Part 2

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During the second month of school, Gretta and James ended up admitting their feelings for each other, and started dating. Most of their dates were in town, but since James was sixteen and could drive, he took her home every night. It wasn't until about two weeks after they started dating that he came to her house for dinner with her family. It was lasagna night, Mrs.Johnson cooking when he got inside with Gretta. He ended up going and talking to Mr.Johnson about automobiles and other such things, while Gretta had gone off to help her mother cook dinner. Eric was busy playing with his toys while all of this was going on, not really caring what else was happening around him. When dinner was finished, James sat by Gretta and talked happily with her family throughout the time he was there. They seemed like lovely people, and he could see why everyone knew who the Johnson's were. After helping clean up, James headed out, but not before giving his girlfriend a good night kiss. He couldn't wait for the next time he got to have dinner with her family, it seemed like quite the treat, and her mother seemed like quite the cook.

During school the next day, he talked to his friends happily about the night before, and Gretta went off and talked to her friends about it too. Everyone loved the two as a couple, they were just so cute together, a perfect match. They'd date for another month, going to the movies, out to dinner, bird-watching, and all sorts of things. They also helped each other study, and get homework done for school.

During this time, James only noticed one thing that seemed odd about the town, and that happened to be the new missing people each month. The police never found anything linking the crimes together, and there was never a trace as to what happened or where they'd gone.

Eventually, James ended up asking Gretta if he could come over for dinner again. The Johnson's happily agreed, and set it up for him to come over the next Friday, for a taco night. This time around, things were a bit different though.

When James walked into the house, he felt an odd chill go up his spine, goosebumps rising on his skin as he suddenly felt extremely unsettled. The odd feeling followed him and clung to him like wet clothes to the human body throughout the rest of the night. He found himself asking what was in the taco meat, since it tasted a bit off for him, though no one else seemed to notice. Mrs.Johnson just told him that it was probably the onion juice she always added to the meat, to give it more flavour. He nodded, but started getting the feeling like he was being watched. He couldn't shake it all night, seeing things out of the corner of his vision, but finding nothing there whenever he actually looked.

Eventually, he went home, but had trouble sleeping that night. Nightmares and terrors haunted him in his sleep, and he found himself exhausted the next morning. He ended up texting Gretta, and suddenly asked if anyone had ever died in her house before, since the feeling of being watched was occasionally associated with ghosts and spirits of the dead. She replied back that as far as she knew, no one had ever died in their house. He apologized for the weird question, before going on about his day as normal as he could for the time-being.

Later that day, he told his friends about the feelings he had, and such the night before, but they all brushed it off as just being his nerves since he'd barely been around her family up to that point. They also just said that it was likely excess stress carrying over from studying so much and working hard in school on the upcoming tests they had. After a bit of convincing, he agreed and moved on with the day. He relaxed more and calmed again, enjoying his time with his girlfriend once more. Things went back to normal for the couple as they went on dates, going to a passing festival in the town, and loving to spend time together as often as possible.

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