Story 2: I'll be back

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Thunder boomed overhead, I knew rain was coming. I didn't move. My eyes were glued on the object being lowered into the ground. People in black stand in the rain, black umbrellas hover in the air. The cold air swirled around. There is someone saying something, but I don't hear it. slowly one by one people left. I stood in the rain. 

A hand rests on my shoulder. I didn't need to see who it was. I knew who it was. Tears and rain alike rolled down my already red face. I'll never see them again, never see their smile. I turn into my brother, he engulfs me and a warm hug. I don't feel it, I feel nothing. 

My tears drop onto an already rain soaked shoulder. We stood in the rain, for what felt like forever. "We should go" his voice was weak. He stepped away, breaking the embrace. I didn't look at his face. Instead my eyes wonder to my hands, cold, like theirs. I slowly turn around. 

I could just see the warm brown box, sitting at the bottom of a cold pit. I stare down the 6 feet hole. Rain bounced off the wood. Slowly I nod. I walk across the grass, my mind wondering. My brother walked beside me, his mind elsewhere. Before leaving, I take a quick glimpse over my shoulder. I'll be back... Mum.

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