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"Tonight's our last night."



Jimin's POV

I picked out a lovely black suit with Jungkook's help before we wandered down the road.

"Is that Yoongi?" Jungkook mumbled under his breath.

I jumped quickly behind him.

Jungkook then laughed.

"I'm messing with you, I honestly don't believe he's here anymore." Jungkook stated.

I sighed in relief.

"But where would he go too? His family even lived here." I mentioned.

"Maybe they left too once he moved?" Jungkook suggested.

I sighed and shrugged.

"It's not like I want to see him but part of me does wonder how he's doing." I stated.

"Hmmm, changing the subject, shall we get ice cream?" Jungkook suggested looking at an ice cream store beside us.

"Ooo yes." I hummed; after all it is summer and the sun was striking hard down on us.

We walked inside seeing a lovely sweet woman at the counter.

"Can I have three scoops of mint and chocolate chip ice cream?" Jungkook asked the woman before she got his ice cream ready.

"Wow, greedy." I muttered under my breath as he nudged my arm pouting.

I smiled at that.

"Can I have a single scoop of chocolate ice cream?" I asked once Jungkook got handed his.

She nodded while getting my ice cream.

We paid, then turned around to find a place to sit.

But my breath hitched as my eyes fell upon someone I knew.

Someone who was looking straight back at me, his brown eyes staring at me while he kept eating ice cream that he held in a cup up to his mouth.

Jungkook seemed to notice where my eyes went and his mouth fell open too in shock.

The male was wearing a full length wet-suit, and he showed it off as he got up walking towards us.

"Man for once I've never been more happy to see you." A warm voice coed in my ear as he happily hugged me kissing all over my face.

"Ew yuck, Hoseok stop." I muttered.

He laughed.

"Do have a seat." He said going back to where he sat, offering the seats opposite him to us.

I walked over first, taking a seat while Jungkook followed.

Part of Jungkook was properly wondering why I'd be so happy to eat ice cream with Yoongi's best friend but part of me feels quite welcomed to see him.

"How's it going? You moved away from here right?" Hoseok asked while he continued eating his chocolate ice cream from a green bowl.

"Yeah, pretty good, we moved to Busan. I'm now working in a school." I mentioned.

"And Jungkook?" Hoseok asked.

"I work in my friend's restaurant. Also have a wife now." Jungkook said happily before licking his ice cream.

"You?" I asked while looking at his black wet-suit again.

"I'm a surf instructor. Basically I work at the beach. The fresh air is always lovely, along with the gorgeous sea and the sun." Hoseok told us while beaming.

"Oh, do you know Taehyung?" I questioned.

Hoseok's eyes widened.

"Of course I know him, he's my best friend." Hoseok said laughing.

Best friend?

Yoongi is... Was his best friend?

What in the hell happened?

"Wait, he's your best friend? Not Yoongi?" I questioned.

I watched Hoseok's smile fade as he looked out the ice cream store window for a second while Jungkook nudged me annoyed for saying his name.

"After you both broke up, he told me, then he blocked me and I at first thought, maybe I did something which was why he blocked me. I gave him a week but I didn't hear from him, so I went to his house but it was no longer his house," Hoseok started as my mouth fell open.

"At the start I thought he changed houses because of something I did or maybe he was ashamed of what I may say. I don't believe he died or anything, and considering I haven't seen him since here, I believe he moved away," Hoseok told me.

"And then I went to see you, but the lady you sold your house too told me that you sold it 3 days ago and you were already gone, and then the people were unfriendly that moved into Yoongi's but they had been in the house for about a day so it seemed that Yoongi moved away after you." Hoseok concluded.

"So you lost your best friend?" I asked and he nodded.

"Look... I don't need to know much but can I at least know the reason you guys broke up, just to know it wasn't my fault. So that I know he left not because of me. It's such a heavy guilt I've kept with me for a year now." Hoseok explained looking at me, his hands shaking a small amount as he finished his ice cream.

I could see his eyes were glossy with tears that were threatening to fall.

I bit my lip looking down.

"He left me because the hospital declined us from adopting a baby because I've been deemed in-cable because I got violent whenever I was intoxicated and he didn't want to try somewhere else even though I'd stopped for such a long time. He just wanted that baby I guess and with me he couldn't so he left." I muttered.

"Wait really? You can't have children?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Yeah, they said I could have my own because of a bond between children and the parent making me less likely to be violent towards one if I went back to my habits but I'm not a single bit interested in females." I mentioned.

"What about having a surrogate? Then it has your genes in it and it's technically yours." Hoseok mentioned.

My mouth fell open, I glanced at Jungkook who shared my expression with wide eyes.

"Why did we never think of that?" I gasped.

Jungkook shrugged.

"Damn well I guess you can have children with Taehyung if the hospital declines anyways." Jungkook stated and I nodded.

"Hold up, children with Taehyung!? You are dating my best friend again!?" Hoseok questioned.

"Sort of, have a problem with it?" I questioned.

"I mean yes but no. I'm glad it's you because I like you, just it is shocking and I don't want to lose my best friend again. Wait, that's the reason he took the week off work, isn't it?" Hoseok asked and I nodded.

"Yes." I responded.

"Cheeky." He muttered under his breath while Jungkook and I continued eating our ice cream.

"Plus Taehyung isn't like Yoongi Hoseok, he's different and I doubt he'd do what Yoongi did." I stated and he nodded agreeing.

"How long are you guys here?" Hoseok asked, changing the subject.

"Tonight's our last night." Jungkook told Hoseok while I ate more ice cream.

"Oh, it's a shame I didn't bump into you guys sooner. Um, can I at least have your numbers? You guys must come back sometime." Hoseok muttered.

Hoseok put out his phone where I grabbed it and put in my number, Jungkook doing the same.

"Do you have children?" Jungkook asked Hoseok while giving back his phone.

He shook his head.

"I intend to travel all around the world when I have the money so till then a wife and children are delayed." Hoseok mumbled.

"Do you have children Jungkook?" Hoseok asked.

"Ah no..." Jungkook stated and I nodded looking over at him but I noticed his eyes were already on me.

"But Hayoon is expecting a baby."

AU - Lmao, how many of you guys thought it was Yoongi in the Ice cream shop? 

Also if you enjoyed totally feel free to comment, vote and add this book to ya library/libraries

That's all for now... Stay warm, safe and healthy my lovely readers and fellow others... Till next chapter... Byeeeee :)

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