Chapter 3: The Piggy House

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McKenzie's POV:

I woke up with a painful feeling in my head as I touched it. I looked at my fingers as blood was on them. McKenna groaned in pain as she stood up. "McKenna? What happened?" I said, wanting to sleep. "I don't know, but we have to get out of here." She said, pulling me out of bed and forcing me to follow her. Our eyes widen at the escape door. It had two wooden planks, a white lock, a panel that needed a wrench, and also one that needed a code to unlock. There was a TNT that had a timer for ten minutes. "We have to get out of here. Fast." I said, scared. McKenna held up her gun as she went downstairs. I looked around the house for gadgets. I went downstairs to see McKenna holding the green key. "Did you find anything yet?" McKenna asked, clutching the key in her hand. I shook my head. McKenna gasped as she pulled me close to her and said, "Watch out!" "Hm?" I said. I looked behind me and covered my mouth with my hands in shock. An anthropomorphic female pig was wearing a red dress as she was holding a bat, about to hit me. "Penny?" I heard her say. Penny worked with her for two years until she quit. McKenna was a close friend with her. Penny's bat was stained with blood, mine, and McKenna's blood. "Come on! We don't have much time left!" McKenna said while running. I followed her as she opened the green door. "Pass me your gun!" I screamed to her. She threw the gun. I caught it with ease as I shot Penny. "Why did you do that?!" McKenna asked me in horror. "We need to! Also, she isn't going to-" I said before I noticed McKenna left. I sighed as I went upstairs to find her. She opened the blue key to reveal the blue key and the wrench. "Grab the wrench." She ordered. "But-" I tried to say. "NOW." She said, a bit of angry. I snatched it as I gave her a dirty look. "I can do it myself anyway." I said before crawling through the vent, groaning as I hit the floor. I fell face-first to the ground, I stood back up and used the wrench for the escape door. I then saw the blue shed open. It only revealed a golden key. "Are you serious?" I heard McKenna mutter. I took the plank that was lying on the right of the shed and ran back upstairs. Penny was mad as she chased me. I screamed a battle cry as I hit her with the plank. She then was stunned for a bit as I placed the plank across the floor. I saw a few nails with a screwdriver lying there so I took it and nailed the plank in place. I ran through it as I used the wrench for the other panel. In the room to the left, there was the green scroll and a hammer. I took both of those as I ran back to the plank. I didn't see Penny's plank in the way so I tripped on it and fell. I screamed waiting for my doom until a pair of hands caught me. McKenna looked at me with a nervous reaction. "You must be careful, Kenzie." She said, scared. "You could've broken your neck!" She added. "I know. Maybe she placed the bat there without me noticing." I replied as she put me down. McKenna went to the basement to open the golden vault. She came back with a key code. "There's a hammered vent in the basement. Can you unblock it?" She asked me. "Sure." I said as I went to the basement to use the hammer. I crawled through the vent and there was nothing. I crawled back to the basement and used the hammer for the escape door. We only needed the white key and we only have three minutes left 'till the house will self-destruct! I went to the backyard to look for keys. I saw an orange key behind the well. "McKenna! Where does the orange key go?" I asked, grabbing her attention. "It goes in the basement on your right." She replied. I ran to the basement and opened the door. The red scroll was lying there. I heard footsteps and mad pig noises. Penny walked down the stairs and chased after me. I ran the opposite way of the car and ran out of the room. I signaled McKenna to turn around. As soon as I lost her, I used the red scroll. The well then pulled out the white key. "Come on! We need to escape!" I said. McKenna finished nailing Penny to the wall. I opened the door and breathed in the nice air for a bit until running to the police car. McKenna drove over the speed limit as we escaped. I looked at the side-view mirror to see the house destroyed. "What in the world was that thing? It looked so similar yet I've never seen anything like it before." McKenna said to herself. "Not to mention it tried to attack us." I added. "We need to get help from the station. I hope Doggy knows what to do." She said. I looked in shock as I saw the infected roaming the city. An infected also broke our car! "This car's out of control!" McKenna screamed. "What?!" I said back, but our police car crashed into the wall of the station. "Whoops!" McKenna sheepishly whispered. "Time for another adventure!" I said, walking towards the building...

A/N: Thank you for reading this far if you did! Also, from this chapter forward, it might be only one of the twins' POVs until people join! Now, see you soon!

Words: 976

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