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EDIT: Should I write more fem!nct 👀
Ship: Mark x Donghyuck
Dom: Mark
Sub: Donghyuck
Warning: Genderbent nct, (female Mark and female Donghyuck), piercings, fluffy!! Also minor homophobia. Also sorry but I was too lazy to give them female names sooo... also using Mark's korean name.
Donghyuck: 18
Mark: 19
• Meaning they are legal.

Donghyuck was sweating. She was worn out by cheering so much at the football game but she still did it anyways. Her skirt, short as always would ride up a bit—bless the coach for letting them wear spandex shorts underneath—, and her top hugged her breast just right. They had a break for awhile, standing in formation with their pompoms behind their backs. Donghyuck looked in the crowd trying to find Minhyung, her girlfriend. Minhyung had promised to come to their first football game to watch Donghyuck cheer. See, Mingyung had graduated last year and Donghyuck had started her senior year so they didn't really get to see each other because of their different schedules. She didn't even get as far as the second row of bleachers before she had to concentrate again on the cheer. She remembers all the dance moves and knows when she has to be flung up into the air since she's a flyer.

The game was finally over and they won. She took a drink from her water bottle and said bye to her friends and whipped out her phone from her cheer bag to see if Minhyung was here. While she was walking from the field to the school so she could go to the locker room she felt someone wrap their arm around her shoulders and whoever they are they are definitely not a girl. She jumped a bit but looked to see who it was and relaxed once she saw it was Jeno. "Nice cheering today!" He smiled and Donghyuck rolled her eyes and fixed her hair.
"Thanks Jen, I saw that tackle you got" she said back and they did their small handshake (she has different ones for each friend.) "Now get off me, you smell bad" she said and tried pushing the sweaty male off and he pouted. Suddenly another person joined her side and she saw it was Jaemin, his pink hair matted to his forehead as he held his helmet in his other hand.
"Did you see the two touchdowns I made?!" He said excitedly and Donghyuck rolled her eyes and cringed at the strong smell at the two. She loved them, she does really, but they smell like hell.
"I did, now go take showers you buffoons!" She joked and they laughed but continued to walk with her. They must feel bad not seeing Minhyung with her. Jeno had his arm slung around her shoulders as he carried her cheer bag with his arm while also holding his helmet and Jaemin was holding her other hand, in a platonic way of course. Once they made it to the back doors to the school someone spoke from one of the pillars.
"Didn't I tell you two not to touch my girlfriend?"
Donghyuck gasped and saw her girlfriend leaning against a pillar in all her beauty.
"But Hyuckie loves us" Jaemin cooed. Donghyuck didn't think twice breaking away from the two men to fling herself at her girlfriend who caught her and picked her up. Donghyuck had her arms and legs around Minhyung while the older had her arms folded under the smaller's thighs.
"You came!" She shouted and kissed Minhyung sweetly on the lips.
"I wouldn't miss it" Minhyung smiled. "I watched your whole performance and I decided to wait over here for you so it wouldn't get too crowded" she explained and Donghyuck smiled brightly.
"Can you guys stop? We don't wanna see that" one of the football players said.
"Come on man, lesbians are hot. How about we join you guys yeah?"
"Or we can watch" another snickered. Minhyung gently set Donghyuck down but kept an arm around her waist.
"Back off" Jeno growled and pushed the three inside and the football players behind them apologized and said hi to Minhyung. Donghyuck felt herself on fire, god she hated them. All her anger disappeared once Minhyung held her hand and rubbed her knuckles with her thumb.
"Calm down babe. Thanks Jen. I'm gonna take her home now" Minhyung said. They exchanged goodbyes and Hyuck was squeezed by two sweaty males as a goodbye and she glared at the two who just laughed. Jeno handed her bag over.

In the car Minhyung turned on the AC on high since it was pretty hot tonight. "My place or yours?" Donghyuck questioned.
"Depends if my roommate is home or your parents are" Minhyung glanced Hyucks way and the other girl was about to question why but her whole face went red. She lightly smacked Minhyung's shoulder, the older girl laughed.
"When did you become so confident!" She shouted and blushed. Minhyung smiled and placed her hand on Donghyuck's tan thigh.
"My parents aren't home" Donghyuck said and Minhyung smiled.
"Can't wait babe" she said and Donghyuck giggled.

They stumbled into the house since it was dark. Donghyuck slipped off her cheer shoes and set them aside and then set her bag down. She stretched. "I need a shower" she groaned. Minhyung laughed while taking her shoes off. She watched as Donghyuck slipped off her top and stepped out of her skirt, left in spandex and a pretty pink bra with lace. Minhyung walked up behind her and held her waist. "You wore that for me didn't you?" She asked cockily and nipped her neck moving her hair away. Donghyuck shivered and blushed.
"M-maybe. Now get off! I need a shower" she pouted and walked upstairs with her cheerleading outfit and Minhyung followed. Donghyuck set the clothing in the dirty laundry basket and grabbed a large hoodie and some underwear with cotton shorts. She turned from her dresser to see Minhyung sitting on her bed. "Are you staying the night or do you have to leave?" She asked sadly. Minhyung giggled and stood up.
"I'm spending the night, I don't have classes tomorrow" she said and kissed her cheek.
"Okay, I'll be back!" Donghyuck said happily and ran to the bathroom.

When she came back, she saw Minhyung had changed into some clothing she kept here. She was now in a college sweatshirt and pajama pants. "Lock the door" Minhyung said and Donghyuck raised a brow but nodded and did so. Donghyuck walked over and crawled on the bed and Minhyung set her phone aside and welcomed the smaller. Donghyuck sat on Minhyung's lap and rested her head on her shoulder. Minhyung's arms found her waist and rubbed her sides. "Wanna watch a movie?" Donghyuck asked and Minhyung nodded.
"Sure babe" she said and kissed Donghyuck who quickly returned it. While Donghyuck got off her lap to stretched across the bed to the night table to reach the remote, she felt a smack on her behind and yelped and whipped her head around to glare at Minhyung who raised her hands in defense.
"Hey, I know you picked those shorts for a reason" she said. Donghyuck rolled her eyes with a laugh. Yeah, she knows. These baby blue cotton shorts were comfortable and cute, they barley covered her butt and she knows that Minhyung likes her butt. She sat back down under the covers between Minhyung's smooth legs and pulled the blanket over them. Minhyung smiled and wrapped her arms around Donghyuck's waist and rested her chin on her shoulder after moving her pretty hair aside so she can kiss her neck sweetly. Donghyuck turned on Netflix and went to the show they had been watching. Donghyuck giggled feeling Minhyung play with her belly-button piercing.
"I missed you" Hyuck whispered and Minhyung smiled against her ear and kissed her temple.
"We saw each other a week ago" she said.
"But I was so used to seeing you everyday" she said and turned her head to look into Minhyung's eyes. She could get lost in them. Instead she looked down at the older's lips and they shared a small kiss, and then another, and then another.
Somehow they ended up having a heated make out session, I mean they're familiar with these kinds of things. Donghyuck underneath her girlfriend who was cradling her neck and her hip as she kissed her passionately, Donghyuck gripping Minhyung's dark long hair. Donghyuck trailed her hand up Minhyung's shirt and under her bra and she felt the older smile on her lips. Donghyuck froze feeling something she definitely wasn't expecting. She pulled away and looked at Minhyung shocked. Minhyung had this smug look on her face. They sat up.
"No fucking way, really?" Donghyuck questioned while panting trying to regain her breath. Minhyung took things into her own hands and stripped off her sweatshirt and unclipped her bra. Donghyuck gasped looking at her beautiful breast.
She got her nipples pierced.
"W-what? When?!" She questioned as she touched them causing Minhyung to shiver.
"You know the week I left? That's when I guess" she shrugged.
"Is this why we didn't do it last time?" She asked.
"Yes, cause they were healing" she shrugged and helped Donghyuck out of her hoodie.
"When did you make this decision?" She whispered and kissed the center of Minhyung's chest.
"Well uh, I kinda got drunk and one of my new friends from college dared me. Plus I thought of you since you seemed to like nipple piercings a lot and want some yourself" she said and and skillfully unclipped the younger's bra. The bra came off easily and Minhyung smirked and gently laid her down and grabbed the younger's waist band of her shorts and pulled them down. She got between her thick thighs and trailed a finger up one. Donghyuck was blushing and she felt the hot coil of need low in her belly. Minhyung started with small kisses on her lips and then to her neck. "You're so beautiful sunshine, let me praise you. Stay still for me" she said and Donghyuck whined. She felt needy fron those simple words and bit her lip. Things escalated quickly, Minhyung definitely knows Donghyuck's body more then Donghyuck herself. She kissed down her neck to her collarbones and just above her heart while whispering small "I love yous" and "so pretty." She kissed down her arm and kissed each knuckle and finger tip and went over to her chest and mouthed at her chest. Donghyuck's a C cup, sometimes she wishes they were bigger but now seeing how perfect Minhyung looks kissing them she loves it. Minhyung looked up and into Donghyuck's eyes as she took her nipple into her warm mouth and swirled her tongue around it causing Donghyuck to lift her chest high and whine. Minhyung rubbed her side and took her mouth away causing the younger to frown.
"Stay still princess" she said. Donghyuck felt so wet. With Minhyung sucking her nipple and nipping it a bit until it was bruised and then moving to the other doing the same thing while leaving hickeys all over her chest had her wanting to sob from how good it felt. Minhyung moved on from her breast and giggled when the younger shivered once she blew air on one of her nipples causing it to erect. Donghyuck started to gently run her fingers through Minhyung's hair as the older kissed her pierced belly button. She was kissing all over Donghyuck's biggest insecurity—her stomach.
"So pretty" she whispered kissing her side and below her ribs. She was rubbing her thigh with one hand. "So cute Hyuckie" she praised again and sucked on the skin gently and rested more kisses around her stomach.
"T-thank you Unnie" Donghyuck blushed and the older looked up into Donghyuck's eyes keeping eye-contact as she moved down and took the waist band of Donghyuck's lace underwear between her teeth causing the other to shudder. She pulled her underwear off gently and held them up with a smirk. She sat up between Hyuck's legs and smiled.
"Look princess, you got them all wet" she said and Hyuck felt her face flush in embarrassment and looked away. Minhyung laughed and set them aside and looked down at her naked girlfriend. She then bent down to breathe gently on the younger's heat and she squirmed bucking her hips up but Minhyung moved away. Donghyuck groaned and grabbed a pillow covering her blushing face.
"Stay still princess" Minhyung cooed and kissed the inside of her thigh and started to leave dark red and purple hickeys all over the inside of both of her thighs, smirking against her skin as she felt the younger jerk or when she heard her whine. Minhyung came back up and rested her chin just below her belly button and Hyuck shuddered. "Look at me" Minhyung cooed and Hyuck placed the pillow aside to look down at her beautiful girlfriend who's so close to where she's been dying to he touched. Minhyung smiled and gently played with one of Hyuck's nipples causing the younger to curl her toes. "P-please" Donghyuck begged. Minhyung nodded and took her hand away.
"Okay princess" she said. She slid down and gripped onto Hyuck's thighs. Donghyuck shuddered when she felt Minhyung's breath hit her clit and bit her lip. She gently pushed back Minhyung's hair and then leaned over to the end table and grabbed a random hair tie and helped Minhyung tie it up into a messy bun. The older smiled. "Thank you princess" she cooed and placed her hand down on Hyuck's stomach to force her back down. She used one hand to roll Donghyuck's nipple between her fingers and the other to grip her thigh. Hyuck keened feeling Minhyung kiss her heat and she rolled her hips wanting it again. Minhyung gave her more than she wanted. She flattened her tongue and licked up her clit collecting the slick. Hyuck moaned and moved her head back as she arched a bit. "Feel good?" Minhyung asked.
"Mhm!" Hyuck whined and shook her head happily. The need and want was stronger now. Her girlfriend continued her slow antics, licking and kissing at her clitoris and dipping her tongue inside of her. Hyuck was moaning and gripping at Minhyung's hair while the other hand was gripping the sheets. Minhyung moved her hand from the younger's nipple to intertwine their fingers. The action was so intimate and caused Donghyuck's heart to swell in her chest. Minhyung forced one of the younger's thighs down resting his elbow and arm on the inside of it as she used her thumb to rub Donghyuck's clit causes the other to moan loudly. Hyuck has always been loud, but her moans were high pitched and beautiful. Minhyung continued and licked up and down and licked inside of the other as she rubbed her gently.
The sound of a door opening shocked Hyuck causing her to start to sit up but Minhyung forced her back down with the hand that had previously been holding Donghyuck's.
"M-Minnie... my parents" she moaned feeling Minhyung slip a finger inside of her and rub it against her walls.
"Shh princess, you locked the door earlier, remember?" she smirked. Minhyung knew her parents were coming home. Before Donghyuck could complain Minhyung added another finger and started to suck gently on her clit and Donghyuck moaned, long and airy.
"Hyuckie! We're home!" Her mother shouted.
"Fuck fuck fuck" Donghyuck was whining while trying to keep quiet. She started bucking her hips up and down trying to get even more friction. "Please please please" she was chanting and Minhyung continued her brutal act, her fingers worked faster, pumping into her right where she needed and her tongue stimulating her heat. She gripped her hair harder and arched her back and squirmed. Her legs started shaking and her hips lifting, she tried to squeeze her thighs but one was held down by Minhyung. She was moaning to a pillow trying to keep quiet. Minhyung released her thigh and sucked particularly hard and Hyuck screamed into the pillow. Her hips jerked up, her thighs shook and she tried to squeeze them together, and her knees bent up. She felt light headed as she felt the pillow off her face. Minhyung was looking up at her and kissed her heat one more time causing her hips to lift once more and the older giggled. Donghyuck managed to calm down and watched as Minhyung cleaned her thighs with her tongue. She grabbed a tissue from the nightstand and handed it over to her girlfriend, Minhyung thanked her and wiped her face and grabbed the water bottle from the end table, she must have grabbed it before they went upstairs. She gulped some of it down still between Donghyuck's bent legs that were spread open, chest moving up and down as she tried to regain her breath, her face flushed a pretty red, lips bruised from kissing and biting, and her hair a mess. "Good job princess" Minhyung said lovingly. Donghyuck made grabby hands and pulled her girlfriend down and kissed her gently, their chest squished together, Minhyung's cold piercings hitting Hyuck's warm nipples. There was a knock on the door and both girls jumped.
"Honey are you home? And is Minhyung here? Her car is in the drive way" she heard her mother say.
"Y-yeah, we were just getting re-ready for bed" she squeaked out and Minhyung kissed her neck giggling against it. The knob turned and both girls hearts spiked in fear.
"Why is your door locked?" Her mother ask.
"We have a key you know" he father said and Donghyuck groaned and put on some clean clothing and Minhyung threw on her sweatshirt since she was still in her pajama bottoms. They quickly fixed each other up. Donghyuck went to the door and unlocked it while Minhyung pulled up the covers over her stomach and played on her phone.
"S-sorry, we were getting changed and I knew you'd come home soon. Guess I forgot to unlock it" she laughed awkwardly.
"Oh okay, goodnight girls!" Her mother kissed her forehead and left and her dad said goodnight but paused and looked at Minhyung suspiciously and then back at Donghyuck.
"Night" he said and ruffled her hair and left. Hyuck closed the door and silently locked it.
"Your dad scares me" Minhyung whispered and Donghyuck rolled her eyes and walked back over, still high from her orgasm. Minhyung started laughing and Donghyuck glared and crossed her arms.
"He glared at me because of all the hickeys on your neck" she giggled and Hyuck ran to her vanity and saw all of the bruises.
"I'm killing you!" She said and jumped on the bed and held Minhyung down, their fingers interlocked.
"Try me princess" Minhyung cooed. Hyuck smirked and Minhyung let out a shaky breath feeling fingers under her shorts touching her wet underwear.
"My turn" Hyuck smiled cutely.

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