express this side of society, and that it was a respectable act of pride and bravery. The news and gossip weren't the most respectful to the couple, creating crazy rumours that it was only to create a controversial fame and what not, but the fan base was mostly very supportive.

@Olympe_dmt: When did you started writing?

i started writing on wattpad in the summer of 2017 (i think) But before that i wrote fanfics on google docs for me and my best friend to read ( but i was only like, less than a year before wattpad).

@Yoon_Minie_Partie: I just want to say i think i may have started this book about MAYBE two to three days ago and even though i am really sad it has come to an end, I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT. your writing just kept me on my toes that i couldn't stop! So plsss keep writing!!!!

Thank SO much, for complimenting this story and my writing. I'm happy to see you  enjoyed it. and also don't worry i don't plan to stop writing anytime soon so i hope you'll keep in tune with my stories :)

@nekosarecute890: Do you have a favourite chapter in the book? Or a favourite book you've written??

I don't really have a favourite chapter, though i love the little fluff chapter the most (don't we all) and my favourite book i have posted on wattpad might be Picture Perfect, mostly because i've been posting for almost a year now and i got attached over time.

@milkteachim: Hi! Honestly i really like you book. The story plot is simple (for me) but sooo addicting to read. That was not meant to be offensive btw; simple can also be great too. I did encounter some spelling mistakes -which is totally fine btw since we're all human- and i just wanted to let you know if you haven't. that's it and thanks for all the hard work and the time you took to write this book. Whoops sorry i forgot I was supposed to ask a question hahahah. Umm what is the best yoonmin fanfic you read in Wattpad so far? Is English your first language? I purple you.

Thank you very much for your support! i'm glad you liked this book (even though it was simple and had spelling mistakes) I'm really sorry if i make mistakes in my books! there really is no excuse, so i'll try to be more careful in the future.

And also, english is the first language i learned at school, but it isn't my mother tongue. I grew up moving school a lot, and i'm from a bilingual household, meaning we speak two languages at home. So in a way english ne of the first languages i was taught, but it isn't the one i speak the most so i guess it's kinda in the middle?

And of course, i purple you too :)

@SoKo_in_you_face: Will you mabie write a bonus chapter in which the seven of them are untied to the one group?

I may write bonus chapters but not on the seven of them as a group because it wouldn't really make sense for the story (like why in the world would Seokjin randomly start singing you feel?)

Well, i guess this is it guys! It took me hours to answer everything so there are probably a lot of spelling mistakes (please point them out) I hope I answered all your questions, and yeah, a final thank you to everyone who read and supported this story in any way.

Thank you so much.

I love you :)

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