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I am leaning for a long time against a tree.

The tree.

Maidan in this part remains almost empty. Only few come with their pets who happily answer nature's call within the lush green, and leave wagging tails.
The huge white Victoria Memorial peeps from behind trees.

The tree beside is an enormous banyan. I don't really recognise trees. He made me do that.


" Lean on the stem. "

" I'm sorry. I'm in a white gown, if you can see. " , I made a pumpkin face.

" Who comes wearing gowns to maidan??
I don't care, you lean.

Oh shit, such a mind blowing shot!!!! Please Shayara, the sun is terrifically kissing the stem. It's a matter of just a few sec!! "

And I did. Who could say a no to his puppy face?? 


I now adorned his gallery. Beaming with pride.

" However much you deny Mr Photographer, I'm the best model you'll ever get in your life. Bujhli buddhuram? (Got it, idiot?) " , I said.

He encircled me, and pecked on my cheek.

" I find you so cute when you boast with misconceptions, Ms Ugly Face! "

A series of slaps showered on his head, face and back, as he kept blabbering shit about how bad looking I actually was .


" Girl, hey!! Are you alright? "

I wake up again. A middle aged lady stands before me. In her hands she's holding a little pug, who too stares at me with a terribly squeezed face, dripping concern.

I realise, a bridal attired woman, unknowingly shedding tears, leaning on the stem of a huge banyan tree is a matter of concern to passers-by.

I nod a yes, trying to pat the pug, but it moves away. Literally, I seem to be a strange animal to him even.

The lady walks away, but looks back twice.

I start walking down the road beside maidan. Even after working at SSKM for three years, I don't know the name of this particular road that leads to Esplanade.

That's because, I have always been a very protected and shrunken human. Growing in the shades of influential parents. Travelling in personal cars. Top notched in schools and career. Finished my graduations from MCK, and my post graduations from SSKM.
Brilliant, that's what I've always been called.

And I had always believed, being withdrawn, disciplined, serious and tensed about life, was the only way to live. Just as my parents did. Both being quite an established entity in their own professions.

Until, I met him.

A mad man..


" Hey!! Stop!! What did you just do? " , I shouted at a man, who just took pictures of mine without my permission.

He came forward, smiling wide.
" You look beautiful!
Jokhon sara Kolkata chhata mathay diye dariye, tumi ki sundor bhijcho! ( When the whole of Kolkata stands dawning umbrellas, how beautifully are you drenching in the rain!) "

" Shut up!! That doesn't mean you can click pictures without my permission!! Who do you think you are? "
I hated nuisance. And cursed my driver within, for being late.

I had forgotten my umbrella home, and stood at the hospital gate trying to reach my driver.
And suddenly I realised, a man flashed click on me from just a distance apart.

" I think I am Agnimitra. " , he shrugged, and put forward his hand for a shake.

We both were drenching in drizzles. I could have easily taken a shade, but the shades were already crowded and would choke me.

" So what? As if you are SRK! "

" Who said only SRK needs to be proud of his identity? I too am! "

I had no much interest in continuing the conversation. But I was quite disturbed.
" Whatever!! Show me what pictures you clicked!! "

As if waiting for that, he took out his digital camera and pressed open his gallery, holding it out to me.


Was I really this beautiful?? 

I couldn't shift my gaze for a complete minute,breathlessly gawking at the pictures he had clicked.

Unknowingly, I uttered,

" Damn! "


I change my course, and head towards Nandan. Just as we used to do.

We..... Huh!

I remember, how, visiting Nandan would always be the first thing he wanted. Always.


" Tor problem ta ki? (What's your problem?) " , he would ask with a grumpy face. " We will sit just for half an hour. I promise. See, everyone is having fun. Don't tell me you don't like my company. "

" Shut up Agni! It's just that I'll be getting late. And mamma will definitely start making calls to Atashi. " , I said, settling on a bench below a tree in the huge area beside the Nandan Film Centre.

He opened a bag, bringing out sketching equipments one by one.
Exactly what he did every Sunday.
" Now see, who's afraid of Arunangshu Bhattacharjee and Bithi Bhattacharjee. Not me! 

Shayara, why don't we tell them ? Let's face it! "
I knew, he wasn't serious. If I had confronted him to come with me for the same, I knew he would start crying like a baby.

Agnimitra was a trained sketch artist from the Government College of Arts. And then completed a course in Cinematography. Currently he was finding a stand in the Bengali movie industry. Struggling, of course. Nothing was easy when someone chose such a turbulent career.

" Accha, tui toh eto boro doctor. PG korchis. Amar moto ekta chhyabla chele k pochondo korli kano? ( Listen, you are such a brilliant student. Medical practitioner, pursuing PG, why did you choose a vagabond like me?) " , he said while sketching my side profile.

" Because, no one has captured me this beautifully, ever."
I said mischievously, pointing at his camera bag.

He stopped sketching and stared at me.

I hardly knew which of my words caught his attention, that too, to extents even I couldn't comprehend.

That's how he was special. So special...


Another break in memory retrieval.

A little boy with worn out clothes stands before me, wanting an ice cream.

I smile, and hand a fifty rupee note to him. Terribly astonished, he runs away dancing.


" 100 taka diye dili? Era satyikarer bhikhiri noy! ( Why did you give away a 100 rupee note? They aren't even real beggars!! ) " , I said, horrified.

" Just as we pay 250 for a movie ticket, knowing very well, nothing in it is gonna be real. Feels good, Darling!! " , he said, finishing my sketch.

Staring unblinking at the sketchbook, I could only utter,

" Damn! "

"  Paas ho toh buraa, duur ho toh bura, aisa mere khudaa kyun hai???
Tu hi tu har jagah aajkal kyun hai?
Raaste har dafaa, sirf tera pataa, mujhse pooche bhalaa kyun hai....? "

To be continued.....

Glossary :

Nandan is a government-sponsored film and cultural centre in Kolkata, India.The primary aim of the cultural hub is to encourage and facilitate cinematic awareness in society. It includes a few comparatively large screens housed in an impressively architectured building.
Nandan is one of the main venues of the Kolkata International Film Festival, hosting it till 2010. 

Maidan is a vast recreational space where the city comes to relax and play sports. With fields, sports stadiums, historic buildings and a planetarium, it is a great place to take the whole family. Political meetings and rallies are also held here, shepherds occasionally bring their flocks to graze and locals wash their clothes in the ponds.

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