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Inside a Lost and Found room, an egg had begun to shake in a makeshift nest. The baby inside was eager to see the outside world, so a wing punched its way out and the hatchling used the rest of its limbs to crack that egg open. Accidentally falling out of the nest, the fluffy, thick-browed hatchling landed flat on her tail feathers.

Owie," she muttered, and clumsily got on her feet. The hatchling looked around and noticed light shining through a window. She crawled through a basket full of lost objects and jumped out the window.

“Whoa," the hatchling gasped. It was so beautiful! She found something colorful sticking out from the ground, it smelled really good. The thick-browed chick noticed another hatchling with two older birds just outside of a hut.

“I don't wanna go!" cried the other hatchling to his mother.

“Sorry, Mikey, but Mommy has to work," the mom said, consoling her son. “I'll see you after preschool, okay?"

“Okay," Mikey sniffed, and went inside with the other adult female.

The thick-browed hatchling was curious. What was preschool? So, she snuck inside right before the hut's door could shut and looked around. She immediately noticed other hatchlings, all of them a little older than her, playing together.

“Who do we have here?" cooed the grown-up from earlier. She took the thick-browed chick into her wings and held her close. “I don't remember you being dropped off. What's your name?"

The chick tilted her head in confusion. The other hatchlings began to notice.

“Surely, your parents named you something?" said the teacher. The hatchling raised a large eyebrow. “Do you even have parents?"

The hatchling wasn't sure what parents were, but she assumed Mikey's mommy was an example, so she shook her head.

“Oh, you poor thing," the teacher sighed as the other kids began to whisper. “You must've been abandoned. Why don't we pick a name for you? You like that idea?"

The hatchling nodded eagerly.

“Everyone? Our new friend needs a name! What should it be?"




“Danny," Mikey suggested.

“She's a girl," another hatchling pointed out.

“Okay, Dani with an I," Mikey tried again.

“He's a boy!" another hatchling exclaimed.




“Boy, boy, boy, boy!"

“Dana!" Mikey blurted out. “It's gender nootal."

The thick-browed hatchling just looked at her own tiny wing. Then, she noticed a color chart on the wall, and noticed how one of the colors matched her feathers.

“Red," she decided. “My name is Red."

“Perfect!" the teacher cheered. “Everyone, our new friend is named Red!"

“Hi, Red!" the other hatchlings greeted.

“I'm Miss Martin," the teacher introduced herself. “We're all going to have a lot of fun together. Feel free to sit wherever you'd like."

Miss Martin gently placed Red onto the ground, and the newborn looked for a place to sit. Some hatchlings blocked open areas, others just sneezed or just pretended to.

Red found a little circle made up of other girl hatchlings and attempted to join them.

“Sorry," a yellow and green girl said, blocking the open space. “This is a girls-only zone."

“I'm a girl," Red argued.

“You don't look like a girl," the other girl counterargued. It was true, though. Aside from her eyelashes, it was hard to tell if she was a boy or girl.

“Yeah, what a weirdo," another girl whispered.

The rest of the mini flock began giggling, except for one. A wide-eyed hatchling approached Red and sweetly held out her tiny wing tip.

“Sisters?" she cheeped. Red just walked away sadly. The wide-eyed chick gazed at her sympathetically.

“Come on, Silver," the lead girl said. “Let's play restaurant."

The wide-eyed hatchling was hesitant, but eventually decided to join her friends.

Red, meanwhile, decided to sit in the very back of the room. She watched as the other hatchlings played together, the teacher taught them about shapes and colors, sang them songs. It was like Red wasn't even there. When it was nap time, while the other hatchlings got cozy in little nests, Red lied on a rug and cried herself to sleep.

Was she really all alone in the world?

It's been a while since I wrote something Angry Birds related, I know. But I think I know what I'm doing. Hopefully.

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