CHAPTER TWENTY-EIGHT, support in crisis

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"How are we gonna get in?" Matt asks, surprised when Jackson started opening the door with a key he had. "She gave you a key?"

"Yeah, we both have keys to each other houses' for emergencies. It was her idea, it's smart, really." Jackson explains, entering the house with Ramona and Matt. "Violet? Violet, where are you?" He calls out, frowning when he didn't get any response. He figured it wouldn't be that easy. "I'll check upstairs, you two look around down here." He instructed before heading upstairs, checking each room, his panic increasing the longer he didn't see her.

Matt and Ramona began searching the house, calling out for Violet as they went. The silence was unnerving, and it didn't help that Jackson still hadn't found her upstairs. "Violet!" Ramona shouted, hoping to hear a response.

"She has to be here, right?" Matt questions, his anxiety rising. "She can't have just disappeared."

"Well, maybe not, but her parents have been pretty awful, so..." Ramona trailed off, a pit forming in her stomach.

"Do you think she would've just run away?" Matt asked worriedly, not liking the possibility.

"Maybe, if they did or said something awful, I mean." Ramona admits, sighing. "I don't know, I'm worried. Violet wouldn't have just left without telling us, I don't think."

"I hope not." Matt's frown deepened, his worry increasing. Suddenly, a thud from the basement caught his attention, and he hurried towards the sound, with Ramona following close behind. "Violet?" He calls out, his voice tinged with hope. "Violet, are you there?" He opened the door, revealing the steps leading down to the basement.

"Why do basements always have to look so creepy?" Ramona frowns, staying behind Matt. "You go first."

"What? I don't wanna go first." Matt admits nervously, but he still took a deep breath and turned the light on he found by the door before he walked down. "Still looks creepy, light doesn't help." He complained, reaching the bottom of the stairs. In the basement of the house, Matt looked around, trying to make sense of the dimly lit space. His heart pounded in his chest, a mix of fear and hope swirling together.

"Violet?" He calls again, his voice shaky but determined. Ramona stood at the top of the stairs, anxiously watching him. "Violet, it's Matt, please say something if you're down here."

A soft, muffled sound caught his attention, and Matt slowly moved towards the direction of the sound, grabbing the nearest thing he could use as a weapon just in case. Ramona kept a lookout at the top of the stairs, ready to shout for Jackson if necessary. Plus she was too scared to go down.

Matt took a cautious step forward, gripping the makeshift weapon tightly in his hands. His heart was racing, each step echoing in the eerily quiet basement. The soft sound came again, and he squinted through the dim light, trying to make out the source. The weapon he had grabbed, he realized, was a long broom, and he held it out in front of him defensively. As Matt slowly advanced through the basement, the dim light from the single bulb above cast long, eerie shadows on the walls. He moved cautiously, every creak of the floorboards underfoot amplifying his growing anxiety. The muffled sound he'd heard grew louder, and he strained to discern what it was.

He noticed a secret door in the corner of the basement, hidden behind boxes. He only didn't see it sooner because it blended in with the wall. "What the-?" He mumbled to himself, stepping closer and setting the broom aside, kneeling in front of the small door. The door was small, but not too small, and it had a little latch, but it wasn't locked.

"Violet? Is that you?" Matt asks gently, slowly opening the door. "Please let it be you and not some creepy basement thing."

He pushed the door open, revealing a small room that looked different from the unfinished basement. Fairy lights were set up on the ceiling and a soft, colorful glow filled the room. The place was small and only had enough space for a bean bag chair and a few pillows scattered around. In the corner, there was a small bookshelf with some of Violet's favorite books and a journal. Violet herself was curled up in the bean bag chair, her knees drawn to her chest and her arms wrapped tightly around herself, sobbing quietly. She didn't hear Matt calling out to her, too lost in her own pain and anguish. Her breathing was shallow and erratic, and her face was flushed, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Violet!" Matt cried out, immediately moving forward, his heart breaking at the sight of her. Violet jumped slightly at the sudden noise, looking up and her eyes widened in shock at the sight of him. Her cheeks were stained with tears, her hair disheveled, and her eyes were puffy and red.

"Matt? Wha-What are you doing here?" Violet sniffled, wiping at her face and looking away, not wanting him to see her like this. She couldn't stop crying and she was breathing heavily. Sobs racked her body and her chest felt tight, her throat raw from crying.

"Jackson, Ramona and I came here to find you after you ran off. You had us all worried." Matt explains softly, moving closer, but not close enough to touch her. "Ramona's upstairs and Jackson is still looking for you. We were all worried about you when Jackson couldn't find you. Can I come in?"

Violet didn't answer right away, her gaze fixed on the floor. Her heart was pounding, and her stomach was churning. She wanted to throw up, her chest aching from the sobs and her body trembling. She could feel herself start to panic again, but then she looked up and met Matt's concerned gaze, his gentle and caring brown eyes looking at her with worry.

"Hey, hey, it's okay." Matt was surprised by how much she was panicking. He wasn't sure how to comfort her or help her. "Can I touch you?" Matt asks gently. "Is it okay if I sit beside you and hug you, or would you rather not be touched right now?"

Violet sniffles and nods, wiping her face again, her body shaking. Matt carefully sat beside her, keeping his distance, but close enough to touch her. When Violet didn't object, he slowly pulled her into his arms, letting her cry into his shoulder. His heart broke for her, and he gently rubbed her back, trying to soothe her. He felt a little awkward, but he didn't want her to be alone. He couldn't imagine how difficult this was for her, and he just wanted to be there for her.

"I-I didn't want anyone to-to find me." She hiccups, crying into his shirt. "I just-just- I needed to get away. I couldn't-couldn't-"

"I know, I know. It's okay." Matt murmurs, his voice gentle and soothing. He doesn't pressure her to continue, letting her cry it out. He holds her close, his fingers stroking her hair, trying to calm her.

"It hurts." Violet sobbed, her grip on his shirt tightening. "I-I feel so sick."

"I know." Matt says, his heart aching. "Just try and breathe, okay? Try and take some deep breaths." He guides her through a few calming breaths, his voice calm and reassuring. "You hear my heartbeat? Focus on that."

Violet sniffles, taking a shaky breath. She leans into him, her cheek pressed against his chest. His steady heartbeat was calming, and she focused on the rhythmic sound. It was a small distraction from her racing thoughts, and her sobs began to subside, her breathing returning to normal.

Matt gently stroked her hair, letting her relax against him. His mind was racing, trying to process everything that had happened. He couldn't imagine how hurt Violet must be, and he wanted to be there for her as best he could.

"Did you find her?" Ramona's faint, worried voice, reminded him she was still waiting at the top of the stairs.

"Yeah, I found her. Go tell Jackson." Matt replied before focusing back on Violet.

"N-No," She whimpers. "I-I don't want him to-to see me like this."

"Hey, it's okay." Matt assures her, keeping his voice soft and gentle. "He just wants to make sure you're okay. And so does Ramona. Everyone does. You had us all so worried."

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." Violet went to pull away as she spoke. She felt bad for worrying everyone. She ruined everyone's night. "I-I messed everything up."

"No, you didn't mess anything up. Everyone is just worried about you, and they want to make sure you're okay." Matt tries to assure her, gently brushing a stray lock of hair from her face. "It's not your fault that your parents showed up and upset you, and we all want to help you however we can. We care about you, and we want you to be happy."

Before Violet could say anything, Jackson crawled inside, looking panicked. "Violet!" He rushes towards her, wrapping her in a tight hug. "We were so worried."

"Woah, calm down. Don't squeeze her so tight. She's still having trouble breathing." Matt warned.

"I'm so sorry." Jackson loosens his grip immediately, pulling away enough to look at her and cup her face. His heart ached and tears brimmed his own eyes at seeing her so upset. "Violet, it's okay. Take a deep breath. In and out, just like that. Good. Keep going." He gently guided her through a few more deep breaths, his voice calm and reassuring. He cupped her face gently, his thumbs wiping away the tears that spilled down her cheeks. "It's gonna be okay. We're all here for you."

"I'm-I'm s-sorry, I-" Violet tried to apologize again, her voice wavering, her hands shaking. She sniffled and wiped at her face, trying to compose herself. "I-I'm sorry for ruining-ruining the party."

"You didn't ruin anything." Jackson shakes his head, keeping his voice calm and gentle. He doesn't want to overwhelm her. "You're more important than any stupid party. And everyone is worried about you. They just want to help."

"We love you." Ramona chimes in, finally coming down stairs despite being scared to go down before. She wanted to comfort her friend and reassure her. "And we're here for you."

Violet sniffled and wiped at her face again, trying to keep taking deep breaths. Matt had reached over to rub her back to help calm her down. He had been hesitant to do so, since he didn't want to make her uncomfortable or more upset. But she didn't push him away, so he continued, his touch gentle and soothing.

"Can you tell us what happened?" Jackson asks gently. He was worried about her, and he wanted to help her however he could. "Why did you run off?"

"I-I just-I just-" Violet takes another deep breath, trying to keep her composure. "They just-they-I-I can't-" She stuttered, unable to get the words out. She started hyperventilating again, and she shook her head, trying to fight the rising panic.

"It's okay, take your time." Jackson told her, rubbing her arm. He doesn't want her to get overwhelmed.

"I'll go back and let everyone know we found her." Ramona spoke up, already climbing out to head back up the stairs, not wanting to crowd her.

"Violet, I can leave too if you want-" Matt started, but Violet quickly grabbed his arm with a shaky hand, a silent plea for him not to go. He nodded, staying by her side.

"It-it-it's okay." Violet took a deep breath, her voice trembling. She didn't want him to leave. She needed him right now. She had never been in a situation like this before. She had never had anyone she trusted or felt safe enough around to comfort her during a panic attack. Jackson had helped her with a few in the past, and they had gotten better, but this one was worse than usual.

"I-I was fine- I was- I was having a good time, and-and then my parents- they-" Violet takes a deep breath, fighting the panic. Her friends are all listening, giving her their undivided attention. They want to understand what happened and help her however they can. "They-they just-they showed up and-and they didn't even ask if-if it was okay. They just-just-they-" She couldn't get the words out, her heart pounding in her chest. She closed her eyes and took a few more deep breaths, struggling to compose herself. She felt dizzy and sick, her chest tightening.

"Deep breaths." Jackson reminded her. "In and out." He gently guided her through a few more breaths, and her heartbeat gradually slowed, her breathing returning to normal. He and Matt helped her through the panic attack, assuring her that she was okay. That she didn't have to talk if she didn't want to.

"Take your time." Matt reminds her gently. "It's okay. We're not going anywhere."

It took awhile, but Violet finally managed to calm down, her breathing returning to normal. She kept her gaze on Jackson, who kept guiding her through deep breaths, helping her calm down. His voice was soothing, and his presence was comforting. At first she had been afraid that if he saw her like this, he'd get weirded out or grossed out or something, but he hadn't. He had been supportive and understanding, and he hadn't pressured her to talk. He just wanted her to feel better, he wanted to help, and that was enough.

And the fact that Matt stayed, holding her, supporting her, it meant a lot. Violet hadn't expected him to stay, or to be so comforting and supportive, but he was, and she appreciated it. She leaned against him, letting his strong, steady presence calm her.

When Violet's breathing was normal and her sobs had stopped, she fell into Jackson's arms, burying her face in his chest. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. Matt watched with concern, wishing he could do more to help. He was worried about her, but he knew Jackson would take good care of her. So he quietly began to crawl out, pausing when Violet called out to him.

"Thank you, Matt." She shakily reached out to grab his hand. She sniffles and wipes at her face, trying not to break down again. "For everything."

"Of course." Matt gave her a sad smile and squeezed her hand gently before climbing out of the room. Violet turned her focus back to Jackson, her heart pounding and her stomach churning. She couldn't believe what had happened, and she didn't know how to feel. Her chest ached, her throat was sore, and her head was throbbing. She felt sick and dizzy, and her stomach lurched.

"Let's get out of here, okay?" Jackson said softly, not wanting her to get overwhelmed again. He didn't want her to get stuck in the small room. Violet nodded, taking his hand and following him out. They crawled out, and Violet blinked as the light from the basement flooded the room, the sudden brightness hurting her eyes. Jackson led her up the stairs and into the living room where he sat down on the couch and pulled her onto his lap, wrapping his arms around her and holding her close.

Violet sniffles and wipes her face, leaning into him. She was finally starting to relax, her breathing slowing and her heartbeat steadying. She couldn't believe everything that had happened, and her mind was racing. She tried to focus on Jackson, on his strong, steady presence, but her thoughts kept returning to her parents, and what had happened and wondering if they were still there.

Jackson pulled her in his arms when they got on the couch. She was quiet, but she was clearly overwhelmed and exhausted. Her breathing was steady, but her eyes were red and puffy, her face flushed. Jackson's heart ached for her, and he gently rubbed her back, trying to comfort her. He hated seeing her like this, and he wished there was more he could do to help.

"I'm so sorry, Violet." Jackson murmurs, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. "I'm sorry about your parents, and I'm sorry that they upset you. I'm sorry they are idiots who don't see what an amazing person you are."

Violet sniffles and leans into him, her body trembling. "Thank you." Her voice was barely above a whisper, and she was clearly exhausted. She rested her head on his shoulder, taking a deep breath. She tried to stay calm, but she was still shaken and anxious. She closed her eyes and focused on Jackson, his steady breathing and his strong, comforting presence.

"Is there anything I can do?" Jackson asked gently. He didn't want to make her uncomfortable or press her too much, but he wanted her to know he was there for her, and he wanted to help her however he could.

"Just hold me, please." Violet murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Of course." Jackson gently tightened his embrace, holding her close. He didn't say anything, not wanting to push her or upset her. He just held her, letting her know he was there for her and that he would protect her. He had always been protective of her, and he hated seeing her so upset and shaken.

Violet closed her eyes, relaxing in his arms. She was glad he was here, and she was grateful that he was there for her, and that he had helped her through the panic attack. She had never had one that intense before, and she was glad he was there. She hadn't been sure how she would react, and she was glad he was there to support her.

Meanwhile next door, DJ, Kimmy, and Danny had eventually got Violet's parents to leave. After a long and loud argument, they had left by slamming the door. They've gone back outside to let everyone else know everything is all good. They felt bad for starting the pie eating contest without Violet so DJ had asked Jackson if she was up for it. Jackson let her know Violet wasn't in the mood for it and that they could do the contest without her. Everyone agreed and the contest was underway.

Jackson stayed with Violet the whole time, not leaving her side. She had eventually drifted off, exhausted from the stress and the panic. He held her close, gently stroking her hair. He felt awful, and he was angry at Violet's parents for showing up and causing her so much stress. They didn't deserve her. She deserved so much better.

After a while, Violet stirs awake, feeling refreshed and much calmer. She yawns and stretches, looking around. It took her a moment to remember where she was, and she realized that she had fallen asleep in Jackson's arms.

"Hey, sleepyhead. Are you okay?" She glances up at Jackson to see him putting his phone down, his hand on her back continuing to rub circles, and his expression filled with worry. "How are you feeling?"

"Better. Sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep." Violet sat up and rubbed her eyes. She was still feeling shaken and anxious, but she was no longer overwhelmed, and her panic had subsided.

"It's okay. You needed the rest. You were exhausted." Jackson assures her, gently running his fingers through her hair. "I'm glad you were able to get some sleep. Do you feel any better?"

"Yeah." Violet nods. "A little. I'm sorry for freaking out like that. It's stupid." She muttered.

"It's not stupid. It's perfectly reasonable, considering the circumstances." Jackson tells her, keeping his voice calm and soothing. He doesn't want her to get worked up again. "You don't need to apologize for anything. None of this is your fault. It's not your fault your parents showed up, and it's not your fault that they upset you."

He was right. It wasn't her fault. It was her parents. They were the ones who had shown up, who hadn't bothered to call first. They were the ones who had insisted on seeing her. They were the ones who had barged into the house, uninvited and unwanted. They were the ones who had demanded answers. They were the ones who had gotten angry, and hurtful.

And despite that, she felt guilty for running off. She felt bad for leaving the party, and for making everyone worry. She had ruined everyone's night. She had been the one who had caused a scene, who had created a problem.

"Don't think that." Jackson cut through her thoughts, as if he could read her mind. "It's not your fault. I promise. None of us blame you." He cups her face, brushing his thumb over her cheek. "Everyone is just glad that you're okay. Don't blame yourself for anything."

Violet nodded, leaning into his touch. She knew he was right, and she was grateful for his support and comfort. She didn't know what she'd do without him.

"Can we head back over?" She asks quietly. "I wanna go see everyone else. I feel bad for running off, and for making everyone worry. I wanna try and enjoy the rest of the party."

"Of course." Jackson stands up and takes her hand, pulling her to her feet. "And I think the fireworks are gonna start soon, if you're feeling up for it."

"Yeah, I'm definitely feeling better. And I wanna see the fireworks." She replied, a small smile appearing on her lips. She's glad that they're going back over. She doesn't want to ruin the night, and she wants to see everyone else. They head next door and walk in, heading to the back yard. They were surprised to see everyone was covered in pie. Everyone but Cosmo, who had licked his plate clean and won the pie eating contest. Everyone had wore white trash bags over their clothes just in case but they were supposed to not make a mess. Instead the opposite happened, leaving Danny disappointed.

"Looks like we missed a lot." Violet chuckled a little and Jackson smiled, happy she was in a better mood.

"Hey, you're back!" Danny greets, walking up to them. "Violet, we were so worried about you. I'm sorry your parents showed up and that they were such jerks."

"Me too." Violet sighed, glancing down.

"Don't apologize. You did nothing wrong." Danny pulls her in for a hug. "I'm just glad you're okay. We all are."

"Thank you." Violet sniffles and wipes at her face. "Thank you, all of you. I'm sorry for ruining the party. And for causing such a scene."

"You didn't ruin anything." DJ reassures her, joining the group hug. "And we're just glad that you're okay."

Violet hugs her back, grateful for her friend's support. She sniffled and wiped at her face again, trying not to cry. She was grateful that her friends were so supportive and understanding, and that they didn't blame her for what happened.

"Thank you." Violet sniffles, her voice breaking a little. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

"It's okay." Danny rubs her back, trying to soothe her. "Don't apologize. It's not your fault. You didn't do anything wrong."


"No, no 'buts'." DJ interrupts her as they all pull away. She places her hands on Violet's shoulders, squeezing them. "Violet, sweetheart, we love you. You didn't do anything wrong. This was not your fault. Your parents are the ones who should be apologizing, not you. We're just glad you're okay. That's what matters."

Violet nodded, blinking back tears. She sniffled and wiped her eyes, grateful for her friends' support. "Thank you. All of you."

"Of course." Jackson put an arm around her, pulling her into his side and pressing a kiss to her temple. Violet smiled and leaned into his warm embrace.

"So, Violet, do you still want to see the fireworks?" Rose asked hopefully.

"Yeah, of course." Violet replied, sharing a smile with her.

Everyone gathered around as the fireworks began. Violet and Jackson stood by each other with their arms around each other and her head on his shoulder. They both watched in awe as the fireworks lit up the sky, the bright colors sparkling against the night. Violet was amazed by how beautiful they were, and how mesmerizing they were. Being here with her boyfriend and her friends, watching the fireworks together, made her feel happy and content.

"Hey, babe?" She murmured, getting his attention.


"Thank you. For everything. I'm really glad you're my boyfriend." She smiled, feeling happier than she had all night.

"You don't have to thank me for anything." Jackson smiles fondly and presses a soft kiss to her temple. "I'm really glad you're my girlfriend too."

Violet blushed, and the two share a short but sweet kiss before watching the fireworks together, enjoying each other's company. And as the fireworks continued to light up the sky, Violet felt happy and content, and like nothing could ruin her mood. She had the best friends and boyfriend anyone could ask for, and she was thankful to have them in her life. Despite her parents' actions, she had a wonderful evening, surrounded by people who loved her and supported her. She felt safe, loved, and cared for, and that was enough. Because, at the end of the day, that's all that mattered.

A/N jackson & violet <3 yeah no one likes violets parents but i love how it turned out. loving violet's bond with everyone, especially with matt!

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