29. The Promises for life

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"Arav bhai please. I m sorry. Please forgive me." Sneha said slowly looking down.

Arav was looking away from her. He was angry on her but more than that he was angry on himself that he couldn't help his sister. Infact he didn't even know about it. He was so worried and scared for her looking at her condition last night.

Arav and Riya came to meet Sneha in the morning itself. They come to know that she was alright. Arav was so impatient and he just came to mm with Riya. Swara, Sanskar, Riya and Arav were in Sneha's room right now. Rp and Sujatha were going to return by evening from the wedding.

"No Sneha, why sorry now? huh!! You just do what you think is right. Who we are? No one right?" Arav said in stern yet straight tone.

Riya looked at Arav who was frustrated and she knows it. She saw how much restless he was all night even though Sanskar informed them that Sneha was fine. She looked at Sanskar eyeing him to calm Arav but Sanskar gave helpless nod. He knows Arav. He must be hurt as he was, knowing that his sister has hidden about her condition. It was better to let it out rather than holding it.
Even Sneha knew that this reaction was coming from Arav as he also loves her like Sanskar does. And he was right at his place.

"Arav, let it be na. She is saying sorry. Look at her. She is already on the verge of crying and her health is also not good." Riya said looking at Sneha who was looking down with teary eyes.

"And what about me? Sanskar? Ram Uncle, Sujatha Aunty? She thinks why would anyone care about her? Does she even have slight idea if anything would have happened to her..." Arav paused and sigh stopping himself from thinking negatively as it erupted in his mind.

"Arav please, calm down" Sanskar said calmly.

Arav closed his eyes and take a deep breathe. Then he opened his eyes and looked at Sneha and said hurtfully.

"Sneha, For a minute, I got that I m not your own brother or may be you doesn't consider me as your brother that's why you didn't care to share your problems with me but..." Arav was saying but was interupted.

As soon as Sneha heard this, she looked at him shockingly and immediately interupted.

"What? No Bhai!! I.. I never thought like that ever. You are also my brother like Sanskar bhai. Please don't say that. I never did any kind of comparison between you and Sanskar Bhai." Sneha said shockingly.

"Yeah, that's why we both knew nothing about your condition. You choose to keep everything to yourself. Sneha, Once you used to share everything with us. And suddenly, we meant nothing?" Arav asked.

Sanskar also looked at Sneha. Yes, it was hurting when your loved ones choose to avoid to share their problems with you.

"Tell me Sneha." Arav pressurized.

"I m sorry Bhai. I.. I.. thought after what I did with Sanskar bhai, you also don't want to talk to me and hate me along with him. You were also dragged into all that what I forced Sanskar bhai to do in my stubbornness. I also didn't listen to you when you tried to make me understand after Sanskar bhai. I also hurt you. And.. af.. after all that, when Bhai was already going through so much because of me, you were there with him to hold him, take care of him. He had no one there but you. I.. I don't know but I.. I.. ju.. just couldn't dare to talk to you thinking you also must be hating me... I.. I thought I lost you both." Sneha said with stammering voice and she was looking down with tears sliding down from her eyes.

Everyone were listening her. They felt bad and Sanskar and Arav felt guilty for not even trying to talk to her in these couple of years.

"I.. I m sorry Bhai. I.. I will never do that again. I promise. Ple.. please forgive me." Sneha said and broke into sob.

And it didn't took a moment for Arav to melt. Before anyone could come toward her to console her, He just embraced her. Sneha also hugged him and cried. He patted her hair soothingly.

"I.. I m sorry Bhai." Sneha said cryingly.

"Okay, calm down. Shh!! It's ok. It was my mistake too that I didn't try to know about you." Arav said calmly.

"Noo.. it's all because of me. I m sorry. I always do wrong only." Sneha said sobbing in his embrace.

"Shhh!! It's nothing. Stop now. Stupid girl. How does your little but stupid mind thinks way to far, huh? How can we think to hate our baby sister who is little stubborn but cute." Arav said calmly.

Riya and Swara smiled looking at them.

"Sneha, calm down angel." Sanskar said gently patting her back and looking at her as she wasn't ready to stop.

"Yes Sneha, shh!! Stop crying." Arav said.
But Sneha wasn't listening.

"Okay, if you are not going to stop in a minute then we are actually not gonna talk to you. What's say Sanskar?" Arav said.

"Yeah, exactly. She loves her crying more than her brothers. Then be it." Sanskar said to stop her but it backfired.

"No bhai please!!!" She started crying more loudly clutching her hold on Arav.

"Arav and Sanskar!! You are consoling her or threatening her?" Riya said unbelievably.

"Exactly!!" Swara said looking at Sanskar with frown.

A few minutes later, her cries subsided but she was still sobbing silently. They were trying to stop her knowing about her health but she was so overwhelmed with emotions that it flows out the more she was trying to hold it. They understand her but they can't take risk with her health thinking what if she get another anxiety attack.
That's when Arav thought something and suddenly says.

"Ahaan!! Thank god you are here yaar. I told you get some normal girl as my sister is such a cry baby. See." Arav said in normal tone.

As soon as Sneha heard it, she immediately broke the hug and said.

"I m not a cry baby and Ahaan I..." She said and turned to look back at door only to find no one.

She looked back at Arav who had playful smile and raised his eyebrows and Sanskar chuckled standing beside him. Riya and Swara were looking at her with teasing smile.

"Arav bhai!!! You.. you are so bad. Sanskar bhai.. you too." Sneha said making annoyed face. But then she threw herself toward them and hugged both of them as she got her brothers back. They also hugged her back with smile. Arav was always so playful with her and she just wanted everything the way it was.

She breaks the hug and Sanskar hold her face gently wiping her tears.

"Don't you dare to shed tears anymore. Okay?" Sanskar said.

Sneha nodded with smile pressing her with her eyes holding happy tears.

"Yes and You are never gonna lose your brother. I m always there for you." Arav said.

"Me too." Sanskar emphasized.

"Yeah, but I hope you know that she loves me more than you." Arav said giving a tight smile to Sanskar.

"Yeah, why not!! Live with this lie if that's what gives you peaceful sleep at night." Sanskar muttered in duh tone.

"I heard that. What do you mean?" Arav said.

"Bhaiii!!" Sneha said unbelievably as it was one of those discussion that never came to end since years. Which brother Sneha loves more? And Sneha choose never to answer this stupid question and told them to find answer by themselves. So, since that time it continued.

Swara and Riya looked unbelievably at their husbands as they were involve in their so called important discussion while Sneha shook her head at them but smiled in satisfaction.


Later, Sanskar took Sneha to hospital for her check up and session as Dr. Mehek told them last night. Swara also accompanied them. The session went good. Sneha was much better. She was happy. Dr. discussed everything with them and told them that hopefully Sneha will be totally alright soon. And after last night, her condition improved a lot which gave them relief. Arav called Sanskar to know about what Dr. Said. Sanskar informed him. Arava and Riya were equally happy and relieved that Sneha is going to be fine soon.
They were coming back from hospital. Sanskar was driving the car. Swara was in passenger seat while Sneha was sitting at the back.
Day was coming to end, Sneha was so happy today. But in all this, she was feeling restless somewhere in her heart. He didn't call her since morning neither he came to meet her.

"Why didn't he call? Is he gonna leave her after knowing about her anxiety attacks? No!! He is not like that. Right? He said he will always with her. Yes, He was there with her last night holding her hands. She could see his restlessness for her. She trusts him. He will talk to her. He may be busy with something. Yeah, it must be that only. What if he didn't call. She should call him. Yeah." Sneha thought looking at his contact no. in dilemma to call him or not. Finally deciding to call him, she was about to touch the call button but then only the car stopped. Sneha looked out only to see they have reached mansion.

They came out of car. As they were going inside, Sneha said.

"Bhai, I m going to nearby park. I will come in sometime." Sneha said.

"Yeah, ok." Sanskar nodded with smile and then only he got a call. So, he went to receive it.

Sneha was about to go but Swara stopped her as she noticed her a bit restless about something looking at her phone time to time since the time they were in car.

"Sneha?" Swara said.

"Yeah, yeah Swara. I mean Bhabhi." Sneha said with smile.

Swara chuckled.

"You can decide later what you want to call me. But right now, you tell me what happened to you? Hmm?" Swara asked in serious tone looking at her.

"No.. it's not..." Sneha tried to cover it but Swara interrupted.

"You said, you won't hide anything. Tell me Sneha." Swara said assuringly.

Sneha looked down at her phone then sighed and then looked at Swara.

"Swara, it's about Ah.. Ahaan, he hasn't called me since morning, neither any message. I mean I trust him but I m not able to stop my negative thoughts what if.. what if he.." Sneha way saying when Swara said

"What if he will leave you because of your anxiety disorder?" Swara completed understanding her.

Sneha nods helplessly.

"Sneha fear and trust doesn't come together. If you trust him, you won't fear and if you fear then you won't be able to trust him." Swara said.

"I don't fear of him Swara. I am scared of my fate. I don't want to lose him." Sneha said.

"You should not be scared of your fate either. Because that's what brought Ahaan in your life. Just live without insecurities Sneha and you will always find happiness. And About Ahaan, he has called Sanskar so many times just to know about you. If you are fine or not. And I m sure it's Ahaan again on call. (Pointing toward Sanskar, who was talking to someone on phone.) And.. why didn't he call you? Then you should call him. Also, I m sure a girl hold enough power to lash out on her boyfriend for not doing that untill or unless he has solid reason for that. Trust me, I had done enough no. Of times on Sanskar." Swara said with chuckle.

Sneha also chuckled hearing her.

"You know Last night, he told me to tell you to get fine soon because he can't think a life without you. So On the serious note, trust him and your love. Truth, faith and believe is enough for any relationship to stay strong forever and never break." Swara said.

Sneha nodded.

"okay Umm.. I think, now you should go. I m feeling like I m some philosopher or some love guru." Swara said and let out a laugh.

Sneha nodded at her and she also laughs.

"Thank you so much Swara. You are the best." Sneha hugged her and then she went from there with a smile on her face.

Swara smiled looking at her. Then she turned around to go inside when Sanskar came to her disconnecting the call.

"Who was it?" Swara asked him.

"Ahaan, he was asking about what did doctor say." Sanskar said with smile.
Swara nodded with smile.


Sneha was standing and looking at few children who were playing with a ball. When suddenly the ball fell near her feet. A boy nearly about 5-6 year came toward her running. Sneha took the ball smilingly and lightly throw it toward him. The boy caught the ball with soft giggle at her.

"Thanks di." He said cheerfully.

And then he ran back to his friends with the ball.

Sneha was looking at them when she was suddenly pulled by her forearm and before she could understand anything, she was pinned to a shade tree. The very next moment she felt herself caged in someone's familiar yet soothing embrace whose face hidden in her hair. Her eyes closed feeling it and her nostril hit his cologne. Her lips curved into pleasant smile and she also encircled her arms around his torso resting her forhead on his shoulder. While his arms were encircled around her waist. Damn, only this man can make her feel the things she has never experienced before and hold a different effect on her heart.

"Where were you?" She whispered slowly.

She heard him let out a small chuckle before saying.
"I thought your first dialogue will be 'you scared me.' saying this he broke the hug and looked at her. She opened her eyes and looked at him.

"I m not scared of you Mr. Shekhawat as I knew it's you only." Sneha said.

"Hmm. But it's not that tough actually. As for the matter of fact, no one else can dare to pull you like this and hug you other than me." Ahaan said in a bit possessive tone.

Sneha smiled at him.

"Damn, I missed you." He murmured near her face and cups her face with one hand. His thumb caressed her cheek slowly yet sensually.

"Yeah, that's why you didn't even think to call or message me for once." Sneha said a bit sarcastically and looked away.

Ahaan raised his eyebrows amusingly

"Oh my mine, are you complaining to me like a typical girlfriend Ms. Sneha?" Ahaan said with smirking smile.

"Don't change the topic. You know how restless I was. I was getting negative thoughts. No matter how hard I was trying to get rid of it. I couldn't. I needed you Ahaan." Sneha said truthfully. Her tone said what she was feeling all the time.

When he pulled her more closer such that their faces were inch apart.

"This is what you made me feel everytime you ignored me or may be worse." Ahaan whispered.

Sneha looked at him. But before she could say say something, he added further in serious tone.

"And your restlessness was nothing compared to what a hell you made me feel last night. You snatched my breathe Sneha. I felt so miserable like I have you still you are so far from my reach. I thought I knew you. I thought the girl I love, has trust me enough to share everything about herself. And you did. You shared your every insecurities and fear with me before confessing your love to me but not about your problems. I felt so vulnerable that I couldn't even know your sufferings. You made me the happiest person alive confessing your love yesterday but on the same day, you made me feel worst too. When I was your cure then why were you pushing me away Sneha? Why didn't you want me to let me heal you? Tell me something Sneha, was that also a reason you didn't want me with you?" Ahaan said.

Sneha was listening everything. She could feel his pain and worry in his voice. Gosh, how many people she has hurt by hiding her suffering? By making them feel that they doesn't hold any importance to her? But the truth was, they were her life. If Sanskar and Arav were hurt then Ahaan was no less. The guy loves her more than she can even think but she made him feel this. To doubt on his love for her, that he don't even know her suffering then how can he think a beautiful future with her?

"Tell me Sneha, did you think that I will not accept you if you tell me about your anxiety problem?" Ahaan repeated.

Sneha closed her eyes and nodded. "Yes."

His hold on her loosen and she opened her eyes with jerk. She hold his hand immediately.

"No please. Don't leave Ahaan." She said in pleading tone.

"I will never leave you even though you will say that to me." Ahaan said and giving her a look that he is there to listen to her.

"I trusted you Ahaan and will always do. It was one of my insecurities that was holding me back. When I said, I m not perfect for you, this is what I meant. I didn't want you to make you suffer with me when you can get the best girl who deserves a guy like you. But you washed away those fear from my heart and I see a hope in you. Yes, you are my heal but I didn't want to be selfish again in my life to destroy other's life for my happiness. No matter how hard I tried but you won my heart Ahaan. You made me come out of my shell that I built around myself and I couldn't help but fall in love with you. When I said I love you then I meant it with all my heart Ahaan. Yes, I hide this from you, not only you but everyone, and I only hurt everyone by this. But please forgive me. I m sorry. I love you Ahaan. I can't lose you. Please, I m sorry for hurting you by hiding this." Sneha said with teary eyes and was looking down.

Then only he cups her face and gently made her look up into his eyes.

"Do you think I can afford to lose you?" Ahaan asked.

"I.. m sorr..." She was saying when he put finger on her lips.

"Shh!! I love you too Sneha. I forgive you but you need to promise me few things as I don't want to live with any fear and misunderstanding between us." Ahaan said in deep voice.

He wipes her tears from corner of her eyes. Sneha smiled a bit hearing him and nodded.
"I promise everything whatever you say." Sneha said.

Ahaan smiled. He put his forehead against hers.

"Firstly listen to me and Think wisely. You can't back out from your promises later. Neither I m going to let you do that." Ahaan said.

Sneha nodded with closed eyes. His breathe falling on her face.

"Promise me, you are never going to hide anything from me whether it's happiness or pain." Ahaan said.

"I promise I will always share everything with you." Sneha said.

"Promise me, you will get fine soon and recover from this anxiety problem." Ahaan said.

"I promise." Sneha said.

"You will never let those idiotic thoughts to stress or insecure you to make you feel that you are not perfect for me and if you will ever feel anything disturbing you. You will share with me." Ahaan said.

"I promise, I move on from insecurities and will never let anything hold me back to accept my love for you." Sneha said.

"You will never try to push me away from your life." Ahaan said.

"I promise, you will be always be close to my heart for the rest of my life." Sneha said with smile and still closed eyes.

"And now that I m going to propose you, you will say yes." Ahaan said.

"Okay, I will say... Huh??" Sneha opened her eyes and looked at him confusingly who had playful smile on his face.

He took a step back and went on his knees. Taking out something from his pocket, he opened it. Sneha, who was confused, got shocked yet surprised to see the box having a beautiful ring.

"Ahaan..?" She said.

"Shh, don't interrupt me in between. This is my very first time and I m hell nervous." Ahaan said.

Sneha give him amusing look still nodded at him and he started after taking a deep breathe.

"So Ms. Sneha Maheshwari, As you had already asked where I was whole day that I didn't even care to call or message you. Then there is small correction, my day started with you only. ( Looking at her confused face) Yeah, I came to see you in morning when you were sleeping. It was really the toughest night I spent and was hell worried about you. So, I couldn't stop myself. Swara and Sanskar knew about it but I only told them not to tell you. (Sneha raised her eyebrows).
I was really hurt that you didn't share anything with me and for that I knew I was going to confront you. But I didn't mean to ignore you in all this. For that I m sorry. I was just busy with few things. I was thinking a way that Before you come with any other lame excuse to go away from me, it's better to tie you up with me for the rest of my life and never let you go. I can't take chance with your mood swings. I understood that somewhere this problem was also holding you back. And I didn't want that. So, now that you have already confessed your love to me and promised me all that then I want a last promise to be with me for the rest of my life." Ahaan said.

Sneha smiled at him.

"Sneha, I fell for you that first day we met, the moment you dashed with me even before your face was revealed to me. Your hand on my chest led my heart to feel something I never felt before. And the moment I saw you, I knew that I didn't want anything but you in my life. I never had these feelings for any girl before. You are the first girl who captured my heart. Everytime I see you, you make me feel like.. my life with you and that will be enough for me. I wanted to understand you, know you more inside out. I already knew about your past but that doesn't stop heart and I had choosen my heart to lead. In these couple of months, the more I knew you, the more I fell for you. Everything about you makes me crazy about you. I m in love with your heart. The more you tried to keep me away, the harder it was for me. I want to hold your hand. I want to be that one person who will always be in your heart. I want to be your home. I want to love you and fall more and more each and everyday in love with you. So Ms. Sneha Maheshwari, will you marry me? Will you give me an honour to be your husband and love you and cherish you for the rest of my life?" Ahaan asked with pleasant smile on his face.

Sneha felt so overwhelmed. She wasn't able to utter a word. She felt freezed but She took a step and she also went on her knees in front of him. She nodded looking at him and say.

"Yes." She said happily and placed her hand on his.

Ahaan smiled at her. He hold her hand and slide the ring in her finger. Then he looked at her

"From this day, you are mine Ms. Sneha Maheshwari or soon to be Mrs. Ahaan Shekhawat. If you ever get any second thought about our relationship, just see this and think about your promises and me. I won't say I will die without you but I won't be able to live either. I..." Ahaan was saying but couldn't complete as Sneha placed her lips on his.

Ahaan was shocked but with sudden impact, his eyes closed. She gripped on his nape kissing him. He was sure her nail marks gonna imprinted on his nape. But does he care? Naah!! Not when this moment felt so right. He smiled in between kiss and he also kissed her back. She slowed down but his lips started dominating her taking over her senses and she gladly accepted it ruffling his hair. A few minutes later, they broke the kiss and they breathe heavily.

She opened her eyes slowly and looked at him who was already looking at her.

"I m not gonna think about something what is not going to happen. I want to spend my life with you not without you. Mr. Ahaan Shekhawat, from this moment, you are mine and I m yours forever." Sneha said taking deep breathe.

Ahaan smiled and pulled her into tight hug. He kissed her hair. She also gripped on his shirt and closed her eyes.

After sometime, they were sitting under tree. The sun was going to set. Sneha was sitting leaning with tree while Mr. Shekhawat was lying his head in her lap. Her fingers were busy in ruffling his hair soothingly while Ahaan was holding her another hand entwining their fingers and looking at the ring. It was giving him immense happiness. Sneha smiled at him. But then something crossed her mind and she thought to talk about it. Holding inside herself, will only give rise to second thought.

"Ahaan." She called his name slowly.

"Hmm?" Ahaan said.

"I want to tell you something." Sneha said in a bit hesitated tone.

"Say." Ahaan said looking at her.

Sneha looked a bit away avoiding to look into his eyes.
"Sneha? You know you can share anything with me." Ahaan said pressing her hand assuringly.

Sneha nodded at him.

"It's about Avinash." Sneha said. Then she looked into his eyes.

"Sneha, he was past. He hold nothing important in our life to discuss." Ahaan said.

"I know and that's why I want to say. Please. I don't want that because of the shadow of my past, my future with you get affected. Every relationship should be based on truth and I want to start with that only." Sneha said.

Ahaan had idea what she was talking about. Although it never mattered to him about her relationship with that bastard but if by sharing it, she will feel relieved then he is always there for her.
He got up from her lap and encircled his arm around her taking her in side hug.

"Tell me Sneha." Ahaan said.
Sneha sighed and then started.

"I was in Ist year of my master's when I saw him. I felt attracted toward him, a crush type. And my stupidity that I named it love. One day he proposed me and I happily accepted thinking I got my love. I was in my own dream bubble that I was happy with him. Swara didn't like Avinash. As she felt he was not good as he was showing. She tried to make me understand so many times but I never listened to her I hurt her only. But I promise Ahaan, although I was with him then also but I never let him come so close to me. Trust me." Sneha said and looked at him.

"Sneha no. I trust you." Ahaan said and assured her to say.

"I was living in my own world that everything is perfect in my life. Avinash loves me so much and then one day he died. I was so blinded that I never cared to know the truth. I just accepted what I saw and blamed Swara for everything that she was the reason of my pain. Bu.. but when bhai revealed the truth about him. I felt so disgusted and pathetic that I was with him. I couldn't understand how can I be so stupid that I ignored everything. Even though I never let him come close to me as I was never comfortable. Then also, even a thought of small hugs or holding his hand was making me feel di..disgusted over my.. myself that it was always in wrong way. I... I f..felt horrible Ahaan. It used to scare to hell thinking how wrong he could have done with me if he wouldn't have died that night. Loathe, nauseate and aversion that could I only think about myself more than him that I destroyed my life because of a bastard like him. It felt so disg.... Disgusting." Sneha said stammering with tears.

Then she looked at Ahaan.

"I hate him Ahaan. I wanted to tell you all this because I don't want any kind misunderstanding create between because of even a small thing. Trust me. I was never physically involve with him. Please believe..." Sneha was saying when Ahaan interupted her angrily.

"Sneha, just shut up!! Dare you to utter those things." Ahaan said angrily.

Sneha kept quiet and look at him. Ahaan take a sigh and then say.

"Sneha, I trust you. I know, you are pure. But a person should be pure by heart, by his or her soul. That is enough. And It wouldn't have matter to me otherwise. Sneha, he got his punishment and I don't care about anything happened in past. You are with me and that's all matters for me. I don't want to know anything else. You said all this because I wanted you to let it out. Forget those things which only meant to give pain. And.. This is the last time I m hearing his name because he doesn't hold any importance in our life. Neither you should think about it. I m hell possesssive about my things then you are my life. All I want to hear from you is my name. You are mine forever. That's it." Ahaan said making her understand.

Sneha nodded happily.

"Thank you so much Ahaan. Thanks for understanding me and being the way you are. I also don't want to think about it. I felt better after sharing with you. Thank you. I love you Ahaan." Sneha said smilingly.

"Well, I love myself too." Ahaan said with Chuckle only to get a hit on his chest and they laughed.

Someone clicked photos of them.

Later in the evening, when Ram and Sujatha came from wedding. Sanskar told them everything. Although Sneha tried to stop him saying not to tell them as it will hurt them. But Sanskar made her understand that if someday, they will come to know from outside then they will feel more miserable. Also, they are their parents. They have all rights to know about their children. He assured her that nothing will happen.

Sneha was standing beside Swara. Rp and Sujatha were also hurt thinking that Sneha didn't tell them anything but Sanskar assure them that Sneha is going to be fine soon. There's nothing to worry now. Sujatha scold Sneha for hiding such a big thing from them and facing everything alone but Sneha asked forgiveness. Sanskar was right. They are parents and they have right to know about it. Rp told Sanskar that he also want to talk to the doctor and tell Sneha that they are always with her. So, get fine soon. They want their daughter totally alright. Sneha nodded with smile.

Also, Sanskar told them that he and Swara had already forgiven her for everything. So, they should also forgive her. It's time for them to move on from past. Ram and Sujatha were so happy hearing it. They also wanted that everything sort out between them. They hugged Sneha and Sanskar happily. Then also hugged Swara. Their family was together and happy. What more can anyone wish.

After all that, they were sitting in hall together.

"Well, I never knew that today after coming back home we are going to get so many news." Rp said.

"Yes, but at the end. Everything is about happiness and togetherness. So, I m very happy today." Sujatha said happily.

Sanskar, Swara and Sneha smiled hearing them. Then only something crossed Sanskar's mind and said.

"There is one more thing mom and Dad. Oh no, how can we miss this?" Sanskar said suddenly thinking something.

"What happened Sanskar? Is there anything else?" Sujatha asked worriedly thinking about Sneha's health.

"Mom, don't worry. This one is gonna make you happy. So, Sneha would you like to tell them?" Sanskar eyes her with glint of playful smile.

"Me?" Sneha asked looking at him. She got about what he was talking but does she have to say this to mom and Dad? But how?

"Yeah, it's about your life then I guess you only should tell them." Sanskar shrugged his shoulder.

"Sneha? And what happy news? Tell us beta." Rp asked being confused then said Sneha to tell them about it.

"It's ok Bhai. I will tell them later na. What's hurry." Sneha gave a tight smile.

"Arey, why later? Tell them now. They should also know about this." Sanskar said.

"Yeah beta. Tell us." Rp said.

Sneha nodded helplessly and thought to start.

"Umm... Dad.. I... I... " Sneha gulped as she felt thirsty suddenly. Her throat dried.

"Yeah, we are listening Sneha." Sujatha said assuring her to tell.

Sneha looked at Swara pleading with eyes to help her. Swara gave a teasing smile and shrugged her shoulder that she is not going to do that.

"Yeah, yeah Sneha come on tell them." Swara said hiding her smile.

"You betrayer Swara. You also took side of your husband. I will see you." Sneha muttered under her breathe.

"What are you talking to yourself Sneha? Tell us clearly na." Sujatha said.

"Yes.. yeah mom.. I m saying. I m... Trying..". Sneha stammered.

Then only a servant came there to serve them juice and water. Sneha immediately took a glass of water and gulp it in one breathe. Then put the glass on table. Rp and Sujatha looked at her confusingly.

"Sneha, beta you okay now?" Rp asked with concern looking at her behaviour.

"Yeah dad. I m fine." Sneh said with small yet nervous smile and showed thumbs up.

"Okay, then tell us. What is it you want to say?" Rp asked.

Sneha nodded nervously. She took a deep sigh. Sanskar and Swara were enjoying the whole scenario. Sanskar took the orange juice and was enjoying it eagerly waiting how she is going to tell it to Sujatha and Ram.

"I.. I mom... I.. I.. dad.. woh.. ac.. actually, woh.. I.. Ah... ahmm,.. I.. I... I.." Sneha kept stammering.

"Beta, move ahead from I. We understand you. But what's next word?" Sujatha said not able to understand her.

"Mom Dad,.. I.. I.... I... I na...act... actually.... that I... I... I missed Urmi's wedding. So tell me how was it?" Sneha suddenly blurted out of nowhere.

Sanskar spat out drink laughing uncontrollably at his dear sister's failed attempt. Swara also couldn't hold back herself and she chuckled. While Sneha made annoyed face as she wasn't able to tell them.

"It was good Sneha. But I didn't knew that you were so eager to attend that wedding. Otherwise, we would have taken you with us." Sujatha said confusingly looking at her unusual behaviour. Then she looked at Sanskar and Swara as they were chuckling at her. Rp was equally confused as Sujatha.

Controlling himself, Sanskar finally thought to tell them by himself as Sneha is going to take whole life.

"Let it be Sneha, I will only tell them." Sanskar smiled.

Sneha bites her lower lips and she was fidgetin her finger being nervous.

"Mom, Dad, Sneha and Ahaan love each other." Sanskar said.

"What???" Sujatha literally shouted in shock.
Rp was also surprised yet shocked with this new found information.

"Yes, and you both already know Ahaan. He is really nice guy. And I m sure, he is best for Sneha. He loves her a lot and he will always keep her happy." Sanskar said.

"Is it true Sneha? Do you love him?" Rp asked in serious tone.

"Ye.. yes Dad. I love him." Sneha said gathering a bit courage.

Sanskar smiled at her while Swara pressed her hand assuringly.

"Mom, say something." Sanskar said to Sujatha who was in her own world listening this.

"Oh my god Sanskar. This is the best news. You should have told this news at before only. I also like Ahaan so much. Infact, I wanted Sneha to marry him but I was not sure about his and Sneha's reaction about this. But this is actually happiest news." Sujatha said excitedly.

She immediately came to Sneha and hugged her.

"Yes, Ahaan is really nice. And we also liked him. Also, Sanskar already know him since so long. So we trust him that he will take care of you more than himself Sneha. We are so happy with your choice beta." Rp said with smile.

Sneha got so happy. So was Sanskar and Swara.

"We will go to talk to Ahaan's parents soon. What's say Sujatha?" Rp said with smile.

"Yes." Sujatha said happily cuping Sneha's face and kissed her forehead lovingly.

"That won't be needed mom Dad. I m sure Ahaan is already planning to come to ask Sneha's hand from both of you with his parents soon." Swara said teasingly looking at Sneha and then she showed Sneha's hand as a beautiful diamond studded ring shining in her finger.

"See, he had already proposed her for marriage." Swara said.

Sanskar smiled.

"Ohooo really?" Sujatha raised her eyebrows teasingly at Sneha after looking at the ring.

"Mommmm!!" Sneha whined and hugged her.

They laughed at her. Rp patted her head lovingly.

The very next day, Ahaan came with his parents. Ram and Sujatha welcomed them. Arav and Riya also came.
Rp and Sujatha already liked Ahaan and Sneha and Ahaan loved each other. What more is need other than their happiness. So, there wasn't any second thought about this marriage proposal. Arav's mom and Dad also liked Sneha a lot. They had already heard enough about Sneha from their son and they weren't disappointed when they met Sneha. She was really so loving and nice girl. They were so eager to make her their Dil or can be said daughter as Ahaan was only child of them.
Pandit ji was called and two dates were given. One after two weeks and another was one and half month later. Ahaan told them to fix it after one and half month so that Sneha spend some time with her family. As now only everything got fine between her and her brother and parents. Sneha nodded thankfully for being so thoughtful. While Sanskar also had heart warming smile looking at Ahaan, for whom Sneha is priority. No doubt he was best for her.

To be continued...

Hey everyone. So finally here with next part.
Unlock next part tomorrow with 180+ votes and atleast 70 comments.

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