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Ship: Jeno x Renjun x Jaemin
Top: Jaemin and Jeno (alphas)
Bottom: Renjun (omega)
Warning: fingering, oral sex, fisting, handjobs, alpha/beta/omega dynamics

Some people wonder what having two mates are like, they even ask or say something towards Renjun in person.
"You have two mates? How does that work?"
"Lucky, you have two alphas to protect you."
"That's weird."
"Double the alphas double the pleasure right?"

In reality it's a bit tough to take care of both his alphas. Yes it is nice since they all love each other but it's hard when both are severely clingy, like right now. Jeno and Jaemin had decided to sneak through Renjun's window at midnight and wake him up just to cuddle. Jeno was on his left side holding his waist and Jaemin was on his right side holding his torso. Their legs were hooked around Renjun's and their faces in his neck. He was forced onto his back and his arms were in an uncomfortable position on his sides and he was staring up at the ceiling. "I'm gonna kill both of you if my brother doesn't kill you first" he groaned. Both the males just buried their faces deeper in the crook of his neck and he felt Jaemin kiss and nip his neck.
"Mhm sure, he can't fight both of us" Jaemin laughed.
"Yeah but I can" Renjun scoffed and Jeno laughed at that and slid his hand under Renjun's shirt to rub his stomach with the pad of his thumb in small circles. "What? You think I can't?" Renjun glared at his direction.
"Our omega is so cute" Jeno cooed and Jaemin nodded.
"I'm serious" Renjun snapped and sat up causing the males to let go of him and he twisted so he was sitting crisscross facing the two males who were still laying down. Jeno adjusted so his arms where behind his head and he was looking up at Renjun. Jaemin laid on his back with his arms on his torso looking at the smaller male.
"We know Injunnie" Jaemin said. Renjun groaned and ruffled his hair.
"I can't believe you guys woke me up at midnight, cuddle me, and then offend me" he glared and both boys smiled innocently. "Unbelievable" he scoffed and threw his hands up and they landed back in his lap. He was aggravated and tired and he felt a bit sick. Jeno sat up and brushed Renjun's hair out of his face.
"Are you starting your heat soon?" He asked and Renjun scrunched his nose in disgust.
"So you're blaming me for snapping on you guys?" He questioned and waved Jeno's hand away. Jaemin sat up and looked at Renjun worriedly.
"That's not what he meant" he pouted.
"Then what did you mean huh? Sounded like you were blaming me for getting angry at you guys when you were the ones who woke me up and then offended me. Like who does that? Do I not matter to you?" Renjun said his eyes becoming glassy.
Okay so maybe he was in preheat.
"What no! You matter to us" Jeno hurriedly said and looked at Jaemin for help.
"Injunnie relax" Jaemin said.
"Don't tell me to relax!" He growled and both males eyes widened.
"Shh your brother will kill us if he sees us here" Jeno put his finger to his own lips to signal the smaller to be quiet.
"Maybe he should" he glared.
"Baby-" Jaemin started to say.
"Don't 'baby' me!" They all heard footsteps in the hallway and a knock on Renjun's door.
"Renjun are you okay?" His brother, Yukhei, asked. The males looked at Renjun with pleading eyes. The door handle started to turn and both alphas flung themselves off the bed and managed to make it to the closet before Yukhei entered. "You okay Renjun?" He asked. Renjun was sitting on his bed in the same position and he looked at his brother.
"I-I feel sick" he said and Yukhei walked over and felt his forehead. He then stopped and Renjun saw Yukhei sniff a couple of times.
"Why do I small Jaemin and Jeno?" He asked and took his hand away.
"They were here earlier and we took a nap on my bed" Renjun answered and Yukhei gave him a questioning look.
"Listen, mom and dad trusted me to live in Korea and take you along for college. I'm worried about all that you know? And you didn't follow the rules. Your door is suppose to be at least 4 inches open when they a-" he started and then there was a voice from the door.
"Yukhei you never followed that rule when I used to live with my parents" Jungwoo's voice came through. Renjun saw him leaning against the doorframe. "Come on you big baby, let's go back to bed" Jungwoo said and Yukhei, being a sucker for Jungwoo, followed and walked away grumpily. Jungwoo walked over to Renjun and patted his head. "Try to be a bit more quiet boys" he smiled and looked at the closet and then walked out closing the door behind him. The two alphas stumbled out of the closet and took a deep breath.
"I was so sure we were gonna die" Jeno said. Renjun laid back down on his side and frowned.
"Maybe we should leave..." Jaemin said scared that they would be caught again or Renjun's mood might flip. They started to put on their shoes when Renjun sat up and threw a small pillow at them, they dodged it and looked at him in shock.
"Shut up and cuddle me" he growled and the two alphas smiled and stumbled over and jumped onto the bed and clung to Renjun.


A week after the event Renjun was in bed breathing heavily. He was sweaty, sticky, and he felt so so gross and uncomfortable. He was hot and cold at the same time. He was spread out on his bed in only a pair of boxers and a cold bottle of water on his forehead. Another wave of heat hit him and he whimpered loudly. Yukhei and Jungwoo had to go to some business banquet, unfortunately they didn't know Renjun was starting his heat today and Renjun didn't want to bother them to tell them. He groaned and his mind kept screaming at him for his alphas to ease his pain. He bit his lip and grabbed his phone with shaking hands. His closest contact was Jaemin and he pressed the call button. He put it on speaker not wanting it to get any sweat on it. "Injunnie?" Jaemin answered on the third ring. Renjun felt a spark hearing Jaemin's voice.
"A-Alpha" he whimpered. The line went silent for a second and he sniffled.
"Jeno and I have one more class okay? We'll be there as soon as we can" Jaemin said.
"Y-Yeah" he whimpered.
"We love you, we'll see you soon" Jaemin said.
"Love you too" he said and the call ended. He sniffled and pulled his hair. The pain was unbearable and made his skin tingle in a bad and uncomfortable way.

An hour later two males entered through his window—since the front door was locked—and shut it behind them and they looked at Renjun's pitiful state. "A-Alphas" he choked out and Jeno and Jaemin felt the alphas in them howling at how sweet Renjun smelled. They dropped their bags and walked over to the bed. Jeno sat down and Renjun had to force himself up and tugged at Jeno's shirt whimpering. Jeno sighed and used his feet to take off his shoes and took off his shirt. Jaemin did the same and Jaemin laid on Renjun's other side. Jeno slowly lowered Renjun so he was on his back and he laid on his side next to him. Jaemin pulled Renjun into his arms and caressed his cheek and kissed his lips. The two alphas were trying so hard to control themselves, they would wait for Renjun to give his consent. The farthest they've gotten is heavy make outs and hand-jobs. Jeno saw Renjun's underwear were slightly wet and had to stop himself from touching the male. Renjun was cuddled into Jaemin's chest whining and Jeno back hugged him holding him and Jaemin pushing their bodies close drowning Renjun in their scent. Renjun pressed his nose into Jaemin's sternum.
"Our Renjun is so cute" Jaemin cooed.
"Especially when he's in heat, so cuddly and needy" Jeno nipped Renjun's ear and the older arched his back shoving his behind back onto Jeno's crotch and the man took a deep inhale. "Sh-shit" he cursed. Jeno spooned Renjun while Jaemin kept giving him kisses. Renjun pulled at Jaemin's pants trying to get them down.
"N-need you please" he begged and Jaemin couldn't refuse, he loved Renjun so much and Jeno too. He pulled off his pants and Renjun caressed his thigh and then reached behind him to grab the waist band of Jeno's jeans and turned his body to look at Jeno with pleading eyes. Jeno kissed him and took off his jeans. They stayed there, kissing until it turned into a whole make out. Jeno was shoving his tongue into Renjun's mouth and biting his bottom lip while Jaemin was kissing Renjun's neck and rubbing his sides and would sometimes bite his collarbone. Jaemin shifted down and pressed his thumb onto Renjun's nipple earning a beautiful moan from the older.
"Can I touch you here?" He asked and Renjun nodded and Jaemin leaned forward and kissed his nipple and gently bit it. Renjun disconnected from Jeno's lips.
"H-hot" he whimpered and rubbed his thighs together and pulled at his underwear trying to take them off. Jeno sighed and helped Rejun out of his boxers tossing them aside. Jeno saw slick dribble out of Renjun and moaned at the sight feeling his eyes shift to red for a second. Before he knew it Renjun had trapped Jeno's leg between his thighs. Jeno felt his own thigh become sticky and wet and he looked to see Jaemin kissing Renjun. Renjun started to rut against Jeno's thigh and the male held himself back and instead sucked onto Renjun's shoulder.
"Baby you're making it hard for me to control myself" he growled against Renjun's shoulder causing the omega to bare his neck.
"T-then don't" Renjun said after he left Jaemin's lips. "Don't control yourself" he begged, his eyes turning a beautiful golden color.
"F-Fuck" Jeno cursed and slid his hand down Renjun's back and it arched.
"Can I touch you?" Jaemin asked Renjun and the smaller nodded and Jaemin grabbed his cock and gently started to jack him off watching his face. Renjun whimpered pushing his head back and moaning. He brought up his hand to tug of Jaemin's hair forcing him to make out with him once more. Jeno moved his hands to Renjun's front and played with his nipples and the smaller choked moaning into Jaemin's mouth. Renjun turned around laying on his side facing Jeno to give him attention too. Jaemin reached his hand around and kept jacking Renjun off. Jeno kissed him and ran his hand under Jaemin's and around Renjun's waist to his lower back. Renjun trapped Jaemin's thigh between his legs and rode it. Jaemin twisted his grip and Renjun started bucking his hips moaning wildly and Jeno massaged his butt sometimes groping it. Renjun gasped as he came all over Jaemin's hand and on Jeno's stomach when it shot out of him. Jaemin smiled and kissed the back of his neck and rubbed the smaller's stomach.
"Good boy" Jaemin praised. His thigh was wet and sticky from the slick coming out of Renjun.
"M-more" Renjun begged and Jeno and Jaemin melted. Jeno slid this finger between Renjun's butt cheeks and pressed his hole causing the smaller to gasp.
"Can I touch you here?" Jeno asked softly and Renjun nodded eagerly pushing back onto Jeno's finger. Jeno prodded at it and determined that the slick was basically usable like lube. He slowly pushed his finger in causing the older to shudder and roll his hips. Jeno saw Renjun getting hard again and growled kissing his neck right by his pulse as Jaemin watched Jeno finger their boyfriend. Jaemin played with Renjun's hair praising him as he rubbed his hip. Jeno slipped in another finger and curled them against his sensitive nerves causing Renjun to buck his hips and squirm grabbing Jaemin's hand that was rubbing his hip.
"Are you okay? Should I stop?" Jeno asked. Renjun whimpered and whined.
"I-if you dare stop I-I'll rip your head off" he squeezed Jaemin's hand. Jeno and Jaemin looked at each other and Jeno got back to work. Pumping his fingers in Renjun, curling them against his walls. Jaemin looked down and moaned at the sight. Both alphas were painfully hard seeing Renjun like this and his beautiful scent. Jaemin and Jeno were trying so hard to refrain, if they gave in they might rip Renjun in half. Jeno watched as drool fell from Renjun's open mouth. He added a third finger and Renjun brought Jaemin's hand up to suck on his finger moaning loudly when Jeno picked up speed. Renjun squirms and his walls closed around Jeno and he came roughly crying from the pleasure. Jeno took his fingers away and started to clean them with his mouth loving the taste of Renjun's slick. Renjun and Jaemin moaned at the sight. Jaemin growled and grabbed Jeno's hand and pulled it towards him.
"Share" he said and started to clean Jeno's hand moaning at the taste. Renjun watched him with a blush. Renjun's eyes traveled down and saw Jaemins hard erection and then turned back to see Jeno's. He pushed Jeno on his back causing Jaemin to stop cleaning Jeno's hand, not like there was much more anyways. Jeno studied the male and Renjun slid down his body and pulled Jeno's boxers down, he drooled seeing it and Jeno bit his lip.
"Don't force yourself" Jeno said and Renjun smiled lazily up at him. He looked at Jaemin and beckoned him closer so he did as he was asked. Renjun took hold of Jeno's member and wrapped his lips around the tip rolling his eyes into the back of his head tasting Jeno's precum. Jeno growled moaning, Jaemin petted Renjun's hair and Renjun side eyed the male and reached his hand over as he pumped Jeno with his other hand and flipped his tongue all around the tip. He tugged at Jaemin's boxers and the male took them off and Renjun drooled even more seeing it. He started to give Jaemin a handjob, a bit slowly since he was doing two things at once. Jaemin cooed.
"Good boy" he said "so beautiful" he smiled and Jeno agreed. Renjun moaned and became hard again. He wanted more, he was still in pain. He need one or both of his alphas inside of him now. He started to bob his head up and down swallowing Jeno's member while using his tongue skillfully.
"F-fuck" Jeno cursed. Jaemin moaned and Renjun circled his thumb on Jaemin's tip. He whined against Jeno's cock and started to rut against the blankets, he had stopped feeling his wet and sticky slick awhile ago. He was completely focused now. He forced Jeno all the way down his throat, he surprised himself and Jeno gripped the older's hair. Renjun felt his eyes tear up feeling the stretch. Jaemin saw Jeno's dick sketching the elders throat causing a bump every time Renjun took him down. He moaned and Renjun started to pump Jaemin again. "G-gonna cum" Jeno said and Renjun refused to get off him, Jeno eventually came into Renjun's throat and the boy pulled away with tears running down his cheeks and sat up with his mouth agape showing the drool and a drop of cum slide down his chin. He let Jeno and Jaemin watch as he swallowed it and both growled satisfied with the view.
"N-need more" he said and crawled over to Jaemin and took a deep breath.
"Injunnie, don't hurt your-" Jaemin couldn't even finish before he rolled his eyes back in pleasure bucking his hips as Renjun took him all the way in and Jeno laughed and pushed a finger in Renjun once more and Renjun moaned around Jaemin's cock making him feel even more pleasure. Renjun came back up causing Jaemin to whine no longer feeling the warmth of Renjun's mouth.
"F-fuck my mouth" Renjun rasped out and both alphas looked at each other and then their cute omega. Renjun lifted his ass in the air as Jeno added a second and started to jack the older off. Renjun guided Jaemin's hand to his hair and made him grip it as he wrapped his lips around his member. Jaemin bit his lip and slowly rolled his hips upwards and Renjun moaned contently. Jaemin guided his head down to meet his thrust each time. He lost himself feeling so much pleasure as he started fucking Renjun's mouth a bit harder watching as his dick stretched his throat showing the outline. Jeno had four fingers so far and Renjun had cum dripping out of of his member and tears in his eyes feeling so much pleasure. Jeno bit his lip and soon buried his whole fist into Renjun, the slick making it easier. He pumped it and twisted it feeling Renjun twitch around him and hearing him moan and choke around Jaemin's cock. Jaemin chased his release and came into Renjun's mouth and kept him there forcing him to swallow. Once Renjun did he let Jaemin fall out of his mouth and rested his head on the younger's thigh rocking back and forth as Jeno fisted him. Jaemin cooed and petted his head praising him. Renjun's mouth went agape as he drooled on Jaemin's thigh. He whimpered and clenched around Jeno's fist and arched his back upwards and came with a scream, it was more translucent due to coming so much. Jeno took his hand out of his boyfriend gently and Jaemin gently lifted Renjun by putting his hands under his armpits and kissed him cupping his cheek. Renjun closed his eyes breathing heavily. Jeno started to clean his hand once more and Jaemin gently laid Renjun on his back. He sat in front of Jeno and waited and was soon offered. He grabbed Jeno's wrist cleaning his fist. Both alphas became hard once more. They looked at Renjun seeing he was asleep breathing heavily. They smiled lovingly at him. Jeno moved closer and took both of their dicks in his hand and started to jack them off and Jaemin leaned forward and started to make out with Jeno. Soon both males came and they sighed in satisfaction.
"We should clean him" Jaemin said and looked at the small omega. Jeno hummed agreeing and got off the bed and carried the smaller bridal style and Jaemin smiled as he followed the two to the bathroom. While Jeno held their hyung, Jaemin started to bath and made sure it was warm.
The finished bathing each other and dried themselves off and then picked up the tired male who had opened his eyes feeling movement, he had woken up in the bath and immediately fell back asleep. He yawned and Jeno smiled. "Go back to sleep" he whispered and Renjun nodded cutely and once again fell asleep. Jaemin changed the covers and they dressed Renjun together and then themselves. They got into the bed after Jaemin turned off the lights. Jaemin laid in front of Renjun and rubbed his side and Jeno spooned Renjun from behind.
"Goodnight beautiful" Jaemin smiled and kissed the omega's forehead.

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