The Plan

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From Zeta's balcony, the heist team looked over the operation room. Ice balls filled with lava began to roll down the track and into the superweapon. Silver's eyes were aglow. Through Silver Vision, she could see every element of her plan coming together.

“That's the heart of the superweapon," she explained. “And if you look closely, you can see that it's powered by air pressure. The moisture around the composite volcano instantly vaporizes and it sends a plume of highly pressurized steam to the surface. That steam is contained by the pressure chamber, and that's the part we need to destroy."

Silver looked around to make sure the team was listening.

“Only problem is it's surrounded by armed guards," she said, pointing to the eagles with ice spears. “Bomb, do you think you can take out those guards? Some of them look kinda tough, it won't be easy."

“Yeah, right," he answered nervously. “Of course. Got it."

“Chuck, I need you to disable the security cameras," Silver added. “There's a bunch of them, so you'll have to work fast."

“Fast?" Chuck said confidently. He zipped out of view for a second, and returned in a flash with a black briefcase. “Don't even worry about it, sis!"

“Red, you and I have to get inside one of those ice balls."

“Inside an ice ball?" Red asked skeptically. “Uh, sure. Okay."

“Leonard, Courtney, Garry, do you see that giant lever near the orange lava tube?"

Leonard nodded. “Copy that."

“I need you to pull it all the way down. That will create a ramp so that when Red and I roll down in the ice ball, we will be launched through the air at the perfect trajectory to take out the superweapon! Cool, got it?"

“Now, you're talking!" Leonard cheered.

“Great plan, Silver!" Red praised.

“Mama would be so proud," Chuck cried happily.

Each member of the team had different strengths, but Silver knew if they worked together, they would be way more powerful than any of them would be on their own.

“Okay, everyone put your wings and hooves in," Silver said, placing her wing down. The rest of the crew joined in.

“Go team!"


In super stealth mode, Chuck began his part of the plan. He zipped around the superweapon main floor, dodging the guards and security cameras. Luckily, Garry gave each team member a smart watch so they could communicate with one another.

“Chuck, let us know when you've disabled the cameras," he heard Silver say.

“Okay, on it," Chuck whispered. He pulled out his briefcase, hid behind a rock so Hank wouldn't see him, opened the briefcase and pulled out... crayons and Post-It notes.

In the surveillance room, Carl was reading the book “Crazy Rich Avians" when something odd in the video feed caught his eye.

“Huh? Hey, Jerry? Come here, look at this!"

Carl and Jerry took a good look at one of the monitors. There was a sticky note with a crude drawing of an eagle covering one of the cameras. He seemed to be whistling and held up a sign that said “normal."

“Uh, it says everything's normal," Jerry pointed out, sipping his mug of tea.

With a mischievous grin, Chuck zoomed across the entire facility, placing sticky notes with eagle drawings on every camera he could find.

Carl couldn't believe it! “Jerry, are you seeing this?!"

“Uh... I don't see anything," Jerry replied, his eyes and Carl's eyes were covered with Post-It notes with eyes scribbled on them.


Meanwhile, Silver and Red were crawling through the air vents toward the superweapon. They just needed to figure out which grate they needed to go through.

“Ooh! I think this one's it!" Silver said, pushing a grate open.

Instead of the superweapon, though, they found a seal on a date with a dog trapped in ice. The seal placed his flipper on the ice and stared lovingly into the eyes of the frozen canine. Not wanting to watch anymore, Silver slowly closed the grate. Red took one last peak before it was completely shut.


“We just need to get over to that track and follow it up to the lever," Leonard explained to his fellow pigs as they moved across a rocky, snow-covered ledge.

“Okay," Garry and Courtney said nervously. Garry accidentally pressed his hoof against the giant tube of lava and burned his hoof.

“Ow! Don't touch the lava tube," he warned.

“I don't know if I'm gonna fit!" Leonard began to panic. He tried to keep away from the lava tube, but his large belly made him nearly lose his balance.

“Just suck in your butt!" Courtney advised. This didn't help, however. Leonard's hooves began to slip and he had no choice but to lean back against the lava tube. He felt his entire backside burn to a crisp.

“Does anyone smell bacon?" an eagle guard wondered.

Desperately, Leonard flipped over so his back would stop burning. Unfortunately, his front began burning, too. Leonard flipped over again until he felt a cold rock against his back. He cried out in pain, and felt a wave of relief rush through him. He saw Bomb on the main floor and gave him a thumbs up.

Bomb returned the thumbs up and continued sneaking his way through the operation room. Bomb began singing quietly to himself.

No one can see me, light on my toes

I'm sneaking, I'm sneaking

I'm sneaking up real quiet

Who took you out? I don't know

'Cause I didn't hear them coming

'Cause they snuck up on me!

Unfortunately, the guards noticed a very round shape hiding behind a pink lava tube.

“Hey Captain, you seeing this?" a guard whispered.

Bomb looked back to notice the guards right behind him.

“No one sees me," he said to himself obliviously, and began doing crunches. “Take em out!"


“So, I'm curious, why didn't you just team up with Chuck?" Red asked. “He's definitely faster than me."

“Nope. He's too light."

“Why not Bomb now? You know, he's heavier than me."

“Too slow," Silver said. “I prefer a girl."

Red turned back to look at the other female. “Oh! That's funny, I thought we weren't compatible."

Silver's wide eyes blinked. “Well played, Red. Very well played."

“Thank you," Red said with a smirk on her face. With that settled, Red and Silver pushed a grate open and they peeked out the vent. Below them was a hole that was sealed up. It suddenly opened up and a hollow ball of ice came out, super-sized syringes injected lava into it and it rolled down the track and joined many others, all lined up to the superweapon.

“Seriously, how does that work?!" Red wondered.

“Okay, Bomb, we are in position," Silver instructed over her smart watch. “Time to take out those guards."

“Copy that," he replied, but was beginning to feel nervous. “C'mon, Bomb. Hold it together. Tighten up, you can do this."

The Capitan held up his walkie talkie and said, “We got a 10-91-G in the control room."

“Roger that."

Bomb noticed all the guards coming after him. This was not the time to explode!

“You can do this, Bomb," he encouraged himself. “Just take 'em out. Just take 'em out!"

Bomb took them out, alright... took them out for drinks. Well, at least they were all away from the superweapon.

“Thanks for taking us out, man!" one of the guards laughed.

While the guards were distracted by Glenn singing karaoke, Bomb gave the signal.

“Silver, the baby sharks have taken the bait," he whispered into his smart watch.

“Roger that," Silver replied, and switched calls. “Okay, Leonard. Time for Plan X."

“Plan X? I thought you said spandex!"

“Spandex?" Red and Silver repeated, raising eyebrows.


Wearing a sparkly, pink speed skater outfit, Leonard dashed across the ice and finished with a pirouette.

“Eh, I'm working with what I got," he said, and turned to his friends. “Looking good, guys! Looking good."

Wearing the same sleek outfits, Courtney and Garry were struggling to skate up the track. They tried waving their tiny arms around.

“You gotta swing your arms!" Leonard explained.

“I am swinging my arms!" Garry pointed out.

“I'm swinging em my best!" Courtney added. Unfortunately, Garry slipped and crashed into Courtney. Leonard nervously watched as they slid all the way back down.


“Three minutes to launch."

“Okay, that's where the ice balls are made," Silver explained, pointing at the hole as it closed back up. “We gotta jump in that hole at the exact moment that the jaws open up."

“Are you sure about this?" Red asked nervously.

“Uh, actually, no," Silver admitted. “I'm going with my gut this time."

Red's eyes widened. “Whoa. Didn't expect that."

Suddenly, red lights flashed everywhere and an alarm went off.

“Attention all eagles!" Debbie announced. “The prisoners have escaped!"

Back in the bar, the guards heard this on their walkie talkies.

“Alright, guys!" one of them shouted. “Back to work!"

The eagles jumped up and rushed out of the tavern, much to Bomb's concern.

“Guys! Guys! Guys! Whoa! Hold on!" Bomb pleaded. “We're not done hanging out and having a good time!"

But it was too late. They all flew back to the superweapon.

“Silver, we've got a problem."


“Okay, we'll jump on the count of three," Silver said as she and Red prepared themselves. “One... two... three!"

They jumped, falling into the darkness. Unfortunately, one of Red's head feathers got caught by the jaws that sealed the opening. Once it slid out, an ice ball formed around their bodies and the machine ejected them.

“It worked!" Silver cheered, but couldn't see Red with her. “Red?"

“We did it!" Red said triumphantly. Her feather was stuck on the top of the ice ball, so she had to pull herself free. Suddenly, they noticed the giant lava injectors aiming for their ice ball!

“I got this one!" Red assured her, and rolled the ice ball away from the injectors. Red had to be careful, though, and avoid falling off the track. Once they avoided the danger, the ice ball rolled down the track and Red and Silver ran to keep the pace.

“Well, it's all downhill from here," Red joked, and they ran faster so they would be able to hit their trajectory.

Yeah, there was that one joke I just had to keep in. 😂

Please leave a vote, and remember sometimes broken can be beautiful. 🥀

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