Chapter 1: Prologue

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McKenna's POV:

I walked into the apartment building when I was welcomed with a horrible smell. "This is too much to handle! When are they going to give up smoking?" I mumbled, covering my nose with a piece of cloth. Teenagers around the area always smoke here almost every day. I wonder why I haven't fixed this problem. I then walked inside the living room, watching the TV. "There's a vaccine for the Linnaeoma disease. A billionaire named Mr. P has created a vaccine to treat his wife who was affected by the disease. Stay safe, Lucella citizens." Lotham the Lion said on the NEWS. I thought for a moment. "No way I'm taking a vaccine. I'm scared of needles anyway." I said, shivering. I went to the kitchen to eat my lunch but, I then got a message from Doggy, my partner in crime, messaged me from my walkie-talkie. "McKenna, you are needed immediately! A criminal murdered a woman and her two children. I need help stopping him." He said, worried but determined. "Copy that Doggy, I'm on my way," I said before slamming my front door and racing to my car...

Georgie's POV:

"We'll be back soon." Mom said, grabbing her purse. Penny went up to me and patted my head. "We're going to volunteer for the vaccine! It's going to be so cool!" She said excitedly. "But... isn't Grandma supposed to babysit me when you go?" I asked them, kind of nervous. Dad walked over and bent down to my level. He held my hand reassuringly, "You are now 15. You could stay home by yourself. Grandma is coming with us. We won't be out long." He said. "There's money on the counter for pizza and a list of chores that need to be done before you can hang out with Zee and Zuzy." Mom said, opening the front door, and leaving. Penny waved to me before leaving. I had this feeling in my heart that things were going to go very wrong. What if they had a car accident? What if a bunch of animals attacked them? What if- you know what? I have to be strong and stop thinking about what-ifs. I went to the kitchen and grabbed the money for pizza and ordered some Pepperoni pizza. I took the list of chores and did them. I then went out and talked with Zee and Zuzy for a little. After, I heard the front door lock click and Penny busted the door open.

McKenna's POV:

"You'll be seeing bars for a long time," I said as I locked him in the jail cell. "Exactly 20 years in there," Doggy said. "Woah! Isn't that a little too much?" I said, shocked. "I found out that he was the cause of 205 deaths." He said, shaking his head." I gasped loudly as Willow heard me and looked at me. She pulled the collar of my shirt and said, "How long am I staying in here for?" She said sounding rude. "I don't know. I don't make the rules here." I said, shrugging my shoulders. "Well if anything terrible happens here in Lucella then I'm escaping this prison." She said, annoyed. "You have an attitude! We fought physically in an alleyway a year ago when I tried locking you in here. And you haven't changed since!"  I said, getting annoyed. "Ugh, whatever. Just get out of my face." She said before looking away from me. "I don't know how long she's in here for. But, definitely for a long time." I said. Doggy giggled. "Come on, let's chill in our office." He said. I followed him.

Georgie's POV:

I stood in the corner as I saw Penny and Mom getting into a heated argument. "NO, I DON'T WANT TO READ A BOOK!" Penny screamed. Dad was eating dinner as he laughed at them arguing. "YOU HAVE TO! YOU HAVE AN F IN READING AND YOU HAVE A READING TEST IN SCHOOL ON MONDAY!" Mom said, slamming the book onto the table in front of Penny. She shoved the book out of the way. "I'M NOT READING A DUMB BOOK!" She screamed. "PETER! HELP ME MAKE PENNY READ A BOOK!" Mom screamed at Dad. "SERIOUSLY? YOU GUYS ARE ARGUING OVER BOOKS?!" Dad said, rolling his eyes. Penny then stomped over to our bedroom and slammed the door shut. Mom just sighed while Dad laughed. Mom then spotted me. "What are you looking at?" She said to me angrily. "Nothing," I replied. An hour later, I was playing with my toys in the living room until Mom came in. "Can you check on your sister? She hasn't been herself since the argument." Mom asked me. "Sure!" I said as I walked up the stairs to my bedroom. Penny was lying in the top bunk. "Penny?" I said. No answer. I went up to check if she was sleeping until I realized that if she was sleeping, she would have snored loudly as usual. I stayed there for a few more minutes until I left. "Mom! Penny's laying on her bed!" I said. But she didn't reply. "Dad, Is Mom okay?" I asked him. No answer. "Anybody there?" I said, confused. Still, no answer. I started to get worried. "Mom? Dad?" I said, receiving no answer. "Whatever. It's probably a side effect. No talking." I thought before going up to my room. When I opened the door I saw my sister. She was up but something was off. She had glowing eyes and was carrying a bat. She tried to hit me. Wasting no time, I ran away and screamed. My mom and dad were also infected. They chased me 'till I lost sight of them. I ran into the bathroom and locked the door. "What's wrong with them? They tried to attack me!" I said, panicking. I had to hurry up before they broke the door down. I then thought of the only thing to do: Escape.

A/N: Hey guys! New story out! Instead of writing a Skibidi Story, I decided to make a Piggy story! If you don't know what Piggy is. It's explained in the description. See you all soon!

Words: 1,033

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