CHAPTER TEN, a giant leap

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(this is violet's look for the chapter)

Violet still couldn't believe it. Stephanie was dating Hunter Pence. The Hunter Pence. The baseball star. She will always wonder how she got to dating someone as famous as him, but she was glad that the blonde did because now she was able to meet him. Even though sports aren't really her thing, she loves baseball. Jackson was actually the one who got her into watching it. He convinced her to watch a game with him and at first she found it boring, but the more she watched it the more she was interested in it. So now thanks to Jackson she loves baseball.

Violet was currently hanging out with Ramona next door when the doorbell rang. They both shared an excited smile since they knew who was at the door. Grabbing their phones, they rush out of Ramona's room, meeting Jackson in the hallway since he just left his and Max's room excitedly. The three teens rushed down the stairs, talking with each other excitedly while they gathered with everyone else in front of the steps that were in front of the front door.

"Okay, look," Stephanie stands in front of the door, glancing at everyone nervously. "I just started dating this guy. Everybody, just please act normal."

"But it's Hunter Pence." Jackson excitedly said. "He's my favorite San Francisco Giant. The man's won two World Series."

"Just don't embarrass me, okay?" Stephanie pleaded.

"No promises." Violet responded as the others muttered in agreement.

Stephanie opens the door, smiling at her boyfriend. "Hi!"

"Hi!" Hunter greeted, smiling back at her and they hugged each other as he kissed her on the cheek.

Everyone stares at him in awe while Stephanie closes the door. Then they all talk over each other out of excitement, rushing over to Hunter, asking him for a selfie. Max dragged him into the living room where the others took pictures with Hunter.

"Hunter, I apologize." Stephanie speaks up. "This is my family not embarrassing me."

"I don't know what all the fuss is about." Hunter shrugs. "I'm just a regular guy. I put on my uniform two legs at a time."

DJ raises her eyebrows. "Don't you mean one leg at a time?"

"No." Hunter shakes his head. "I stand on my bed and jump right into them."

"Well, that's different." Violet chuckled.

Kimmy smiles, shaking hands with Hunter. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Underpants."

"It's Hunter Pence." Hunter corrected her.

Kimmy furrows her eyebrows. "Really?" She shakes her head, frowning slightly. "That's disappointing."

"Well, sit. Sit, sit." DJ ushers for the famous baseball player to sit down and everyone gather around Stephanie and Hunter as they sit down on the couch together. DJ smiles. "Oh, it's so nice to have you. You and Stephanie make the cutest couple. And Stephanie is the nicest person I've ever met." She bends down to Stephanie, whispering to her, "How was that?"

"Except where you asked me how it was, it was great." Stephanie smiled and DJ stood up straighter with a grimace.

"It's so awesome your lifetime batting average is .284." Ramona grins. From where she stood behind the couch, she leans towards Stephanie with a questioning look on her face. "Right, Steph?"

Stephanie nods. "Right."

Ramona stands straighter with a smile. "I'm delighted to meet all of you guys." Hunter smiles at everyone. He puts a hand on Stephanie's back, gently rubbing her back. "And you kids, you're so lucky to have Stephanie as your aunt and Violet you're luck to have her as your neighbor." He glances at her with raised eyebrows and a smile. "Did I get that right, Steph?"

Stephanie cringes after seeing the look everyone else gave her, glancing at everyone apologetically. "Okay, look, I wanted this to go well."

"Hunter, I read online that you eat pizza with a fork." Kimmy commented, looking at Hunter with confusion.

"Don't trust anything you read online, except for that!" Hunter pulls a gold fork attached to a gold chain around his neck that was hidden under his hoodie. "I've got my special pizza fork right here at all times." He smiles. "Check that out."

Stephanie smiles. "Isn't he the cutest?" She takes ahold of Hunter's hand as they both stand up. She stares at him dreamingly. "I just get lost in those big old crazy eyes."

"I only have crazy eyes for you." Hunter told her.

DJ walks over to the couple, smiling widely. "Aw...Well, this is so nice of you to invite us all to the game today."

"Oh, here are your tickets." Hunter gets the tickets out of his pocket, handing them to DJ. "You don't want to miss Stephanie singing during the Seventh Inning Stretch."

DJ smiles and walks back over to everyone else. Violet tunes out Stephanie's and Hunter's conversation and talks with Ramona and Jackson excitedly about the game. However, her attention was turned to Max when he walked over to Hunter.

"Mr. Hunter Pence, sir."

Hunter kneels down beside him and smiles. "I have show-and-tell on Monday." Max explains. He looks at Hunter pleadingly. "Could you please hit me a foul ball?"

"I'm in a bit of a slump right now, so I can't promise you anything." Hunter admits. He smiles. "But I will give it my best shot. How about that?"

Max grins and nods in response. He then fist bumps Hunter before he walks back over to the others who sat on the couch. "You know, I'm starting to think your slump is my fault. You haven't got a hit since we've dated." Stephanie confessed while Hunter got up.

"Oh my gosh!" Jackson's eyes widen with shock as he points at Stephanie. "You're the mystery blonde."

"It all makes sense now." Violet nodded in realization.

Jackson nods in agreement. "You're the jinx. Oh, it's all over the internet."

Everyone stood and began talking over each other about Stephanie possibly being the jinx. "Hey, guys." Hunter speaks over everyone, causing them to grow quiet. "It's not Stephanie's fault. I'm the one swinging the bat."

"Speaking of swinging the bat, you're a tad late on the fastball." DJ chimed in.

"And dropping your right elbow." Jackson added.

"You're swinging at garbage." Kimmy cut in.

"It's not a good look on you." Violet admitted.

"I'll let our batting coach know." Hunter reassured everyone.

"You have a batting coach?" Kimmy questions. She cringes. "Better fire that guy."

Stephanie then brought Hunter over to the door to say goodbye to him. Just as she opened the door, Matt walked in, his eyes widening upon seeing Hunter.

"Hunter Pence!" He said excitedly, shaking Hunter's hand. "Dude, you are the greatest."

"Man, finally, a real fan." Hunter pretended to sound relieved and Violet snickered.

Matt didn't seem to notice that Hunter didn't really mean that s he laughs and walks further into the house. He points at Hunter before he left. "Oh, hey, man. I played some Little League. From one All-Star to another, you should probably choke up on that bat."

As Matt walked over to DJ, Hunter glances at Stephanie with a cringed expression. "I think I'll leave the tickets at Will Call next time." Stephanie nodded in agreement, sympathetically smiling at him and she closed the door as he walked away.

"I just came by to pick up my ticket." Matt explained.

"Yeah." DJ smiles, getting his ticket out of her pocket. "Here you go, Matt. We will see you at the seats."

"Oh, sweet." Matt grins. "Okay, great." He smiles at everyone. "I will see all of you guys there." Everyone waved goodbye to him while he walked towards the door.

"Oh, I forgot," DJ remembers, handing Tommy over to Stephanie. "There's one more thing I need to talk to you about." DJ then walked outside with Matt, closing the door behind her.

A few moments later, DJ came back inside, leaning against the door with a dreaming smile on her face. Everyone stared at her suspisoucsly.

"Oh, we were...We were just talking about animal clinic business stuff." DJ lied.

"Uh-huh, sure." Violet nodded, not believing her at all.

Jackson and Max walk over to her. "Mom, you like him." Jackson pointed out.

DJ puts a hand on her hip, looking at him and Max nervously. "Would it bother you boys if I did?"

"No," Jackson shrugs. "Matt's cool."

Max nods in agreement. "I like him."

DJ looks surprised at their reactions, but she smiles. Ramona steps forward with a grin. "I'm not your kid, but I like him, too."

"Yeah, me too." Violet chimed in, smiling at DJ.

"Tommy, what do you think?" Stephanie asks Tommy. She holds him up in front of her face and talks in a child's voice, pretending to be Tommy. "He's not a three-time All-Star, but he's okay."


"So since Lola's coming to the game with us, can you guys please make me look good by laughing when I say something funny?" Jackson asked Ramona and Violet. The three teens were now in the kitchen. Violet and Jackson sat on the island as Ramona got some grapes from the fridge.

"Sure, if that ever happens." Ramona replied.

Violet couldn't help but snicker at her comment. Jackson looks at Violet with offense and Violet sheepishly smiles at him. "Sorry."

Jackson jumps of the kitchen island and sighs. "Come on. This is important to me."

"Fine, I will be your wing girl." Ramona reluctantly agrees. She glances over at Violet. "Vivi you might have to help me though."

"I'll try," Violet nods. "But I'll probably be hanging out with Ryker most of the game since he's going with us too."

Ramona nods in understanding and glances at Jackson. "Just try to be cool."

"J-Money don't try. J-Money is." Jackson spoke and Violet and Ramona laughed.

"What? You told us to laugh if you said something funny...J-Money." Ramona remarked.

"If you want Lola to like you, don't call yourself J-Money." Violet told him and Ramona nodded in agreement.


Then it was finally time for the Giant's game. Violet was confused when Ryker pulled her aside and led her in a different direction than the others were going. "Wait, where are we going? Our seats are that way." She pointed over her shoulder.

Ryker chuckles. "I know, but I think you'll like these seats better." He led her to a private suite where he had to use a VIP pass to get inside. Violet's eyes widened in awe and she laughed in disbelief at the sight of the room. Private suites were a room in the stadium that had a small kitchen, bar stool tables at the back wall which was a window, She has heard of private suites at baseball games before and she always wanted to go in one, but she knew it was so expensive so she was very excited that she got to be in one today.

Violet beams. "This is awesome!"

"Yeah," Ryker agrees, smiling at her and thinking her excitement was cute. "Even though my dad works a lot, when he does have time we usually go to a baseball game since we both love baseball. We've gone to so many games that he just decided to buy a private suite."

"You're so lucky that you're dad is rich." Violet chuckled, sitting down at the bar stool by the window with him. She couldn't believe the view the room had, you could see the whole stadium. In the room there was also a TV that played the game live so you can hear what's happening.

"It is pretty great." Ryker nodded in agreement.

"How did you know that I wanted to go to one of these?" Violet asked him curiously.

"I remembered that you said you wanted to go to one of these one day 'cause you never done it before." Ryker replied. Violet's heart skipped a beat because of the fact he remembered a small detail like that.

"Well, I love it." Violet smiles softly at him, her cheeks flushed. "Thank you for bringing me here."

"Of course." Ryker returned the soft smile, butterflies swarming in his stomach.

They brought their attention back to the field when they heard the announcer speak. "Now batting for the Giants, right fielder, number eight, Hunter Pence."

"Hey, that's Steph's boyfriend." Violet grinned.

Ryker looks at her with wide eyes as if he just realized something. "Wait, Stephanie is the mystery blonde and the jinx?" He nods in realization. "You know, everything makes sense now."

Violet cringes. "Yeah, I feel bad for her. It does kind of seem like she's bad luck to Hunter since he keeps getting strikes."


As the game continued, Violet and Ryker talked and laughed, enjoying spending time together with just them. Violet had texted DJ to let her know where she was earlier so she or the others wouldn't panic. Then she got an update from Ramona about Jackson and Lola, saying that they ditched her which made her frown.

"Hey, would you mind if Ramona came up here with us?" Violet asks, glancing at Ryker with a hopeful expression. "Jackson and Lola ditched her so now she's just sitting there by herself."

"Yeah, that's fine." Ryker nods, smiling at her. "Wouldn't want her to be left out."

Violet grins. "Great." She sent a quick text to Ramona, asking her if she wanted to join her and Ryker in the privte suite and Ramona immediately agreed.

A few moments later there was a knock on the door and Violet nswered it, grinning at Ramona. "Hey, Ramona!"

"Hi." Ramona smiles, walking further into the room once Violet stepped to the side to let her in. "Thanks for letting me join you guys. It was kind of boring being down there by myself." She admitted as Violet closed the door.

"Yeah, it's not a problem." Ryker reassured her.

Ramona glances around at the room with an awestruck look. "This place is amazing."

Violet smiles widely. "It's pretty great, isn't it?"

The three teens then sat the bar stool by the window to watch the rest of the game, talking with each other here and there. Soon Hunter was up to bat again and he shot a foul ball which made Violet happy since that's what Max wanted, but the foul ball went in the opposite direction of where Max sat by first base. Then Hunter shot another foul ball and this time in the direction Max sat.

Ramona cringes as she glanced at the text she just received from her mom. "My mom said that a guy behind them caught the ball instead of Max and that he was a real jerk."

Violet frowns. "Oh, that sucks. Max really wanted that foul ball for his show-and-tell."

"Uh, Ramona," Ryker's eyes widen when he noticed Kimmy standing on the dugout after glancing at the TV that showed Kimmy. "What is your mom doing?"

Ramona and Violet turn their attention to the TV to see Kimmy holding up her Fathead as she chants. Violet couldn't help the laugh that escaped her lips, smiling wtih amusement. There was never a dull moment with Kimmy around. "Party planning, Gibbler Style! Always goes the extra mile! Party planning, Gibbler Style! Always leaves you with a smile!"

Ramona facepalms, looking embarrassed. "My mom is going to get in so much trouble."

Ryker chuckles. "Well, at least everyone knows about her business now."

"Dakota Fanning, Tatum Channing, they all love my party planning!" Kimmy continued despite the security walking over to her and pulling her off the dugout. "Hey, hey, hey, careful with the Fathead." She then shouts at the crowd, "Go, go, Gibbler for all your party planning needs."

"The Giants remind fans to please stay off the dugout." The announcer spoke.

"Oh, Steph's about to sing." Violet smiled widely after noticing Stephanie walking onto the field.

"And now fans it's time for the Seventh Inning Stretch. So get on your feet and show your San Francisco spirit by joining Stephanie Tanner in the singing of 'Take Me Out To the Ballgame'. Take it away, Stephanie."

Before Stephanie could even start singing, the crowd started booing her and calling her jinx. "This is not gonna go well." Violet mumbled.

"No, it's not." Ramona agreed.

"This goes out to Hunter Pence...You may never get a hit again, but you're a hit in my heart." Stephanie confesses. "Take me out to the ball game. Take me out to the crowd. " As she sang, she began to grow nervous since the crowd was still booing her. "Buy me some peanuts and..." She then shouts angrily at the crowd. "What is wrong with you people?! What do you want from me? Wait, you want me to break up with Hunter Pence?" The crowd cheered and applauded in response.

"How rude! But you know what? San Francisco is my city, so if that's what you people want, then for the love of the Giants, I will break up with Hunter Pence right now." The crowd cheers and applauds again. She turns to where Hunter was in the dugout. "I'm sorry, Hunter. It's over." She sobs as she continues singing. "Cause it's one, two, three..." She looks at Hunter pleadingly. "Oh, Hunter, I just want to look in those crazy eyes one more time."

"And this is when she gets dragged away by security." Violet noted, grimacing along with Ramona and Ryker when the security walked over to Stephanie, stopping her from running over to Hunter.

"The Giants extend their apologies. Now, let's enjoy the Kiss Cam." The crowd cheered as couples who were shown on the screen kissed each other. DJ and Matt were shown on the screen, causing them to look at each other with surprise. DJ pointed to her right with a smile and the camera moved over to show her kissing Max's cheek.

The Kiss Cam continued, but it kept coming back to DJ and Matt. Violet laughs. "I guess whoever is controlling the Kiss Cam really wants them to kiss."

Ryker chuckles. "Sure seems like it."

Matt ends up kissing DJ's cheek, but the people around them booed. "Kiss him, mom!" Max told DJ when the Kiss Cam came back to DJ and Matt. They finally cave in and share a sweet kiss, causing the crowd to cheer for them.

"Wait, why is Steve wrestling a seal?" Violet's eyes widened when she noticed Steve wrestling a seal. She didn't even know that Steve was at the game.

"I'm not for sure if I wanna know." Ramona admitted.

Violet nods. "Good point."


Towards the end of the game, the group decided on leaving before it would be tough to get out of the parking lot. Violet, and Ryker walked out, holding hands as Ramona followed them while they met up with DJ, the boys and Lola outside.

"Hey, nice Jersey." Violet complimented Lola.

Lola smiles. "Thanks. Jackson got it for me."

Violet's eyes widen, glancing over at Jackson with surprise. "Aren't those like over two hundred dollars?"

"Yeah." Jackson sighs. "But I worked out a deal with Dr.

"Look, here they come." DJ noticed, pointing at Stephanie and Kimmy who were dragged outside by security.

Stephanie sighs. "Well, what a fun way to launch my singing career-An emotional breakdown in front of forty-thousand people." DJ took ahold of her hand to comfort her.

"Not only did I make it on the Jumbotron, but guess what?" Kimmy smiles excitedly. "Channel Six caught it all, and I'll be on the eleven o'clock news tonight. I lead a charmed life."

"Do we have to leave?" Max frowns, walking alongside the others as they head to the parking lot. "I didn't catch my foul ball."

"Yeah. It's the bottom of the ninth. Bases are loaded." Jackson said since he was listening to the game with his earbud plugged in his phone. "Giants are down by three. Hunter pence is up to bat."

"Hit me a home run, Pencey!" Max shouted excitedly as the group stopped walking.

"Max, the odds of him hitting a home run directly to you are like a billion to one." Stephanie told him.

"Well, the odds might be better now that you two aren't dating." Violet chimed in, sympathetically smiling at her.

"He hit a long drive to right field." Jackson noticed.

"This is right field." Max pointed out.

"It's going, going...Gone!" Jackson exclaimed.

Everyone watches with shock as Max caught the ball. Max grins. "It's not gone, it's right here." He jumps up and down out of excitement and cheers. "Okay," He shrugs, walking ahead of the group. "Let's go home."

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