12. The fear of losing

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"Just in one night, nothing left in my life accept pain. I choose to run away. Anyone can call me coward. I don't need to prove anyone. Swara trusted me without any explanation that was enough. But these four year never let me live in peace. I hate myself that I fell for a man who never loved me and betrayed me in the name of love. That night, I went to him to clear everything and with a hope that nothing can break us but it was me who was left heartbroken. For once, I could forget that he misunderstood me and said those words which hurt me but it was me who was misunderstanding him. I couldn't understand that I was a part of game for him." Riya said with tear sliding from her eyes which she wiped.

Sanskar who heard all this felt sad for her but at the same time he was shocked yet confused with revelation. Arav loves Riya then why will he betray her.

"Riya, I m not saying you are lying but it's too hard to believe that Arav will do something like that. May be some misunderstanding?" Sanskar asked her after she composed a bit.

Riya gave a sad chuckle hearing him.

"Misunderstanding? That moment is still fresh in my mind and his each words and that sight kept haunting me. But you aren't wrong either. I told you Sanskar. You will believe him as he is your friend not me." Riya said looking straight.

"Its not that Riya. Yes, he is my friend but I can also feel that you aren't wrong. I can see your pain too just like his." Sanskar said.

"It's totally up to you Sanskar how you take it. You wanted to know and I told you and as I said, I don't want to prove anything to anyone." Riya said.

"You still love him so much, right?" Sanskar asked.

"Few things are for lifetime Sanskar. Even if my mind knows that it was worst decision of my life to love him but we can't stop out heart. Right?" Riya said.

"Hmm right." Sanskar said.

"Riya, you said.. I mean if you don't mind can I ask you the girl you saw with him? You told you knew her. Who was she?" Sanskar asked confusingly.

"Why? Arav never told you about his girlfriend, whom he actually loved?" Riya asked with glint of anger.

"He did. But her name was Riya." Sanskar said with small smile.

Riya looked at him immediately hearing her name. He nodded.

"Don't lie to prove your friend innocent. He never loved me." Riya said blankly.

"I m not proving anything. He always loved you but I m no one to prove this. He should be the one to do that." Sanskar said.

"Love doesn't need proof Sanskar. It need trust." Riya said.

"If he didn't trusted you then it can be also happen that you didn't trust him." Sanskar said.

Riya was about to interrupt but Sanskar continued.

"Look, I just know the situation as per you said and he said. But if you will both point then you will get what I want to say. Still, I won't say anything if you don't want me to." Sanskar said.

Riya didn't said anything. She was silent for a couple of minutes.

"Mayra, Her name was Mayra Deshraj." Riya said.

Sanskar heard this and nodded but he was confused hearing this name. Still he didn't ask anything related to it.

"So, once you left India you never came back? Even to meet Swara?" Sanskar asked trying to talk.

Riya shook her head negatively.

"No, I tried a lot but I could never come out of my pain. But Swara was always there for me. It wasn't a single day when Swara didn't talk to me. She became my strength. She tried to say that she want to talk to Arav but I never let her do that. But she always used to cheer me up. A best sister anyone can get. She never left me to feel alone. We were far from each other but she didn't let me feel alone. She knew what I was going through but she used to helpless sometimes that she wasn't with me in newyork and wanted to come to me but I used to make her understand." Riya said.

"Now you only tell me Sanskar, you still think she will like to see any other girl going through the same pain? She has seen my pain, my tears. She has seen broken me. She can't be the reason of anyone's pain." Riya said and looked at Sanskar.

Sanskar didn't answered but looked away. Suddenly he gripped his fist blinking his eyes.

"She would never do that Sanskar and Sneha was her friend. You must know it. Why would she do this to her friend?" Riya said.

"You know about Sneha?" Sanskar asked confusingly.

"Yes, but not much. Swara used to talk about her sometimes on phone. Sneha was nice girl and Swara and Sneha became friends during first day of her master's. When me and Swara used to talk, it was only limited to ourselves. Mostly about me because Swara was way sensitive about me but sometimes she used to mention about Sneha too. I can't remember much but Swara once mentioned that Sneha loves some guy named Avinash. But Swara didn't feel anything good around him. She didn't used to feel that he is nice and she didn't wanted Sneha to get heartbroken. Swara even told me that she tried to make Sneha understand but she is not ready to listen to her and one day she broke her friendship with Swara. Swara was sad about it." Riya said.

"And then one night, I called her like daily but She was crying bitterly on phone. I got so worried for her. I kept asking but she didn't say anything and kept crying. She was muttering something like I shouldn't have done that. How can I do this? She kept on repeating Just these two sentences. I was so worried for her. I told her that I am coming back but she stopped me. Couple of days passed and she gets better but there was something lost. She never told me what happened that night.  But I'm sure of one thing, if she killed Avinash then why will she cry for it? She regretted of doing something but I trust her. She can't be a killer." Riya said.

Sanskar got confused hearing Riya. "One side, Swara's regret of something and otherside she cried that night. Did she really killed Avinash? That's what she regretted? Avinash was not a good guy? Swara wanted Sneha to stay away from him?" His mind blasted with hundred of questions after knowing it from Riya.

"And even if she had killed Avinash, you could have filled case against her. Sent her jail but you choose another way, right? To break her?" Riya asked.

Sanskar looked down feeling guilty.

"Police wasn't ready to file any case against her as my parents already did that. It was because of Her father's sources. They even denied Swara's presence at the murder site. Still, it doesn't prove that my way was right Riya. I know I was worst." Sanskar said with sad face.

"Well I m not surprised with Shekhar uncle's this behaviour. He just think about his respect. He can do anything to save his so called honour and image. Like he did in your case, I mean when you pretended your death. He tried utmost to hide reality and keep Swara way from there matter." Riya said.

"You said her father didn't care about her? Then why would he save Swara and keep her away from the matter?" Sanskar asked.

"You didn't understand my words Sanskar. He didn't do that for Swara. It was only for his reputation, his image. He simply denied the fact that Swara even know anything about you. Money and stupid respect and honour matters the most. (Sad chuckle) Swara's and My father, never had time for us but they can only order around what they want us to do. But Swara and me mostly go against it. We just have each other as family. When we were small kids, we had expections like other kids but as the years passed, the expections fade away. We are just tagged with our father's name. Swara never gave damn to it but sometimes it used to angered me a lot. I always knew my father was selfish but Shekhar uncle was also no less. Told you, typical business minded person.(chuckled).
But later when Swara told me that she loves someone and it was you. I was happy for her. Atleast someone is there in her life to understand her now other than me. I was scared a bit that she may not face heartbreak but she used to tell so much about you that I could see her happiness and I was happy for her. But I didn't know that she will face worse because of you." Riya said.

"You don't have any idea what your Revenge did to Swara. What was it's affect on Swara that time. I heard her broken voice on phone and I took the next flight to come back India. I felt like I lost my sister as I saw her. She cried and cried. It still painful to think about those days. I don't know how was I handling her. I still remember, I just left for sometime and it was a biggest mistake I did. I still wish I should have been there and could stop her when she tried to suicide. Well not totally, it was an attempt of suicide because her mind was no longer in control of her.
Her condition was too critical but her life was saved anyhow but I didn't find my Swara after that day. She forget everything, Everyone. But Remembered that horrible incident and your name. It was too hard too handle her in starting but somehow I did. I never left her side. In starting she used to get scared of me also but somehow I managed to calm her. Shekhar uncle discussed with doctor about Swara and chances of her treatment. Doctor told that the chances are too low and send her mental hospital. I was shocked but I was even more shocked when Shekhar uncle agreed to it. When doctor declared that, she lost her mental stability. Shekhar uncle didn't even try to do anything. He just accepted it like nothing can be happen now. I got angry on him. I didn't let that happen and I send Swara's medical reports to top most hospitals. Then I got mail from this hospital to take Swara here for treatment. I didn't waste time and booked ticket and completed all formalities by myself. My parents and even Shekhar uncle opposed it and said I m wasting my time for a mad person. There is no hope for Swara's treatment. I ignored them simply and  I took Swara here with me and since then, her treatment is going on here. But they send a maid with us for their selfish reason as a condition. The only good thing Shekhar uncle did was to pay the medical bills. I was surprised a bit that does he even care? But I didn't stop either. But he never had time to know about her, come here. Oviously,  Why will he waste his two years. He must face loss, right?Business is more important than his daughter.
Rich people are heartless and me and Swara had experienced it always. Only thing matters is Money. Nothing else." Riya said lost in chain of thoughts.

"Your one revenge destroyed my sister Sanskar. Life was hard was for me without love but You made it more difficult without my sister's presence. I miss her more than anything. She became my smile, my strength everytime but now she don't even remember what she says is. I used to think that Swara is lucky that you are alive in her heart even if you died. She lost her true love. You really loved her a lot but no, she faced worst than me. Your revenge took everything away from her." Riya said after taking a pause.

She looked at him but he was drowned in his own world. He was listening everything what Riya was saying but he was engulfed with own questions that was disturbing him. A guilt seen in his eyes. He was fisting his hands and squeezed his eyes shut taking a deep breathe. Riya looked at him confusingly yet again. She sees it no. of times that he regret. He knew he was wrong then why?

"Sanskar?" Riya called him looking at him.

"Hmm." He just hummed looking straight.

"You said something about promises destroy lives. Your heart didn't felt right to do what you did with Swara?What were you talking about? You knew you were wrong. I see you regret it always. I so wanted to stop myself but I see care and love for her in your eyes more than guilt. If you didn't wanted then you wouldn't have done that. Why did you choose to give her pain?" Riya asked.

"There's no use to talk all this Riya. Nothing will change that I was wrong. I did worst with the girl I love. Umm.. Sorry, I don't even have right to say that. I was... I am worst person. This can't be changed. I can't even ask forgiveness from you for being the reason of your sister's pain and what you went through without her. Still, I just wish she gets fine and you get your sister, your family back. " Sanskar said with sad smile.

"Anyway, It's quite late. You should go and sleep now." Sanskar added further.

Riya nodded at him confusingly but she went from there.

Sanskar was still sitting in balcony lost in his thoughts. He could hear few voices which he is well aware of. Looking straight with tears in his eyes, he gripped his fist.

"You love that girl?"

"You believe her more and you forgot everything in front of her, what she did. You are being Selfish."

"It can be misunderstanding. I know her and I can see that. She will never do this. She craved for love then why will she snatch it from anyone. She can't do...."

"Sanskar?" He heard and came out of his thoughts.

He immediately blinks to hide his tears and looked at the person composing himself.

"Yes, yes Riya?" Sanskar asked looking at her with a forced smile.

"Nothing, I forgot my phone here. Just came to take it. But you aren't going to sleep?" Riya asked in a bit confused tone.

"No, I mean yes. I was going to." Sanskar said.

Riya nodded and went out of his room. Coming out of Sanskar's room, she looked at Arav's room door which was shut. She took a deep sigh and went from there.
Going to her room, she sees Swara was sleeping. She caressed her face and lied on her side. Lying on the bed, she thinks about him. Again those moments starts clouding her mind. Few brought smile on her face but few brought sadness. A tear slipped from her eyes and she closed her eyes clutching the comforter in her fist near her chest.

On the other side, Sanskar also kept his laptop on the table which was still on bed. Then lied down on bed but sleep was far way from his eyes.

Four days later:
Again it was, the way it was going. Sanskar and Riya taking care of Swara. Sanskar thought to talk to Arav about Riya but he had left to Hamburg the next day urgently for an important meeting for four-five days. Arav was handling everything with his best and Sanskar knew that. He also tried to help Arav but due to Swara, he wasn't able to focus on work more. But Arav never let him think anything like that. He assured that he will handle.

On the other Side, Riya got sad with sudden news of Arav's leaving to Hamburg but she tried hard not to show it. Still, Sanskar noticed it few times. He knew that both love each other and it's big misunderstanding that's keeping them apart and he need to discuss it to Arav.

Swara was sitting in hall shuffling with channels. Riya was in kitchen and making something taking on the phone at the same time.
Swara was having bored expression on her face. She look at Sanskar's room direction and got up from couch to go to his room. He had told her that they are going out and she was happy.

She placed her hand on the door slowly when the door opened a bit. She pushed the door gently and came inside looking around with her innocent eyes. Sanskar was not there. Her eyebrows furrowed with confused expression. She walked inside and was looking at the interior of the room.
She came inside few of times but mostly they never let her come there as she may go to balcony and it can create a dangerous situation.

She sees a small light peeping from the curtain. She took slow steps and stand near curtain and slowly side it a bit only to see the glass door seperating balcony and room and view of the city. Her hand unknowingly slide the door with shivering hand and she took a step in balcony.

A cold wind hit her and her body started shivering suddenly. She took a couple of steps more.

"Don't kill him please!!!"

She heard a shout and gasped with fear. She looked around. She took another step when her hand touched railing.

"He will die... Sanskaaarrrr!!"

She heard the voice yet again and got flashes.

Swara didn't get any panic attack in a while and she was getting better. Her fears were fading. She was getting normal slowly but now, she was again feeling all that. It's happening again. She again sees that incident happening in front of her eyes.

Swara was clutching her head with one hand and crying. While other hand was gripping on the railing. Her body was trembling. All those horrible flashes was killing her.

"No..no.. don't kill him" She muttered squeezing her eyes.

Then slowly with a fear in her eyes, she opened her eyes only to see what used to scare her always. Sanskar's death! Her mind again illusions that incident over and over again. She could hear shouts, screams!! Someone beating him, blood. A loud gun shout!! And then threw him down!

Her mind again lost control. Her body  trembling with fear. Tears running down from her eyes.

On the otherside, Sanskar came out of washroom in ready in his formals when he sees balcony door opened. He got confused as he didn't leave it open. Suddenly, he thinks something and rushed there only to know that his fear was true. She was there, shivering to herself.

He got numb to see her like this yet again.

"Swaraaa!!" He called her loudly but she didn't care to listen as she was again drowned in her own world. She was at the edge.

"Sanskaaaarrrrr!!!" Swara screamed at the top of her voice cryingly.

Sanskar runs to her and immediately hold her arm pulling her to himself turning her around. Her body crashed against his and he encircled his arm around her waist. He could feel her trembling.

"Sanskaaarr!!! Noo!! They... They killled him... Leave!!!" She started shouting with cry.

Sanskar hold her tightly close to himself.

"Swara no!! Nothing is there. Calm down." He said to calm her and put his hand hair ruffling it gently.

"Nooo, they will kill him. Leave... Leave me!!" Swara again started screaming.

Riya who heard Swara's shout, panicked and ran to Sanskar's room only to find her in balcony and Sanskar was holding her somehow.

"Swara, nothing happened. Just calm down. Okay. I m here see." Sanskar said trying to make her understand.

"The..they killed him. Sanskar will die." She repeated the same words again and again with fear and crying voice.

Sanskar felt so bad and his heart ached with pain but he somehow took Swara inside room. She kept screaming and shouting and wiggles his embrace to come out but Sanskar didn't loose his hold on her. Her cries never fade even a bit. Riya immediately shut the door and blow the curtain and came to Swara.

"Swara, please relax. Nothing happened. No one is there." Riya said .

"No, they killed Sanskaarrr!! He will die... Leave!! Let me go to him."Swara said struggling in grip of Sanskar.

"No Swara, relax. Shh!!" Riya said with worried face.

But Swara was not affected. She kept on crying and struggled to come of Sanskar's grip. Sanskar was feeling vulnerable due hearing her heartbreaking screams. He tried to pacify her a lot but Swara wasn't ready to listen anything. In these few days, she was getting better but suddenly it all seemed to be falling apart. He don't want to see her again like that. She was overcoming from her fear. Her condition was improving and it was giving strength to his hope and he can't let it shattered like this. He can't see her shattered once again. Riya was also trying so hard to console Swara but she wasn't in condition to hear anything. She was crying like her whole world crashed down. It fell apart with her Sanskar. She wasn't stuttering but her cries and screams was affecting her breathe. She was feeling suffocated like she doesn't even want to breathe.

"Swara.. please. Please relax. It's affecting your health. Nothing happened. Calm down." Sanskar plead.

Swara calls his name with heavy breathe and not ready to listen anything.

"Swara breathe., relax please. see, Look at me Swara. Take breathe." Sanskar said trying to cup her face and calm her.

But everything was getting out of his hand and so was Riya's. Both were trying everything they can do but it's getting totally out of control now. Swara was trying to remove Sanskar's hold around her and trying to go toward balcony. She couldn't even breathe properly.

"Swaraaaa!!! Stop It now!!" Sanskar shouted at the top of his voice and shook her gripping her shoulder.

Swara shuddered and suddenly stopped with a jerk. Riya also flinched a bit hearing his shout. Swara looked at him with confused face and her mind suddenly went blank like she was shocked of something. She was little bit scared looking at him but his eyes softened making her fear to subside a bit.

"Calm down Swara. Nothing happened to anyone." Sanskar said cuping her face gently.

"No.. Leave me please. He will die. You are my friend na? Please, please save him. He will die. Th.. they will kill him." Swara said with tears falling from her eyes and slow tone. She didn't shout this time but plead with tears. She looked down and sobs gripping her hold on his shirt.

"Swara, he is with you. He isn't gone anywhere. I told you, he will come back to you." Sanskar said calmly.

Swara heard him and hide her face in his embrace. She hugged him gripping  his arm and breaks into cry.

"I need him. I.. I want Sanskar. Why isn't he coming to me? What did I do?"Swara said in between cries.

Sanskar who heard this closed his eyes in pain. Riya also felt so sad. Her eyes got teary but she was a bit relaxed that Swara was somewhat calmed.

Sanskar embraced her protectively hugging her close to his heart. But her sobs were breaking him each moment.

Slowly seperating her a bit but still encircling his arm around her. He made her look at him. Her eyes were closed. Her cheeks and eyelashes were wet with tears running down from her eyes.

"Look at me Swara." He said slowly yet lovingly.

Swara opened his eyes but it was still down.
"Look into my eyes." He holding her face gently and made her look at him.

She looked at him with a kind of pain and longingness. She was hurt, pained, broken without him. But he was here with her and he will be. He won't leave her again. He had promised himself.

"Stop thinking all that. Calm down please. Hmm." Sanskar said.

Swara was silently looking at him with unknown feeling. She felt affection and care.

"You didn't do anything Swara and you will never be wrong. Yes, he left you but now He is with you. See me. Look into my eyes. Relax and feel it." He said with so much care and love.

Riya sees Sanskar was handling Swara and smiled a bit. That he always do it successfully. She sighed feeling a bit relief that Swara was calmed. She thought to get something for Swara to eat. She may feel much better and then she will sleep then it will be best for her. Riya went out of room.

Swara was stilled. She kept looking at him. She felt confused but she was feeling so nice. He looked familiar. Yes, he was her friend but she felt something more.

"Do you still fear that you will loose him? Do you think he isn't not around you?" Sanskar asked looking at her.

Swara nodded no. looking at him with teary eyes.

"Then What do you feel Swara?" Sanskar asked slowly pushing her hair strands from her face and wiping her tears with his thumb.

"He is with me." Swara said in not sure tone.

"Yes, and that's mean nothing happened to him. Your love is always with him and you are the best thing happened to him and he won't like to see you cry. He also feels pain to see you like that. He knows he did wrong to hurt you but you never hurt anyone Swara. Don't hurt yourself. Please and don't stress yourself." Sanskar said.

Swara nodded just listening to him whatever he was saying. She placed her head on his chest and hugged him closing her eyes. Sanskar smiled a bit and also placed his hand on her face lovingly with care. She closed her eyes and a silent tear slide from her eyes which he wiped. He closed his eyes and felt better that she was now serene a bit.

"You are the best thing happened to me Swara. Your love will be ways with me and that's enough for me to live my life."

"I love you Sanskar. You will never leave me, right?"

"Never, my heart will be always beat for you."

Her mind started giving her so many flashes suddenly and she didn't try to stop herself. She gripped him tightly hugging him. She shut her eyes squeezingly. She heard voices of couple. Happy moments of couple, his words, laughs, smile, care, touch. She could feel Everything.

"I m feeling like kiss you and do much more than that. Do you want me to do that?"

"I don't know Sanskar... Nowadays, I feel really strange sometime. Like something is getting wrong or if I will loose you. I get weird nightmares. It scares me sometimes."

"Swara, till I am with you. Nothing will be wrong.

"He is with you Swara."

"Your presence makes me feel heaven and I feel most safe when I m in your embrace."

All the moments started roaming around her mind and her breathe got unstable. Sanskar feels it.

"Swara?"He tried to break the hug but she clutched her hold on him  squeezing her eyes.

Swara was taking heavy breathe suddenly. Sanskar got worried. Riya who came with water for Swara also sees this. She rushed to them.

"Swara? What happened to her?" Riya asked being too worried.

"She was fine but suddenly...... oh no!!! Shit!! She is trying to remember everything. It will be dangerous." Sanskar said in shock looking down at Swara.

"Swara, Swara.. no please. Open your eyes Swara. Swara stop please. Relax." Sanskar said ruffling her hair and trying to cup her face with shivering hand because he was hell scared to see her like this.

Riya was also trying to do something. She hold Swara's hand that was fisted on Sanskar's shirt but Swara was again not in her sense.

"No Swara!! Stop doing this to yourself." Sanskar plead being restless for her.

When suddenly Swara gasped taking a sharp deep breathe and her hold loosen from him. Sanskar felt this and get shocked.

"Sanskaaarrr..." She could merely say in whisper and fell back loosing her consciousness totally but Sanskar was already holding her tight.

"Swara...? Swara, swara look at me. Swara??" Sanskar patted her face.

Sanskar made her lie on the bed carefully. Riya tried to wake her up. Both were so worried for her. Riya sprinkled water on her face that may bring her back to sense but it didn't work. She used to get unconcious after panic attack but it didn't happen since a month and this time her breathe was unstable. She was stressed more unlike other times which was scaring them.

"Shit!! Her pulse is dropping." Sanskar shouted as soon as he felt it.

"What?" Riya was numb and looked unbelievably at Sanskar.

"Damn it!! Swara wake up please. We need to take her hospital fast. Let's go Riya." Sanskar said picking Swara in his arms and walked out of room.

Riya nodded and immediately composed herself  and grabbed his car keys from the table and they rushed outside the flat.

Reaching the ground floor, Riya hurriedly get his car as he was holding Swara. Sanskar made her lie on the back seat and Riya sit with her while Sanskar grabbed the driving seat.

Riya was continuously trying to wake her up and look at her but Swara didn't show any moment. With each passing seconds their fear was increasing. Sanskar was driving the car as fast as he can. While driving he called the Doctor telling the situation.

In few minutes, they reached hospital.  Swara was taken inside on stretcher while Riya and Sanskar were walking with hell scared and worried face expression. Sanskar was holding her hand while Riya caressed her forhead and hair. Her eyes got teary but she was fighting with herself to control her tears.

A few minutes later,
"Her situation is too critical. Looks like she has got sudden shock due to stressing herself. Her mind is still not stable. I can't say anything now but we are trying our best." Doctor said and went inside.

Sanskar and Riya, who heard this got numb. Sanskar hold his head squeezing his eyes shut while Riya sat on the chair with thud.

An hour later:
Arav who just came back from Hamburg, went to flat but he found no one there and called Sanskar. He also got shocked to know that Swara was in hospital due to Sudden shock and within few minutes he also reached there.

Arav rushed inside hospital after parking the car. He sees Sanskar was pacing here and there being restless. He ran his hand through his hair and was trying to control his tears anyhow. Arav went to him directly.

"Sanskar" He called him.

"Arav, I..." Sanskar was not able to say anything.

"Hey relax, Don't worry Sanskar. She will be fine." Arav said.

"I don't know Arav. She was fine. It's.. it's all my mistake. How can I be so careless? I just don't understand how she came in balcony and... I don't wanna loose her again Arav. I want to see her fine. It's killing me." Sanskar said restlessly.

"Sanskar, it's ok. nothing will happen to her. She will be fine." Arav said and hugged him.

Sanskar nodded but he wasn't in condition to accept anything. He wanted to see her fine. Sanskar looked inside through glass window. The monitor screen was showing her pulse rate was still not normal and he squeezed his eyes in fear gripping his fist tightly. Arav looked at him and felt bad.

Then only his eyes caught Riya, who was sitting on the chair. She was fidgeting her fingers nervously in her lap and fighting with her tears which were falling from her eyes as her eyes were down. She looked so worried for her sister. She was scared for Swara.

To be continued...

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