CHAPTER THREE, funner house

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It turns out DJ, Stephanie, and Kimmy were going out for a girls night tonight. Stephanie had let Violet know that they were going out and told her the babysitter would be there soon. Violet wasn't exactly thrilled about having to have a babysitter, but she knows the babysitter much be a good one if Stephanie picked out the babysitter.

She was currently at home, sitting in the living room and binge watching the Marvel movies in order. In fact she was wearing Marvel themed pjs, she had on a Marvel themed hoodie, and Spider-Man pj pants since Spider-Man was her favorite Marvel superhero. It was a Friday night and she didn't have anything else to do. She knew that the others would all be on their electronics now so she didn't bother with going over to the Tanner's. 

(this is violet's pjs, plus she's wearing mixed matched socks)

She was startled slightly when there was a knock sounded during an intense scene The Avengers. She also had the lights off so it made things a bit scarier for her. She didn't expect to have anyone over around 9:30pm which is why after she got up she grabbed a bat she hidden behind the couch just in case she needed it for situations like this and walked over to the door. She checked the peephole, sighing with relief and lowering the bat when she saw Joey standing there. Then she grew excited because she hasn't seen Joey in a long time and she realized he must be the babysitter. 

"Joey!" Violet beamed as she opened the door. 

"Hey, Violet." Joey smiles. Then his eyes trailed over to the bat she held and he raises his eyebrows. "Uh, what's with the bat?"

"I thought you might've been an intruder." Violet sheepishly replies, throwing the bat to the side. "What's up?" 

"Why aren't you at the Tanner's? The girls just left you alone here?" Joey asked in disbelief.

"I'm used to it." Violet shrugs. "And they know I won't do anything stupid and that I can take care of myself."

"Okay, they might know that, but I don't so you're coming back over with me." Joey told her.

Violet frowns. "What?" She whines. "I was in the middle of binge watching all the Marvel movies in order!" 

"Looks like that'll have to wait for another night." Joey said. 

Violet groans. "Fine. Let me just get ready." She put on her black and white converse that were left by the door before she walked back to the living room to turn off the TV and then she grabbed the keys to the house. 

"Great, let's go." Joey smiles as Violet locks her house and closes the door behind her once she stood by Joey. "On the way there maybe you can help me come up with a fun way to hang out with the others." 


Soon enough Joey had stolen Jackson's phone, and Ramona's and Max's iPad, locking all their devices in a drawer in the living room. Violet was hiding behind the couch, waiting for her cue to reveal herself to her friends. "How are we supposed to have any fun without our stuff?" Jackson asked in disbelief.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I give to you the Gladstone Gallery of wacky weapons!" Joey pulled of a sheet that was covering wacky weapons on the table.

The boys walk over to the table, looking at the wacky weapons in awe. "Holy chalupas!" Max exclaimed.

Joey smirks and crosses his arms. "Mm-hmm."

"These are what you call classics." Joey said. "You got your super soakers, your silly string, your slime rifles and the granddaddy of 'em all," he picks up a leaf-blower gun that was modified into a toilet paper launcher.
"A Joey
Gladstone-designed-toilet-paper leaf-blower gun. Could have used this baby last night at Arby's." He laughed.

"These are for little kids, so, you little kids, have fun." Ramona smiled and began to walk away.

"Not so fast." Violet steps out from behind the couch, quickly moving to stand in front of Ramona, aiming a super soaker at her. She had black paint striped under both her eyes and wore a camo bandana tied around her head. She smirks at Ramona. "You're not getting away that easily."

"Okay." Ramona chuckled and continued walking towards the stairs, but she stopped and yelped when Violet sprayed her with water. 

"I told you so." Violet grinned. 

Joey grins. "And Jackson," He gasps dramatically, handing Jackson a silly string can. "Ramona just called you a little kid. Are you gonna take that?"

"Uh, no I'm not." Jackson sassily replied, spraying Ramona with the silly string.

"Oh, you think that's funny?" Ramona glared at Jackson, taking the silly string can Joey handed her. Jackson groaned, covering his face as he got sprayed with the silly string. 

Max smiles, outstretching his arms. "Don't I get silly string?" He quickly covers his face with his arms when both Jackson and Ramona sprayed him with silly string. He glares at Jackson and Ramona. "Not what I meant." Joey smiled, handing Max a silly string can. Max is quiet for a few moments before he laughed spraying Jackson and Ramona which caused them to groan and cover their faces. 

"You ain't getting away!" Jackson yelled, running after his bother along with Ramona. 

Violet now stood by Joey with the super soaker rested on her shoulder, smiling at her friends with amusement. "Joey, you're right. This is fun." 

"I can't take all the credit." Joey chuckles. "You helped come up with the idea. I just brought the wacky weapons."


The living room was now a mess. It was covered in silly string, slime, toilet paper, and other messy items, plus some of the furniture was turned over to be used as shields. Jackson, Ramona, and Max were all covered in silly string, but Violet managed to stay clean. 

"That's for eating all the raisins out of the Raisin Bran!" Jackson shouted after he shot a nurf gun at Ramona. Jackson quickly ducked behind the chair he was hiding behind when Ramona sprayed him with silly string.

"That's for having terrible aim in the bathroom!"

Max pops up from hiding behind the couch with a sheepish look on his face. "That might've been me." Ramona leans back, looking at him with furrowed eyebrows. "You try to pee on your tippy-toes." Max said in a defensive tone.

"Wait, where's Violet?" Ramona questions, realizing Violet wasn't in the living room. She didn't understand how Violet managed to stay clean during this messy fight and she had to admit she was upset that Violet avoided getting hit with anything she was thrown at. Then her eyes widen upon seeing Joey wasn't in the living room either. "And Joey?"

"Who's there?" Jackson called out when the doorbell rang.

"Pizza delivery, dude." A man replied.

"Pizza? Awesome." Max smiled, then his eyes widened and he aimed his gun at Ramona when she stood.

Ramona holds her hands up in defense. "I call pizza truce." Everyone stood and raised their hands in defense. Jackson and Ramona sat their weapons on the table before the three of them went to the door. 

"Joey!" They all exclaimed out of shock when they saw Joey. Joey dropped the pizza box that was covering a super soaker and grinned at the kids as he sprayed them with slime. 

Then Violet reveals she had been hiding outside and joins in with Joey, spraying her friends with the super soaker she held. "Time to eat slime, suckers!" 

Now Joey was standing in the living room, spraying the kids from the front as Violet sprayed them from the back. "The old fake pizza delivery trick." Joey said in a funny voice and Violet stops spraying her friends the same time Joey does, resting the super soaker on her shoulder with a smirk on her face.

"Violet!" Jackson looks at his best friend with shock. "You teamed up with him? That's not fair."

"I think it's perfectly fair." Violet grinned.

"Wait." Max furrows his eyebrows, looking at Joey and Violet with confusion. "There's no pizza?"

"Sorry, buddy." Violet apologized.

"Oh, let me help you with that mess." Joey traded his super soaker for the toilet paper launcher. Violet stepped out of the way so she wouldn't get hit, smiling with amusement and laughing a bit as her friends got covered in toilet paper. 

"Consider yourself wiped." Joey spoke, imitating the Terminator's voice, dramatically holding the toilet paper launcher. Violet then walked into the house to stand by Joey, grinning as they high fived each other.

"You guys are pathetic. You couldn't beat us if it was three on two." Joey laughs, setting the toilet paper launcher on the coffee table. He throws an arm around Violet, smiling at the others with amusement. "Come on, Vivi, let's leave these kids to clean up this mess." 

Violet grins, setting the super soaker she held on the table. "Sounds good to me." She then walked to the kitchen with Joey, the two of them not knowing the others had planned on getting them back. 


Joey came up with the idea of sneaking around the house to avoid getting sprayed since he figured Jackson, Ramona, and Max would come up with a plan to get back at him and Violet. He went around the right side while Violet went around the left. Violet gasped when she got to the front door, surprised to see DJ, Stephanie, and Kimmy covered in green slime. Seconds later Joey stood by her, smiling with amusement at the scene in front of him. He walked inside, stepping to the side so there's room for Violet to walk in. 

"Beautiful plan gone horribly wrong." Joey commented.

Violet nods, smiling at her friends and claps. "Well done, guys. Well done." She stopped clapping, grimacing when the three women shot her and Joey an upset look. 

"How rude!" Stephanie shouted as Joey and Violet walked into the house. 

"In our defense, we never thought it'd work this well." Jackson admitted, laughing as he and Ramona high fived.

"But enough about us," Ramona smiles at the three women. "How was your night?"

"I had so much fun making a mess." Max smiles widely. "I think I have a dark side." 

"What's happening, Joey?" DJ inquired, staring at Joey with disbelief while Stephanie and Kimmy joined in on bombarding Joey with questions. 

"Please." Joey calls out, causing DJ, Stephanie and Kimmy to grow quiet. He throws his arm around Jackson and Ramona since he stood by them. He smiles. "Keep in mind, when I got here I found some kids who didn't get along," Ramona pulls Max over, wrapping her arm around him as Jackson did the same with Violet, sharing a smile with her. "And were obsessed with their electronic devices. Now I'm leaving you with some pals who had some great fun together, the good old-fashioned way, with family-friendly violence."

"Okay, you're welcome. So long, everybody." Joey began walking to the front door and DJ, Stephanie, and Kimmy began shouting over each other, staring at Joey with disbelief. 

"Joey, wait! You forgot my hug!" Max called out, stepping away from Ramona. 

"Oh! Sorry, little Max." Joey walked back inside and Violet yelped when Jackson gently pushed her over to the steps that led into the house where the others were standing. Her eyes widened and she quickly covered her face with her arms when she and Joey were sprayed with slime by Jackson, Ramona, and Max. DJ, Stephanie, and Kimmy all shrieked and looked away as they got covered with slime again. 

"Okay," Violet wipes the slime off her face with a sheepish look on her face. "We deserved that." 

"Sure did." Jackson grinned.

"Told you I had a dark side!" Max grinned as he, his brother, and Ramona kept spraying slime at Joey and Violet which meant that DJ, Stephanie, and Kimmy also got sprayed with it again since they stood behind them. 

A/N this is a short chapter but it was fun to write! it allowed me to write more of violet's & joey's friendship & i love their friendship 

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