CHAPTER ONE, our very first show-again

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Ever since her parents became travelling photographers they barely came home. DJ and Timmy Fuller decided to take Violet under their wing. Violet would basically be living on her own if it wasn't for them checking in on her and basically raising her. Luckily, Violet's parents still pay for all the bills and stuff for the house so Violet doesn't have to worry about that. Maybe that means her parents might care about her just enough to do that for her, but not enough to actually be her parents anymore. 

Living next to the Fullers was both good and bad. It was good because it was like having a second family and Violet got to live next door to her best friend. Bad because they can kind of be crazy and you never know what to expect with them. But thanks to the Fullers (and the Gibblers) her life is more interesting. 

Almost every morning Violet would join the Fullers for breakfast and today was one of those mornings. The Fullers had a full house today because the whole Tanner family (besides Michelle who was busy with her fashion business in New York but Joey was able to be there) are visiting for Danny's going away party. Danny got a new job and had to move so DJ had asked Kimmy (who was now an event planner) for help on planning the party. 

(this gif is what violet's outfit is for this chapter)

"Mornin', everybody!" Violet greeted. 

"Morning, Violet." Everyone responded. 

Violet chuckles after seeing Joey was wearing Bugs Bunny pajamas, Only Joey, who's a grown man, would wear Bugs Bunny pajamas. She grins when she saw Stephanie was back from London. Stephanie worked as a DJ and had been working in London for a while so she was glad to see Stephanie was back. "Stephanie, you're back!"

"Vivi!" Stephanie smiles, standing from her seat to pull the teen into a hug. "I missed you!"

"I missed you too!" Violet said, chuckling because she heard that Stephanie had gained a British accent from being in London for a long time. "So, you're British now."

"That's what happens when you stay in London for a long time." Stephanie commented.

Violet then walks over to her place at the table next to her best friend and Alex (one of the Katsopolis twins). She shared a smile with Alex as she sat down and then glanced at her best friend, exchanging a smile with him as the two did their handshake they made up.

"Becky, could you please pass the wa'er?" Stephanie asked Becky sine the pitcher of water was at the other end of the table. 

"It's waa-ter." Becky corrected her.

Stephanie nods, gesturing to the pitcher of water. "Wa-er."

"Waa-ter!" Everyone shouted, all equally annoyed with British Stephanie.

Stephanie throws her arms up out of frustration, rolling her eyes. "Oh, just pass the OJ." Becky passed her the pitcher of orange juice while DJ walked over, carrying three bags and her coffee mug.

"Dad, we never could have gotten through the past year without your help." DJ said to Danny. "We really appreciate you taking us in." 

Danny smiles at her. "Awe, honey. I've loved having you here."

"Oh, and I think I found the cutest little place for the boys, me, and Violet." DJ added, causing Violet to but then she furrowed her eyebrows upon hearing her name included. She glanced at DJ with surprise.

"Um, what?"

DJ chuckles lightly. "Did you really think we would leave you in that house all alone?" She smiles softly. "You're basically a part of this family so of course you're going with us."

"We would never leave you behind." Jackson chimed in. 

"Yeah, it wouldn't be the same without you." Max admitted. 

Jackson smiles, shrugging his shoulders. "And besides, I told mom I wouldn't move away without you."

Violet smiles widely at the two boys and then at DJ. The fact they all wanted her to go with them and thought of her as family warmed her heart. "Thank you. You guys are the best."

"You know, it just hit me what selling this house really means." Danny admits, glancing at his oldest daughter. "We're saying goodbye to our family home." 

"I feel like this is my house, too." Kimmy grins. "I was here more than my own home."

"Hey," Violet points at her with a grin on her face. "Me too!" 

"Twinsies!" Kimmy exclaimed and the two of them laughed.

Kimmy walks over to the other end of the table, sitting at the empty chair between Stephanie and Max. "It makes me want to just kick off my shoes and put my feet up."

Violet cringes. "Oh, please don't." One thing she didn't like about Kimmy is that her feet smelt really bad.

Kimmy kicks her shoes off anyway and puts her feet on the table near Stephanie. Tommy, the baby boy of the family, made of noise of disgust and Violet agreed with him. It was disgusting that Kimmy put her bare feet on the table where everyone ate. 

A look of disgust is on Stephanie's face as she shakes her head. "How rude!" She shouted in her normal American voice. 

Violet exchanges a smile with Jackson, both teens happy that Stephanie's British accent is gone. "Steph, is your accent gone?" Becky questioned.

"Testing. One, two, water..." Stephanie's eyes widen and she looks relieved. "Oh, I'm American again!" She high-fived Joey as everyone cheered.

"Once again, my feet save the day." Kimmy remarked.

"Yeah, but they smell like Trump." Max grimaced.

Violet narrows her eyes at Kimmy. "When have your feet ever saved the day?"

Kimmy nods, pointing at Violet. "That's a very good question."

"You don't have an answer, do you?" Violet asked her, raising her eyebrows.

"Nope." Kimmy replied, earning a chuckle from Violet.


It was finally the going away party for Danny. Violet sat on the stairs, sitting on the step behind the one Jackson and Max sat on. She and Jackson stopped conversing, watching with raised eyebrows when Max suddenly jumped up and ran over to the other side of the room, grabbing a paper towel and Febreze. Violet then nodded in realization when she realized someone must've spilt something. Just like the boy's grandfather, Max became a clean freak which was sometimes both good and bad. 

"Nobody panic. Spill patrol, coming through." Max then began cleaning the spill on the ottoman that was moved near the snack table.

"Young Max, I like what I'm seeing." Danny commented, walking over to Max. 

Max tears a piece of paper towel and hands one to Danny. "Want a piece of the action?"

Danny smiles widely, taking the piece of paper towel from Max. "Do I ever!" He bends down, smiling proudly as he watches Max clean. "Extra-strong Febreeze, three ply paper towel. You're cleaning at housekeeper level."

The doorbell then rings and DJ walks over to open it. "Hi, Ramona!" DJ greeted and Violet perked up when she heard DJ say that, excited to see her close friend.

"Hi, DJ." Ramona responded.

Kimmy's ex, Fernando, then walks up after Ramona walks into the house. The smile on DJ's face fell. "Fernando..."

"DJ." Fernando spoke in the same disgusted tone DJ used.

DJ rolls her eyes, turning around to look at Kimmy. "Kimmy, your ex-husband is here!" 

Kimmy's shoulders drop in defeat and she rolls her eyes. "Uh-uh-uh." Fernando shakes his head. "Kimmy and I are temporarily separated. I admit, it does not look good, but my goose is not officially cooked."

"Fernando, this is a going away party. So please," DJ gestures for him to leave. "Go away."

Kimmy walks over with her arms crossed and an annoyed look on her face. Fernando walks over to her with a smile. "Kimberlina, mi amor. You are looking fine as wine in the summertime."

"Fernando, give up." Kimmy told him.

"Never." Fernando argues. "I'm not ashamed to admit..." He looks at everyone and calls out, "My name is Fernando Hernandez-Guerrero-Fernandez-Guerrero, and I am a Kimmy Gibbler-aholic."

Joey walks over with a look of disbelief on his face. He points at Kimmy. "Kimmy Gibbler?"

"My friend, I have seduced the most beautiful women in the world." Fernando replied.

"Yeah, some of them during our marriage." Kimmy sassily commented.

"Yes, I made one mistake. Many, many times." Fernando admits. "But no one has the skills of this enchantress. Kimmy Gibbler knows things. Long-lost secrets of the Kama Sutra from deepest, darkest India." Kimmy smiled proudly and put a hand on her hip.

Danny points at Kimmy. "This Kimmy Gibbler?" He asked in disbelief.

Kimmy glances at him with offense. "Yes, this Kimmy Gibbler." She looks at Fernando. "Goodbye, Fernando."

Fernando takes ahold of her hand and kisses the back of it. "Adios." He smiles at her. "For now." After he said goodbye to Ramona, he left. 

DJ closes the door as Kimmy walks over to her daughter, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. Kimmy smiles at the group. "Everyone, this is my daughter, Ramona."

"Hi, Ramona!" Everyone smiled and waved at her.

"Ramona, you know all these people, right?" DJ questioned.

"I know these three." Ramona smiles, pointing at Danny, Jesse, and Joey. "My mom calls them," She points at Jesse." Dreamy," Then she points at Danny. "Cleany," And lastly she points at Joey. "And Weenie." 

Ramona looks around the room for someone, smiling widely when she spots Violet on the stairs. "And I also know Violet!"

"Hi, Ramona!" Violet excitedly greeted, standing up to rush over to the brunette-haired girl to give her a hug. Ramona grinned and hugged her back.

"Okay, everybody." Stephanie calls out, gaining everyone's attention. Violet and Ramona pull away from the hug to look at Stephanie and notice Stephanie is standing behind the dj station in the living room. "It's time to take it back to the late 80s when this party got started! New Kids On The Block!" All the adults cheered as Stephanie started playing the song. 

The song 'Right Stuff' by the New Kids On The Block played. The girls (Becky, DJ, Kimmy, Stephanie, Ramona, and Violet) gathered in the empty place that was made in the living room for them and all did the iconic dance move for this song. Meanwhile, the boys (Danny, Max, Jesse, Joey, and Jackson)  were on the other side of the room, doing whatever dance they came up with. At the end of the song, Violet and Ramona grinned at each other and did the handshake they came up with when they were younger.

When the door suddenly opened, revealing Steve, everyone looked over and smiles. Steve smiles and waves at everyone. "Hey, Tanners, Fullers, Gibblers, Gladstones, Rippers, Katsopli, and Sullivan. Hi."

"Steve!" DJ smiles widely and walks over to give him a hug. Steve closes the door behind him and hugs DJ. "Thanks for coming by!" DJ said.

As everyone dispersed and did their own thing, began talking with each other or going to the food table, Violet talked with Ramona, the two teens catching up with each other on what they have missed out. Violet isn't as close of friends as she is with Jackson, but she still is close with Ramona and always enjoys spending time with her. 

"Wait, so you learned how to play Ukulele?" Ramona questions, smiling widely at her when Violet smiled and nodded in response. "Vi, that's awesome! You gotta show me sometime."

"Oh, for sure." Violet responds. "We definitely need to have a sleepover. It's been way too long since we've hung out."

"Yes, I agree!" Ramona grinned.

"And don't get me wrong, Jackson is great and all, but it'd be nice to hang out with a girl my age." Violet admitted.

Ramona rolls her eyes, shaking her head. "You know, I don't understand how you can be friends with a jerk like him."

"He's not that bad." Violet defended Jackson.

Soon enough Kimmy came over and talked with them for awhile. Now the three of them stood by the food table and with an amused smile on her face, Violet watched as DJ pushed Jackson over to most likely say 'hi' to Ramona. Jackson shot her a pleading look that read 'help me' and she just shook her head, giggling quietly.

"Hey." Jackson greeted as Kimmy and DJ walked to the side.

"Hey." Ramona responded with crossed arms.

Violet rolls her eyes when they both got on their phones. "Put your phones away. Put them away." DJ tells Jackson and Ramona, walking back over to them along with Kimmy.  "Talk. Just catch up."

"Deej, I'm telling you, you're not going to make them be friends." Violet sighs. "It's impossible." 

"Well," Kimmy points at her. "It is impossible with that attitude."

"Look who's awake." Becky announced, walking down the stairs with Tommy in her arms.

Smiling, DJ walks over to Becky to take her son from her aunt. "There's my baby boy." Violet chuckles as Becky was hesitant to give the baby to DJ. "Aunt Becky, you can give him back now." DJ spoke.

"Well, live it up now," Becky finally caves in and hands Tommy to DJ. "Because next thing you know, they turn into that." Becky nodded at her two sons, who had sucked in the helium from balloons. 

Alex and Nicky smiles at her and speaks in a high-pitch voiced because of the helium. "Hi, mom."

By this time, Ramona had already left Violet and Jackson and went to go sit down on the chair near the stairs and her mom joined her. But Violet and Jackson stayed by the food table and continued to talk. Jackson was telling her how he was talking to Jesse about how Jesse had a motorcycle when he was thirteen and that he thirteen and only had a dirt bike.

"Dude," Violet laughs. "You're never getting a motorcycle. DJ would freak out."

Jackson sighs sadly, his shoulders dropping in defeat. "Yeah, I know. But it'd be cool."

After DJ said a heartwarming speech, everyone forced Jesse to sing the song he hates but everyone loves. Violet was now standing by DJ and the boys, her arms wrapped around Jackson and Max. She smiled at the sweet moment with Jesse and Becky and she joined in on singing along with everyone else when Jesse asked for everyone to help him out towards the end. Everyone then clapped and cheered when the song was done. 


Soon the party was over, most of the people left, and all decorations were cleaned up. Violet sat on the couch with Jackson, watching with slight amusement as Max kept running back and forth to take the trash outside. Violet thought even though it was a good idea, it was still a bit cruel how Jackson convinced Max to take out the trash.

"C'mon, mom! Let's go home!" Ramona called out, walking into the living room.

"How'd I do?" Max asked.

"Twenty-nine seconds. You still have two more garbage bags to break your record." Jackson informed him. 

Max's shoulders drop in defeat, but he still picks up one of the trash bags and throws it over his shoulder. "Ready? Set?"

"Hold on, hold on!" Ramona exclaims, stopping Max from running and stopping Jackson from starting the timer. "Your mom told Jackson to take out the trash. He's using you."

"Um, no..." Jackson argues, standing up from the couch. "I'm just giving my little brother a chance to set the world record in trash takeout."

"Which isn't a thing." Violet quipped and Ramona pointed at her in a sign of agreement.

"Max, you don't have to do what he says." Ramona crossed her arms.

"Yeah, I do. Jackson implanted a tiny explosive in my brain...That he can detonate at any moment." Max explained.

Violet laughs. "You think he's smart enough to do that?"

"Hey!" Jackson said, looking at her with offense. 

"Sorry." Violet sheepishly smiled at him.

"Oh, please. He just stole that from 'Mission Impossible'." Ramona commented.

Violet nods in realization. "I knew that sounded familiar."

"Max, Max, Max" Jackson walks over to his brother. "Don't listen to them."

"Then do it." Ramona challenged.

"Yeah," Violet smirks, crossing her arms. "If you really did implant a tiny explosive in his brain, then you should blow his head up."

"Yeah," Max nods. "Blow my head up."

"Alright, fine." Jackson sighs heavily. "I made it up."

"How dare you!" Max shouted, shoving the bag of trash to Jackson which made the latter grunt in pain as he held the bag. 

Violet and Ramona chuckles quietly as Max walks up the stairs. Max stops, turning to face Jackson and points at him. "And you can start making your own bed, too!" He yelled before he continued running up the stairs.

"Not cool, Jack." Violet shook her head, looking at Jackson with slight disappointment.

Jackson just rolls his eyes and he looks at Ramona with a glare. "Wow. Thanks, Ramona." He sarcastically comments. "I'm so glad I only see you once a year."

Ramona smiles with amusement while he walks towards the open door. "I'll time you."

Stopping at the door, Jackson turns to look at her with a glare. Ramona just smiled sweetly until Jackson turned around and walked outside. 


After she got ready for the day the next morning, Violet went next door, surprised to see Steve there, holding Comet Junior Junior. "Steve, what's wrong with her?" She asked worriedly, closing the door once she was inside.

"She's pregnant, but she hasn't had any puppies yet. She's been pregnant all night and because of how worried I've been I haven't been able to eat-which has never happened before." Steve replied in a panicked tone.

Violet smiles with slight amusement although there was concern in her eyes as she nods. "Comet Junior Junior's having babies?" Max asks excitedly. "This is better than Shark Week!"

"Uh, okay." DJ looks nervous for a few seconds before she hands Tommy to Kimmy. "Kimmy, here. I'll..." She walks over to Steve. "I'll take Comet. Um, Max, grab my medical bag and follow me. Steve, get a bowl of water." As she carries Comet and walks towards the kitchen, she glances over her shoulder at Violet. "Violet, could you get some towels?" 

"Sure." Violet smiled and she went to the laundry room to get some towels.

"Kimmy, could you please put Tommy in his crib upstairs?" DJ asks Kimmy. As Danny closes the door, DJ opens the door to the kitchen with her foot. "And, uh, dad, I ran out of jobs so do whatever you want!" She walked into the kitchen with Steve and Max following her. 

"DJ, can you deliver the puppies outside?" Danny calls out to his oldest daughter. "I'm showing the house on Wednesday."


Violet gets outside where the others were at and helps DJ set up a place for Comet to have her puppies. And soon enough Comet had her first puppy.

"Comet's out of the woods." DJ smiles, wrapping the first puppy with a green towel. "The first puppy's a boy." She then handed the puppy over to Violet, who was knelt on the ground beside her. From her place between DJ and Stephanie, Violet helped Stephanie clean off the puppy.

"Can I keep one?" Max asks Steve, who was kneeling beside him. "Mom said I could get a dog."

"Yeah," Steve nods. "If it's okay with DJ." Max immediately looked over at his mom with a hopeful look.

DJ points at him with a stern expression on her face. "I said someday, honey. Not today. I have too much on my plate right now. 

"But he's Comet Junior Junior Junior." Max whines. "Come on, mom. You promised." He looks at his brother for help. "Jackson, you were there."

"That's right." Jackson nods. "You promised right after his goldfish died."

Max frowns. "And right before his toilet funeral." He walks over to his mom and holds onto her arm as he pleads. "Come on. Please, please!" Danny grabbed both of Max's arm to get him away from DJ.

"No. Max, no!" DJ tells him and Max finally lets go of her arm. "Max, I said no dog, okay? You have no idea how much work a puppy is. It's like having another baby, except this one doesn't wear diapers! A puppy will poop and pee all over the house, and the stains are impossible to get out-"

"Not for me!" Max interrupts. He points at Danny. "Grandpa taught me how to remove even the most stubborn of stains."

Smiling proudly, Danny points at him. "I love this kid."

"This is all going to fall on me." DJ points at herself. "I have enough to take care of." Violet glances at the baby monitor when Tommy cried. Kimmy picks up the baby monitor she sat on the ground and DJ's eyes widen in realization.

"Oh! Oh, I forgot to give Tommy his ear drops."

"Deej, let me help." Stephanie offered as she stood.

Standing as well, Kimmy nods. "Yeah, I'll give you a hand, too." Violet stood along with everyone else, still holding onto the puppy. 

"No, this is my responsibility." DJ dismissed their help and walked into the house. 

Max looks at everyone with a hopeful expression. "So that is a yes to the puppy?"

Chuckling softly, Violet sympathetically smiles at him. "I don't think so, kid."


Violet and the others went back inside a few moments after Stephanie, Kimmy and Danny walked inside to go check on DJ. Steve stayed outside with the puppies and Violet offered to stay with Steve to help with the puppies, but Steve reassured her he could handle it. 

"Great news." DJ smiles at her kids, who walked in to the living room along with Violet and Ramona. "Grandpa's letting us stay here and Aunt Stephanie is moving in!"

A relieved sigh escapes from Violet's lips and she smiles widely. "That's great!" She had to admit she didn't want to move. She lived in this town her whole life and grew up in the house she lived in. Things just wouldn't be the same if she and the Fullers left. And the fact that Stephanie was moving in made things even more exciting. Violet thought Stephanie was so cool.

Jackson smiles. "Awesome!"

Max looks at his mom excitedly. "That means Aunt Steph can help with the puppy! Right, mom?"

DJ is quiet for a few moments as she thinks it over and she grimaces before she nods and smiles. "Okay, Max. You can have a puppy."

Max gasps and he twirls around excitedly. Violet laughs, watching him with an amused smile. "I'm gonna be a doggy daddy!" Max exclaims. Everyone smiles and some laughs at his excitement. He puts a hand over his heart. "I'm having palpitations!"

When Tommy starts crying, everyone looks over at the crib he laid in. "Oh!" Joey stands up and walks over to the crib. "I know how to handle this."

Jesse and Danny followed him over to the crib and together the three men sang the iconic theme song of the Flintstones show with DJ and Stephanie joining in half way. By the end of the song, Tommy wasn't crying anymore and he was smiling at everyone.

"Aw, look at this." Jesse smiles at Tommy. "Happy baby."

Danny looks at his daughters with concern. "You guys sure you got this?"

"Yeah," Joey chimes in. "You've got some big shoes to fill. And as you know, I happen to own several pairs of enormous clown shoes."

Stephanie smiles, putting her hand over DJ's hand that rested on the crib. "We got this."

Becky walks over to them, smiling at DJ. "I can babysit whenever you want." DJ stands up as Becky continues. "Or you can just give me the baby and I'll give him back when it's time to pay for college."

Violet laughs. "I think Becky has baby fever."

Jesse groans. "Ever since Alex and Nicky went to college she always has baby fever."

"You guys get going. Thank you. We'll take it from here." DJ reassures the adults as the others who were still kneeling got up. After love yous and hugs were exchanged, Danny, Becky, Jesse, and Joey all left. 

Tommy suddenly started crying again and Stephanie's eyes widen. "Uh...Two, three, four..." She, DJ, and Kimmy then began singing the Flintstones theme song and soon the kids joined them with singing. Once again by the end oft he song, Tommy was laughing and smiling.  

A/N pls rewatching this show makes my heart hurt knowing the actor who played danny is now dead :( 

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